Claude Le Moro


Assistant Editor
Приехавшая из провинции Доменик быстро развращается, теряет иллюзии и вскоре опускается на самое дно. Однако внутренне она стремится к чистой любви. Увы, любовь, о которой она так мечтала, терпит крах. Возлюбленный отказывается от Доменик, оскорбляет и унижает ее. В порыве гнева и отчаяния Доменик убивает его и оказывается в тюремной камере…
The Good Girls
Assistant Editor
Four attractive young women who work together in an appliance store in Paris spend their free time looking for love and fulfilment with little success. High-spirited Jane is picked up by a couple of lechers who are only interested in one thing. Ginette hopes to become a great singer but is forced to perform in a seedy music hall. Rita is engaged to a man who appears more concerned with pleasing his parents than caring about her. Only the reserved Jacqueline seems to have found true romance. But is the mysterious figure on a motorcycle really the man of her dreams?