Заключительная серия Фантазма, в которой Реджи и Майк сомневаются, что все, что с ними происходило, было на самом деле и все это просто игры разума. Но как это может происходить одновременно у всех в голове...
Сэди и Кевин решили провести романтичные выходные дни вместе в его доме поблизости у озера. Но когда Сэди случайно узнает, что ее лучшая подруга и Кевин за ее спиной крутили роман, она теряет голову и начинает мстить им обоим.
While driving at night on a mountain road, Ellen gets distracted and hits an abandoned car. When she tries to get help, she is attacked by a backwoods killer named Moonface, and must fight to stay alive using advice she got from her husband.
The film tells the story of two ghost children who are cursed to remain forever on a Cape Cod beach and in a 19th-century era lighthouse. After 100 years, they meet two children visiting the beach and take them to the lighthouse, hoping to turn them into ghosts like them.
Original Music Composer
Made famous by the 1957 Hollywood movie, the bridges of the River Kwai emblematize one of the most misunderstood events in history. Contrary to the romanticized film version, the structures represent a period of terror, desperation, and death for over 16,000 POWs and 100,00 local slaves. The Thailand - Burma Railway was the vision of the Japanese Imperial Army: a 250-mile track cut through dense jungle that would connect Bangkok and Rangoon. To accomplish this nearly impossible feat, the fanatical and ruthless Japanese engineers used POWs and local slaves as manpower. Candid interviews with men who lived through the atrocity - including Dutch, Australian, British, and American POWs - illuminate the violence and horror of their three-and-a-half-year internment. From Britain's surrender of Singapore the enduring force of friendship, The True Story Of The Bridge On The River Kwai narrates a moving and unforgettable account of a period in history that must be remembered.
Original Music Composer
Джошуа МакКорд — один из самых засекреченных людей в США. Его задача — безукоризненно выполнять особые поручения президента, даже те, за которые не берутся спецслужбы. Прослужив стране много лет, МакКорд решает уйти на покой, но сперва он должен найти себе достойного преемника.
В этой части выясняется, что Высокий человек раньше был хирургом и сконструировал непонятный аппарат для путешествия в параллельный мир, где ему имплантировали в голову сферу с некой мыслящей субстанцией, приказывавающей ездить по городам и делать из людей зомби…
Music & Dwarf Creatures (voice)
В этой части выясняется, что Высокий человек раньше был хирургом и сконструировал непонятный аппарат для путешествия в параллельный мир, где ему имплантировали в голову сферу с некой мыслящей субстанцией, приказывавающей ездить по городам и делать из людей зомби…
Original Music Composer
The made for television movie Munster's Scary Little Christmas, created three decades after the demise of the original series, concerns son Eddie missing his home in Transylvania. Soon the entire family bands together to teach the young boy everything great about the holiday season.
Born in 1829, Geronimo was a peaceful young Apache. However, that ail changed one night when his mother, wife, and three children were killed by Mexican soldiers. On that fateful night he became one of the boldest warriors of all time. Originally, Goyathlay, "One Who Yawns", Geronimo became the most famous Apache for standing against the U.S. government and for holding out the longest. In 1876, Federal authorities captured and forced Geronimo and his band onto a U.S. reservation at San Carlos, Arizona. It was described as "Hell's Forty Acres". He soon escaped to roam Arizona and New Mexico. He was pursued relentlessly by more than five thousand U.S. troops. Exhausted and hopelessly outnumbered, Geronimo surrendered in 1886 to live out the rest of his life imprisoned in Oklahoma.
Original Music Composer
A mad scientist's DNA experiment on the bones of a mysterious jungle creature brings the carnivorous beast to life, and only his former assistant Ash Mattley and CIA operative Claire Sommers can stop it.
Detailed and fascinating documentary telling the history of the famous German battleship of World War II. The urgent British hunt and the German ship's efforts to escape are described through vintage film and recollections of both British and German veterans of the battles.
Original Music Composer
После захвата планеты Синтария в руки злодея Кайла попадает древний кристалл, являющийся по легенде источником всего сущего и обладающий по этой причине невероятной силой. Однако выясняется, что существует и другой такой же кристалл, хранящийся на Земле, куда вскоре и направляется Кайл. Задача опередить его и не дать заполучить могущественный артефакт ложится на плечи космической амазонки Ладеры.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were the last of the bandit riders - the most famous outlaws in America. Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch robbed banks and trains throughout the West following an outlaw trail that led from Wyoming to Colorado to Southern Utah. While most outlaws bragged about being the toughest, meanest and fastest, Butch Cassidy claimed he was the smartest, funniest and most popular. With the Pinkertons hot on their trail, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid fled to South America in 1901 in an attempt to go straight. Their deaths are hotly debated, but it is believed that they were eventually trapped by Bolivian officers in the Andes mining town of San Vicente where they both died in a bloody gunfight.
Music Director
A history of the supernatural at Gettysburg.
Земля будущего после очередной катастрофы: не хватает воды и пищи, солдаты «Южного Креста» пытаются всех обратить в рабство и установить свой порядок.
Последняя свободная школа боевых искусств «Северная Звезда» и ее надежда Кенширо — мистический мастер восточных единоборств — последний оплот чести и справедливости в этом жестоком мире. Его соперник — Шина должен сразиться с ним, и в живых останется только один.
Davy Crockett, the celebrated hero, warrior and backwoods statesman was born in 1786 in a small cabin on the banks of the romantic Nolichucky River, Tennessee. He was more than a simple woodsman in coonskin cap. He enjoyed political success when elected on the United States' Congress and where he championed the rights of squatters. However, when he failed to be re-elected in 1835, he set off for Texas to find wealth and prosperity. He soon joined a company of American volunteers to fight the despot Santa Anna and his Mexican army at San Antonio.
In March, 1836, all of the 189 brave Americans, including Davy Crockett, lay dead on the ground, but with them also lay over one thousand five hundred Mexicans who had died at their hands.
Борьба Майка и Реджи с кошмарным `Верзилой`, сеющим смерть и разрушения на нашей планете, продолжается… Убийца и его ужасные зомби опустошают города, оставляя за собою смерть и мрак. Отважные друзья идут по следу этой нечисти, чтобы спасти цивилизацию от неминуемой гибели.
A young boy with an active imagination vacations at Treasure Island in Las Vegas with his parents and fantasizes that he meets Long John Silver.
Descend into the dark world and tragic life of the melancholy author who is the uncontested master of the macabre, and hear excerpts from his famous works.
Crazy Horse - the young, mystical leader of the Sioux has come to symbolise Indian resistance to the white advance westward. His leadership in the 1876 defeat of Custer's 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn made him the most famous Indian warrior in America, a reputation he holds to this day. Ironically, like many revered soldiers, Crazy Horse was a controversial and often despised figure among his own people and the white world. His demise was a sad one. Betrayed by his own people he was eventually bayoneted in the back whilst being held by his former friend Little Big Man. However, he will forever be remembered for leading the Sioux to their greatest victory at the Battle of Little Bighorn.
The evil wizard Mordroc has kidnapped princess Daphne to marry her. Dirk the Daring will have to use a magical time machine to free Daphne again.
«Чудеса на виражах» (англ. TaleSpin) — американский мультипликационный сериал, снятый компанией «Walt Disney Television Animation». Впервые был показан в США в 1990 году на канале Disney Channel.
Галактическая Горнодобывающая Корпорация получает информацию о том, что их роботы похищаются с Луны-44, и отправляет на станцию детектива Стоуна для расследования. Стоун вынужден действовать под прикрытием в качестве одного из заключенных, которых отправляют на Луну 44, чтобы пилотировать специальные вертолеты. Но он не знает, что командир станции майор Ли проинструктирован — в случае нападения на Луну-44 пожертвовать людьми ради спасения роботов. И когда детектив выслеживает предателей, ему приходится сражаться на два фронта, пытаясь спасти и людей, и роботов от уничтожения.
Original Music Composer
This film combines live action/original animation and library animation. Mickey steals a magic hat from a Sorcerer and is put under a spell by the angry magi so that no one will recognize him until he finds his own magic within. While Mickey is on his quest, network news teams around the country desperately try to find the famous, beloved mouse who has mysteriously disappeared. On his quest, Mickey goes into the "Cheers" bar, meets up with the characters from "Family Ties", and winds up on Disneyland's Main Street the night before his Birthday celebration is to take place. It is there that he finds he has all the magic inside him that he will ever need. The spell is broken and the Birthday bash commences as the whole World celebrates the beloved Mickey Mouse.
In another dimension, the villainous scientist Duke of Zill, with the help of his mechanical, geometric army, ultimately takes over the golden kingdom of Oriana, where Duke has just escaped exile! But Felix the Cat must bravely save Princess Oriana and restore order once again, from her terrible Uncle Zill and his smoke-belching mechanical troops before he can put his sinister plot into action!
Original Music Composer
Группа молодых городских ребят под руководством опытного инструктора Хэнка Чемберса отправляется в опасное путешествие в глухую лесную чащу. На их пути встречается военизированная команда, проходящая подготовку в диких лесных дебрях, во главе со спецназовцем Джейком Коннорсом. Из-за нелепой случайности происходит чудовищное убийство, в результате которого обе группы становятся беспощадными врагами. И величественный лес превращается в свидетеля кровавой схватки.
A young woman accidentally sees snuff films through a satellite dish aberration and alerts the police, who are already looking for a serial killer.
«Верзила» возвращается! Смертельным вихрем мчится он по Западу США, окруженный на сей раз целым легионом Серебряных Сфер и демонов, ставших еще быстрее и опаснее. Только его противники, Майк и Реджи, способны сполна оценить угрозу, исходящую от зловещего мертвеца. Приняв в свою команду ясновидящую красавицу Лиз, друзья решают навеки покончить с «Верзилой». Если он не уничтожит их раньше…
Original Music Composer
В 1964 году Чарлз Форсайт был посажен на электрический стул за убийство, совершенное им в тюрьме. Жалобы заключенных на пытки и жестокость привели к закрытию тюрьмы. Через двадцать лет тюрьму открыли, и во главе ее стал тот же директор, что и прежде. Дух казненного возвращается, чтобы отомстить своему тюремщику.
One night, an unusual stranger in need (Malcolm McDowell) asks a woman living alone in a house in the woods if he can use her phone. It soon becomes clear that they're playing a strange mind game and that there's something very wrong about the woods.
Original Music Composer
Заключенную-афроамериканку, уснувшую ночью в прачечной, насилует охранник, после чего она совершает самоубийство — вешается. А затем тот же охранник в карцере пытается изнасиловать главную героиню...
Инопланетная цивилизация изобретает идеальный способ избавления от отходов — мусор посредством определённых манипуляций трансформируется в энергию и выбрасывается прямо в космос. Тем временем на Земле семья Путтерманов ставит себе спутниковую тарелку, в которую вскоре и попадает сгусток той самой энергии. В итоге новым жильцом в доме Путтерманов становится инопланетный мусорный монстр.
A Japanese policeman in Los Angeles uses an ancient magic sword to battle killers and an extortion ring.
Original Music Composer
Artaban is a young Magus (Wise Man) who desires to follow the star to the birthplace of the coming King, against the counsel of his friends and family. Carrying three precious jewels to give to the baby Messiah, Artaban and his reluctant servant Orontes set off to join the caravan of the three other wise men. They miss the caravan, but Artaban continues the search for his King, always one step behind. Artaban spends much of his remaining wealth and all of his energy helping the poor and unfortunate people he meets, until at the end of his life he finally finds Jesus--at His trial! Has Artaban wasted his life in a foolish quest? Will he ever get the chance to present his gifts to the King?
Although Carla is a very gifted break-dancer, her insecurities prevent her from displaying this in public. In order to help break her fear she puts on a mask and becomes "The Pilot."
A teenage boy named Ace must rescue Kimberly, and is able to turn into a stronger version of himself for short periods of time to stop Borf from turning anyone into babies with his Infanto Ray.
A valiant knight, Dirk the Daring is on a quest to rescue the fair princess from the clutches of an evil dragon.
Tommy just bought his first car with his own money. He enjoys driving it fast regardless of the speed limit. He ignores several warnings and not even a speeding ticket can change his way of driving. And then one night Tommy's beloved car is sideswiped, and Tommy makes a reckless decision that leads to tragedy.
Joe, who has been pushing drugs at his high school, expands his business to include the ski team. Rick, one of Joe's new customers, has some apparent improvement in his skiing, until, despite the intervention of Bill, he endures a serious injury. Bill, with his father's backing, then blows the whistle on Joe.
A popular high school student seems to have it all; a spot on the football team, the love of playing music in the school orchestra and a girlfriend. His world seems to come apart when the school doctor discovers he is partially deaf, causing him to be cut from the football team on the advice of the doctor. The student's friends fight to keep him on the team; while he struggles with his problem by withdrawing from everything he loves and starts falling in with the wrong crowd.
Music Editor
In a small town in rural Kansas, a troubled veteran attempts to restore an old merry-go-round ride.
Original Music Composer
Sergeant-Major Charles Coward, a brave British soldier is captured by German forces during World War II. When he's thrown into a prisoner of war camp, he immediately plans his escape. Masquerading as a wounded German soldier, he makes it as far as the medical tent, where the deceived enemy forces award him the Iron Cross. Though he is ultimately discovered, he goes on to courageously pursue his freedom with a whimsical and undying audacity.
James Butler Hickok - lawman, scout, frontiersman, gunslinger and professional gambler. His contemporaries called him "Wild Bill" and Elizabeth Bacon Custer called him "physical perfection". Who was the man who became a legend in his own time? Hero or hooligan, lawman or outlaw, man or myth? Follow in the steps of the man who lived the legend, from his humble beginnings in Homer, Kansas, to the gold rush fields of Deadwood, South Dakota, and the fateful day in 1876 when he drew the infamous "dead man's hand".