Elena Righi


Elena Righi is a graduate from California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA 2019. She Majored in Costume Design and Minored in Digital Arts. Righi has a passion for storytelling in the form of illustration and rendering of characters and costumes. She loves storyboarding, screenwriting and cinematography. She has worked in musical theater in the round, costumed for music videos and short films. She is proficient with traditional mediums, graphite, acrylic and watercolor paint. She frequently works digitally in character design and dabbles in creature and environment design.


Costume Design
In the dystopian 2040, a performance artist shots himself dead in front of a live audience. While the extreme act shocks the society, his friend is kidnapped and interrogated as a murder suspect; he has to prove his innocence to survive.
You Missed a Spot
Concept Artist
In a world where every single person is a clown, a mime escapes a cabin massacre and must find his voice to save the girl of his dreams.