Nicole Sharrock


Конец света
Sargeant Nitro
После глобальной катастрофы, вызванной падением на Землю огромного метеорита, окружающая среда постепенно становится непригодной для жизни. А учёные обнаруживают новую форму жизни, которая угрожает уничтожить человечество.
Dumb Criminals: The Movie
Tiny's Sister
Rabbit and Rongo, two dumb but kind-hearted criminals, want to help a young girl get the medical treatment she needs. Inspired by true crimes around the world, they attempt to raise money through a series of dumb plans and hopeless schemes.
Hotel Underground
Debbie Kai
A retired world champion fighter is lured to a secret location in an effort to rescue his abducted wife. He is now a part of their game. He is a part of the show. Fight, to live. Lose, you die. Once you check in, there is no way home.