Kate O'Shea


Play It Safe
Makeup Artist
Coaxed into playing a racial typecast in a fellow student’s play, Black drama student Jonathan is faced with all too familiar decision: to challenge prejudice, or play it safe.
James Acaster: Make a New Tomorrow
Makeup & Hair
A forty minute stand-up special consisting of material that was cut from James Acaster's 2019 show Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999.
Джеймс Акастер: Холодная Лазанья Ненавижу Себя 1999-й
Makeup & Hair
Джеймс Акастер, молодой британец с уникальным комедийным стилем, вернулся с новым релизом под названием «Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999». В названии отражены основные события, которые произошли в жизни Джеймса и слепившие из него абсолютно нового человека. Поистине смешное выступление, в котором чувствуется оголённый нерв переживаний Джеймса по поводу того, как от него девушка ушла к Мистеру Бину, его проблем со своим психическим здоровьем, Brexit и многому другому.
Crissy Rock: Live
Production Manager
'Crissy Rock - Live!' was recorded at her sellout performance at Liverpool's Royal Court Theatre in September 2011. Best known as one of the stars of ITV1’s hit series ‘Benidorm’ and a multi award winner including Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival (for her unforgettable performance in ‘Ladybird Ladybird’) Chrissy is better known to her fans as one of the most outstanding and outrageous standup comedians of her generation. From her hilarious routines directed at useless partners (well, men in general) to her journey through the onset of middle age. Crissy’s nonstop blasts of comedy brilliance hit the right note every time.