Feyzi Baran


Время нетерпения
Этим летом в курдском городе в Турции стоит жуткая жара. Каждый день по дороге в школу два брата из бедного района проходят мимо роскошного дома с бассейном. Несмотря на высокую стену с колючей проволокой и охрану, желанию двух сорванцов искупаться нет предела. Остается придумать хороший план.
Is It Not A Goal Too?
When Azize loses her father at a very young age, her family moves to the village where her uncle lives. In elementary school, when she is sent to watch over her siblings, she meets football that changes her life. No matter how hard she tries to fulfill her dream, it always ends in failure. Just when she starts losing hope, she becomes a licensed football player at the age of 48. However, struggles never finish for a woman football player.
Is It Not A Goal Too?
When Azize loses her father at a very young age, her family moves to the village where her uncle lives. In elementary school, when she is sent to watch over her siblings, she meets football that changes her life. No matter how hard she tries to fulfill her dream, it always ends in failure. Just when she starts losing hope, she becomes a licensed football player at the age of 48. However, struggles never finish for a woman football player.