Adolphe d'Ennery

Рождение : 1811-06-17, Paris, France

Смерть : 1899-01-25


Дон Сезар де Базан
Theatre Play
Испания XVIII век. Обедневший граф любит уличную танцовщицу, а она — его. Но их союзу противостоит самодовольный и беспринципный испанский король! Он положил глаз на прекрасную барышню и посадил несчастного графа в тюрьму. Дни узника сочтены… Однако настоящая любовь способна преодолеть и не такие преграды!
Le due orfanelle
A Drama film.
The Two Orphans
A story about two girls who grew up as sisters, were separated and finally met again.
Семь шпаг мстителя
Испания, конец XVI века. Три года провоевав с Францией в армии Филиппа III, граф Карлос де Базан возвращается в родовой замок. Там он узнает, что отец его умер, а имущество передано его кузену, герцогу де Сааведре, который обещает все ему возместить. Дону Карлосу становится известно о заговоре против Филиппа III. Уцелев после нескольких покушений и смертной казни (по несправедливому обвинению в убийстве первого министра), Базан тратит все силы на борьбу с заговорщиками, во главе которых стоит герцог де Сааведра. Те же планируют заманить в замок Базана короля, который способен позабыть обо всем при виде симпатичной мордашки. Филипп III не на шутку увлечен прекрасной Изабеллой, на которой дону Карлосу пришлось жениться в тюрьме...
The Two Orphans
Theatre Play
"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered.
Theatre Play
"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered.
The Two Orphans
Directed by Hassan Al Imam.
Le due orfanelle
The Two Orphans
A more small scale version of the story Griffin used for his epic Orphans Of The Storm: a doctor tries to reunite two sisters who have become separated from each other during the whirlwind of the French Revolution.
The Spanish Dancer
Theatre Play
The Spanish Dancer is the story of Maritana, a gypsy girl who dances in courtyards and even tells people's fortunes. Despite her gypsy occupation, Maritana wishes to be a Countess. Her ambitions are realized when she meets the handsome Count Don Cesar de Bazán, if only the King of Spain would stay out of their way!
Сиротки бури
Theatre Play
France, on the eve of the French Revolution. Henriette and Louise have been raised together as sisters. When the plague that takes their parents' lives causes Louise's blindness, they decide to travel to Paris in search of a cure, but they separate when a lustful aristocrat crosses their path.
The Two Orphans
Early Croatian film adaptation of the play "The Two Orphans", a five-act melodrama set during French Revolution.
The Two Orphans
This picture is based on the same story that became D.W. Griffith's Orphans of the Storm in 1921. This version, made by the Fox Studios, stars famous "vamp" actress Theda Bara in the role that Lillian Gish later made famous
Don Caesar de Bazan
Theatre Play
Don Jose encourages the King in his infatuation for Maritana, a dancing girl, believing that when the Queen discovers the clandestine love affair, she, in revenge, will listen to his suit. It would aid his plans if Maritana is made a noble. Don Caesar de Bazan, a swashbuckling adventurer is under sentence of death for having violated the edict against dueling.
A Celebrated Case
Theatre Play
Foster sister of the Duchess d'Aubeterre, Madeline, marries Jean Renaud, a French soldier, and has a daughter named Adrienne. Five years later, on a battlefield, Renaud is entrusted by the Count de Moray with jewels and papers proving that Adrienne is his heir. After Moray's death, Renaud gives everything to Madeline and then returns to the battle.
The Impossible Voyage
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.