David Henry


Still Crazy
Tax Inspector
In the seventies Strange Fruit were it. They lived the rock lifestyle to the max, groupies, drugs, internal tension and an ex front man dead from an overdose. Even their demise was glamorous; when lightning struck the stage during an outdoor festival. 20 years on and these former rock gods they have now sunk deep into obscurity when the idea of a reunion tour is lodged in the head of Tony, former keyboard player of the Fruits. Tony sets out to find his former bandmates with the help of former manager Karen to see if they can recapture the magic and give themselves a second chance.
William Morris
Jonathan Cake, Jemma Redgrave and Hugh Bonneville lead an outstanding cast in this mini-series tracing the turbulent political career and tempestuous private life of Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists during the 1930s. The mini series charts Mosley's rise to political notoriety through his personal life – from youthful rising star of the Conservative Party to potential leader of the Labour Party, and later abandonment of conventional party politics to become a figurehead of burgeoning fascism.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Scotia Capt.
In the 19th century, an expert marine biologist is hired by the government to determine what's sinking ships all over the ocean. His daughter follows him. They are intercepted by a mysterious captain Nemo and his incredible submarine.
Русский отдел
Jr. Minister - Whitehall
Привлекательная русская женщина Катя — литературный редактор. Пытаясь переправить британскому издателю БарлиБлэйру рукопись известного советского ученого, Катя невольно втягивает их обоих в мир международного шпионажа. Рукопись, содержания которой достаточно для нарушения мирового баланса, перехвачена западной разведкой. Блэйра вербуют в Советский Союз для добычи новой информации о таинственной рукописи. Но когда Блэйр знакомится с Катей, ему приходится выбирать между возложенной на него миссией и страстью к женщине, для которой преданность собственной стране незыблема, как и для самого Блэйра…
Sir Norbert Smith, a Life
Harry Crabbe
a spoof TV documentary film (a "mockumentary") charting the life and career of the fictitious British actor Sir Norbert Smith.
Поля смерти
Корреспондент «Нью-Йорк Таймс» Сидней Шенберг пишет репортажи о гражданской войне между «красными кхмерами» и правительством. Его незаменимый помощник и друг — добрый, умный и интеллигентный Дит Пран. Как переводчику и проводнику ему нет равных. Когда «красные кхмеры» побеждают, американцы эвакуируются из Камбоджи. Дит Пран отправляет с ними семью, но сам остается с Сиднеем, чтобы помочь ему написать о перевороте. Иностранному журналисту Шенбергу удастся выбраться из страны, но положение Прана совсем иное: он местный и совершенно беззащитен перед революционным террором «красных кхмеров»
English Ambassador
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.
Julius Caesar
2nd Soldier / 4th Plebeian
The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and company has tragic consequences for Brutus and the republic.
Child of Hope
Thirty-seven men from the disputed territory of South West Africa are on trial for their lives in Pretoria, 1,000 miles from their home. They are to be tried under South Africa's Terrorism Act despite the UN ruling that South Africa must abandon its 'illegal administration' of their country.