James Bartle


California Dreaming
Director of Photography
Unforeseen obstacles stand in the way of a family planning to take a road trip in an RV.
The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story
Director of Photography
Dean Cain portrays Scott Peterson, the California man accused of murdering his 8 month pregnant wife, Laci. Based on a true story.
Beyond the Prairie, Part 2: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder Continues
Director of Photography
Laura, her husband Almanzo and their daughter Rose leave South Dakota and head for Missouri in search of a better, more financially stable life. It's a daunting journey, but they're sustained by their resolve. However, they're faced with an even greater challenge after their arrival: an ailing and bedridden Almanzo is unable to tend their new land. With winter fast on its way, Laura attempts to clear the land herself and plant the acres of apple trees that they hope will ensure their future.
Switched at Birth
Director of Photography
Sarah Barlow and Linda Wells are two mothers who give birth on the same day in the same hospital. Eighteen months later, a DNA test proves the infants were switched at birth by the hospital.
Пожнешь бурю
Director of Photography
Основано на реальных событиях 1925 года, когда против учителя, пропагандирующего теорию Дарвина возбудили судебное дело.
Обезглавить Гидру
Суперагент Ник Фьюри, потерявший в годы «холодной войны» доверие руководства тайного агентства «Щит» и сосланный в Юкон, вновь возвращается, чтобы спасти Америку от угрозы полного уничтожения. На этот раз ему придется проникнуть в самое сердце международной террористической организации, где при поддержке могущественной компании «Гидра» налажено производство невиданного смертоносного вируса. Задача Фьюри: найти противоядие, ликвидирующее распространение ужасной эпидемии…
15-летняя и беременная
Director of Photography
Основанная на реальных событиях история 15-летней Тины Спенглер, которая узнает, что она беременна. История о выборе между абортом или изнурительной жизнью матери-одиночки. Брошенная своим парнем, она обращается к своей матери. Тина обнаруживает, что хотя это событие разрушило ее мир, беременность может воссоединить ее разрушенную семью и помочь ей найти свое истинное предназначение в жизни.
Sins of Silence
Director of Photography
A former nun who has become a rape counselor defies a court order to release her file on a rape victim.
Геракл в пещере Минотавра
Director of Photography
Hercules has settled down with his wife and children, but misses the good old days traveling around having exciting adventures. Then one day he is persuaded out of his farming "retirement" to help a distant village which is being attacked by an unseen monster. "Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur" is the fifth out of five made for TV movies that spawned the series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Геракл в подземном царстве
Director of Photography
When villagers begin disappearing it is discovered that they had fallen through a crack in the earth which goes straight to Hades. Hercules once again comes to the rescue and faces one of his most difficult challenges, and must prove himself as a man as well as a god. "Hercules in the Underworld" is the fourth made for TV movie in the series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
Геракл и огненный круг
Director of Photography
When all the earth's fire begins to go out, Hercules and Deianeira must go in search for fire to stop the world from cold. "Hercules and the Circle of Fire" is the third movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Shadows of Desire
Director of Photography
A woman is torn between her love for a gentle man, and her secret passion for his dangerous brother.
Hammers Over the Anvil
Director of Photography
Set in the summer of 1910 in Australia the film follows the story of 14 year old Alan Marshall (Alexander Outhread) as he stumbles out of childhood towards the exciting yet forbidding world of adulthood. For Alan, despite the effects of polio, there is only one passion in life - to become a great horseman just like his hero, the reclusive horse trainer East Driscoll (Russell Crowe). Alan is one of East's few friends and also one of the few who knows about the affair between East and the aristocratic English woman Grace McAlister (Charlotte Rampling). Things inevitably take a turn towards the tragic when East becomes determined to force Grace to leave her husband and run away with him. Hammers Over The Anvil is an evocative coming of age film from Australian director Ann Turner.
Геракл и затерянное королевство
Director of Photography
Hercules comes to the aid of a young woman who is seeking the lost city of Troy. Eventually, Hercules leads her to a camp of refugees from the city, which has been taken over by Hera's Blue Priests. Hercules helps the refugees take back the city. "Hercules and the Lost Kingdom" is the second movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
Геракл и амазонки
Director of Photography
Hercules and Iolaus take time out from Iolaus' wedding preparations, to help a distant village under attack from "monsters". When they reach their destination, they find the monsters are in fact Amazonian women who are controlled by Hera. "Hercules and the Amazon Women" is the first movie-length pilot episode of the television series "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys".
The Shrimp On The Barbie
Director of Photography
Carlos has failed in show-biz and currently works as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. There he meets Alex and dumb footballer Bruce celebrating their engagement with her parents. Alex' father is less than thrilled of her fiancée and says he'd rather accept anybody else. Eventually Alex hires Carlos to present him as her new fiancée.
Малолетний вампир
Director of Photography
Как и любой нормальный подросток, Джереми Капелло, мечтает о том, как в огромном доме его соблазняет прекрасная женщина. Мечта становится явью и превращается в кошмар, ведь соблазнительница оказалась вампиром. Юноша оборачивается в жаждущего крови маньяка. Но это полбеды. за ним самим охотится вампир-убийца. Жизнь не сахар в семнадцать, особенно когда ты — вампир.
Angel in Green
Director of Photography
The Umbrella Woman
Director of Photography
In pre-WWII Australia, a love triangle develops between a man, his wife and the man's brother.
Тихая Земля
Director of Photography
Зак Хобсон однажды проснулся утром и обнаружил, что он - единственный человек, оставшийся на Земле. Зак может выбрать себе любое жилище и любую понравившуюся машину. Однако вскоре он начинает терять рассудок, потому что нет никого, с кем бы можно было поговорить. И тут появляется симпатичная Джоанн, которая, оказывается, тоже выжила. Какое-то время Зак и Джоанн живут вместе, пока на их пути не встает Апи — ещё один выживший. Будучи учёным, Зак однажды приходит к выводу, что им троим повезло потому, что они все находились перед смертью в момент исчезновения остальных людей. А в лаборатории, в которой работал Зак, как раз проводился эксперимент ВСПЫШКА, продолжающий осуществляться в автоматическом режиме. Зак решает взорвать лабораторию…
Death Warmed Up
Director of Photography
A kid is hypnotized by a scientist to kill his parents and ends in a mental institution. As a grown up he returns to seek revenge over the scientist.
Heart of the Stag
Director of Photography
Chilling story of a farmhand who realizes his popular boss has been committing incest with his daughter for years.
The Scarecrow
Director of Photography
The same night as a girl is slain in the woods, the teenagers Sam and Les are robbed of all of their hard earned hens. In the quest for their hens they cross the murderer's path.