Fred Brunish


Born to Peck
Background Designer
An elderly, suicidal Woody Woodpecker reminisces about his life as a woodpecker, as his ability to peck wood has vanished, leaving his life seemingly without energy.
Полька для Вуди
Background Designer
Чтобы бесплатно поесть, Вуди переодевается в девушку, чтобы обмануть билетера Уолли.
Wicket Wacky
Background Designer
Despite a 'No Trespassing' sign, an irritable gopher, and an obvious lack of skill, Woody is determined to play some croquet.
Wild and Woody!
Background Designer
Woody Woodpecker gallops into a wild western town, which can't keep a sheriff very long due to the notorious outlaw (and sheriff-killer) Buzz Buzzard. Woody volunteers for the position but barely has time to shine up his badge before Buzz rides in with intent to do harm to Sheriff Woody. But Woody has no intentions of allowing Buzz to follow through on his intents.
Подмоченный страховой полис
Background Designer
Анимационный короткометражный фильм, номинировавшийся на премию «Оскар» за лучшую песню («The Woody Woodpecker Song»). Герой мультфильм — популярный дятел Вуди Вудпекер — решает застраховать свою жизнь. Но судьба заносит его к не чистому на руку страховщику, Орлу. Крылатый пройдоха пытается хитростью выманить у Вуди крупную сумму денег. У него в арсенале множество обманок и уловок и своя «политика мокрого одеяла», но, к счастью, веселый дятел не так глуп, чтобы верить на слово страховщику.
Woody the Giant Killer
Background Designer
Out of work, Woody complains about his not having any living quarters. A slick talking con man convinces him to buy some "magic beans" promising they will guarantee him a home. Sure enough, Woody climbs the resulting beanstalk and finds a huge castle at the top. Unfortunately, the castle is already occupied by a sleeping giant who Woody eventually outwits, turning his castle into a series of apartments with the giant as a bellboy and Woody as his manager.