Frank Gorshin

Frank Gorshin

Рождение : 1933-04-05, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 2005-05-17


Frank John Gorshin, Jr. (April 5, 1933 – May 17, 2005) was an American actor and comedian. He was perhaps best known as an impressionist, with many guest appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show and The Tonight Show (with host Steve Allen). His most famous acting role was as The Riddler in the Batman live action television series. ​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Frank Gorshin


The Creature of the Sunny Side Up Trailer Park
The Caucasian Doug (Steve Hedden) and the Afro-American Donnie (Andre Ware) simultaneously receive a letter with a surprising inheritance of lands. They travel and arrive in a trailer park that belonged to their unknown mother. Both losers and racists, they have difficulties to accept each other. But when a gore killer creature attacks them, they have to join forces to save their lives.
Angels with Angles
George Burns / Shelleen
An angel wishes to be reunited with his long lost love but they are on different Angel Levels. To get his wish, he's sent on a mission by God to save a man.
Невеста по почте
Russian doctor
Нина, неглупая русская девушка, прикинулась невестой на выдане и с помощью почтовых переводов вытянула из своих пяти потенциальных американских женихов неплохую сумму денег. Откуда ей было знать, что все пятеро - члены банды нью-йоркского гангстера Тони Сантини. Разозленный главарь отправляет своего племянника Энтони в далекую Россию, чтобы он вернул деньги и наказал обманщицу. Энтони пересекает океан, влюбляется в девушку и с ужасом понимает, что это и есть та самая хитрая Ниночка...
High Times Potluck
The Slim Man
High Times' Pot Luck is an upbeat pot caper that centers around a mobster who discovers the magic of marijuana.
Return to the Batcave - The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
Adam West and Burt Ward are taken on a crazy adventure when the Batmobile is stolen from a car museum and they must track down the thief and return it. After solving a puzzle, they realize that the clues to finding the fiend who stole the Batmobile are hidden in their past. During the search, they flashback to their three seasons in tights, including their many sexual escapades.
Sting of the Black Scorpion
Benjamin Tickerman / Clockwise
Cop by day, masked crusader by night, the fearless and sultry Black Scorpion must protect the City of Angels from a deadly trio of villains... the prosthetic machine gun Firearm, the time-controlling Clockwise, and vision-stealing Flashpoint.
Manna from Heaven
Manna From Heaven is a comedic fable about what happens when you get a gift from God (a financial windfall), but many years later you find out it was a just a loan and it's due immediately. Once upon a time, many years ago, a neighborhood in Buffalo, NY is mysteriously showered with 20 dollar bills. Theresa, a young girl who everyone thinks is a saint, doesn't have much trouble convincing her loose-knit "family" that the money is a gift from Heaven. Years later, Theresa, who has become a nun, has an epiphany that it is time to pay the money back, so she calls the eccentric group together to repay the "loan." The problem is, nobody wants to give back the money, nobody has the money, they don't know to whom it belongs, and most of them can't stand each other. Along the way, the characters learn about family, romance, reconciliation and redemption, and by working together they begin to realize their full potential.
Once Upon a Time: The Super Heroes
The Riddler (archive footage)
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Something Else
Frank Gorshin vehicle.
Бетховен 3
Uncle Morrie
В третьей части приключений знаменитого сенбернара забавный «песик» отправляется в головокружительное путешествие. Для главы семьи Ньютонов, Ричарда, долгая поездка к родственникам — увлекательнейшее занятие. Для его шумной семьи — утомительное, невыносимо скучное мероприятие. Однако все разительным образом меняется, когда «на борту» обнаруживается новый лохматый пассажир с печальными глазами. Им, как ни странно, оказывается наш старый друг Бетховен, который, не прочь «прошвырнуться» по стране и посмотреть мир.
Castle Rock
Left alone in the wilderness after her grandfather suffers a heart attack, a teenage girl is befriended by a mysterious drifter. Soon, she finds herself on the adventure of her life when her new acquaintance turns out to be a fugitive from justice desperately trying to outrun his past.
The Phantom Eye
Two film students must find a movie in the AMC vault. They have until midnight. If they survive and find the film they can leave the vault. If not then they will die and become part of the movie forever. So where is "The Phantom Eye?"
Game Day
Sam Segal
Richard Lewis plays coach Steven Adler, a one time high profile division one college basketball coach haunted by the demon of having lost five championship titles. Now he finds himself wasting away in a slack-jawed, low profile town coaching a second rate college program. Once again, he has miraculously brought this unlikely team to the finals. As his behavior on the day of the championship game indicates, he is far more successful at the game of basketball than the game of life. The question remains: if he finally wins the big game, will Coach Adler get his life back on track or is he already too far gone... ?
The Rules (For Men)
While some bright penny made a lot of money publishing a book for women about "The Rules" of wooing and winning a man, one man who can't be bothered to write such things down explains his own system for getting what he wants from the ladies in this comedy. Michael Vigilante (Robert Capelli Jr.) is a lawyer who considers sex to be a vitally important part of his well-being -- and the more sex (and the more women) he gets, the better. Vigilante shares his guiding philosophies on the fine art of convincing women to sleep with him when he isn't busy dealing with his former girlfriend (Christine Nagy), a crazy psychoanalyst (Frank Gorshin), a thick-headed prosecutor (Vincent Pastore), a love-starved judge (Nancy Siriani), and a humorless mob enforcer (Ken Del Vecchio). The Rules for Men also features Howard Stern Show regular Jackie Martling (aka "Jackie The Joke Man") as a partner of Vigilante's law firm
Final Rinse
Final Rinse trails overly hard-boiled detective Max Block as he pursues big-hair rocker killer Trojan through a comedic mix of historic rock and roll performances, pop-culture references, and serious hair.
From Hare to Eternity
Yosemite Sam (voice)
Yosemite Sam the pirate finds a treasure chest which belongs to Bugs Bunny. Bugs is determined to get it back, and boards Sam's ship to battle wits with Pirate Sam.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Cain Ball
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight
Interviews with Guy Maddin and his pals are included in this documentary about the Canadian film-maker's life and movies. Features clips from most of Maddin's films up to Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, including Careful and Archangel.
Кровавая луна
Chief William Hutchins
Безумный маньяк-убийца выслеживает и убивает сильнейших жертв, каких только может найти — мастеров восточных единоборств, чемпионов, доказавших свое первенство на ринге. Теперь они вынуждены драться не на жизнь, а на смерть.Перед департаментом полиции Нью-Йорка встает проблема — как выследить и остановить убийцу, владеющего восточными единоборствами на уровне чемпиона мира, который не оставляет практически никаких улик и сбивает сыщиков с толку своими посланиями через компьютерную сеть, электронную почту графические файлы и цифровое видео.Шеф полиции уговаривает Кена О`Хару, бывшего специалиста по серийным убийствам, вновь взять в руки оружие и остановить убийцу прежде, чем тот нанесет новый удар. Кен приступает к расследованию и пока еще не знает, что у него возникла одна большая проблема. Он — следующий в кровавом списке убийцы.
Pullet Surprise
Foghorn Leghorn (voice)
Pete Puma is trying to raid the henhouse Foghorn Leghorn is guarding; Foggy decides to have some fun with Pete.
Superior Duck
Daffy Duck / Foghorn Leghorn
Daffy is supposedly a super hero and tries to show off his "super powers."
12 обезьян
Dr. Fletcher
2035 год... Чудовищный, неизлечимый вирус уничтожил пять миллиардов человек, то есть 99% населения Земли. Оставшиеся в живых люди вынуждены обитать под землёй. Уголовник Джеймс Коул добровольно отправляется в опасное путешествие на машине времени. Он должен попасть в прошлое, чтобы помочь учёным найти источник возникновения этого ужасного вируса и раскрыть загадку таинственных «Двенадцати обезьян»...
Да здравствует Цезарь!
Pete Dewitt
Юлий Цезарь Макгрудер – вокалист рок-н-ролл группы «Аве Цезарь», которая жаждет всего: славы, богатства и цыпочек. Но чтобы получить их, группе нужно подписать контракт с «Изи стрит рекордс». Дело осложняется тем, что он влюблен в богатую девушку, у которой очень строгий отец. Веселье начинается тогда, когда Юлий пытается доказать, что ему удастся заработать 100 тысяч долларов за следующие шесть месяцев, прежде чем сможет встречаться со своей дамой сердца.
Большая история
Cub Reporter / Editor / Older Reporter (voice)
Лучшая анимационная комедия по версии Британской киноакадемии. Действие этой неприлично короткой, но пронзительной истории происходит в студии новостей. Молодому репортеру выпал шанс удачно подлизаться к своему редактору. Что будет предпринимать юноша, чтобы подняться по карьерной лестнице? В его планах — поделиться с миром скандальным материалом, но большая история сама в руки не приплывет.
Saul Schwartz, a married successful businessman, is bored with his life and decides he has had enough. So he gets a divorce, quits his job, and goes off to pursue his dream, in Hollywood to be a movie star. Only becoming a movie star isn't as easy as he thought. Nobody wants an overweight, 50 year old, New Yorker who looks like a lawyer. He's going to have to make a few adjustments.
Byers the Mobster
Однажды кусок метеорита попадает прямо в грудь Джефферсону Риду, темнокожему парню, который работает школьным учителем. После этого он превращается в настоящего супермена: теперь он умеет летать, обладает сверхъестественной силой… Друзья Джефферсона и члены его семьи считают, что он должен использовать свою суперсилу для борьбы с местной бандой «Золотые лорды», терроризирующей их район.
Sweet Justice
Billy Joe Rivas
City councilor Susan takes bribes from Reevers and allows him to deposit his garbage illegally in an old mine. But when she learns that he also dumps toxic wastes which threaten the nearby water purification unit, she wants to cancel their agreement. She asks her ex-husband Steve, a cop, for help, but before he can do anything she's found dead. Her sister Sunny decides to take revenge with help of a couple of friends, who once formed a female martial fighting squad.
Joker's Wild
Johnny Zero
A jealous mobster chases a screenwriter, who likes his friend, from New York to the Caribbean.
Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers
A doctor and a mortician have teamed up to do re-animation experiments on corpses using gangster money loaned for "remodeling." When they can't pay it back, the Mafia guy sends his nephews to work at the funeral home to keep a watch on the debtors, but the nephews end up helping in the search for new bodies, and mayhem ensues when some undesirable types are re-animated.
Ron Saphier
The sultry Midnight, late-night horror movie hostess, has the highest rated show on TV. Mr. B is scheming to steal the rights to the show. The tug of war begins and soon escalates into a deadly conflict. will Midnight have to get a day job and change her name to High Noon?
Hollywood Vice Squad
A mother goes to Hollywood to find her runaway daughter. She discovers that the girl has become involved in the pornography industry, and goes to the police to get help in finding her.
A Masterpiece of Murder
Pierre Rudin
An over-the-hill gumshoe reluctantly teams with worldly retired master thief to solve a string of art thefts and murders.
Uphill All the Way
Two unemployed good ol' boys are mistaken for a pair of notorious bank robbers.
Hot Resort
Mr. Green
Young guys on the make get a job at a resort hotel in the Caribbean.
Princess Ida
King Gama
Princess Ida and Prince Hilarion were betrothed when the Prince was two years old and the Princess just one year old. Twenty years have now passed, and the time has come for Hilarion to claim his bride. The Princess, however, has other ideas. She has set up a women's-only University - and men are not allowed. Hilarion and his friends, Cyril and Florian, disguise themselves as women to gain entrance to the University. All goes well until Cyril's unmaidenly conduct compromises their disguise - and reveals the three friends as intruding men.
Treasure Island
Ben Gunn
Intrigue...comedy...adventure...unforgettable characters and exotic settings - the legendary story of Treasure Island comes to life in this colourful adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece. Join these timeless travellers in this wonderful and immortal tale of treasure and treachery!
The Uppercrust
Harry Werner, alias Nash
This film combines two very different styles: an atmospheric psycho thriller about the ice-cold hired gun (masterfully played by Frank Gorschin), and the bizarre satire of the Austrian TV serial "Kottan ermittelt".
Underground Aces
Fred Kruger
The escapades of a crew of zany parking lot attendants.
Death Car on the Freeway
Ralph Chandler
A determined TV reporter is out to find a maniac who is methodically attacking lone women drivers on the Los Angeles Freeway by pushing them off the road with his powerful van.
Legends of the Super Heroes
The Riddler
The adventures of many of DC Comics greatest superheroes and villains. In the first episode, "The Challenge," the superheroes must race against time to stop the diabolical super-villains' plot to destroy the world. In the second episode, "The Roast," the superheroes pay tribute to Batman and Robin in the form of a roast which even the villains attend.
Record City
Lighthearted comedy chronicling the exploits of the employees at a record store.
Rudolph's Shiny New Year
Sir Ten-to-Three (voice)
Rudolph must find Happy, the baby new year, before the midnight of New Year's Eve.
Sky Heist
Ben Hardings
A husband and wife come up with a plan to steal $10 million in gold, using the hijacking of a police helicopter as a diversion.
The Horror Hall of Fame: A Monster Salute
In this made-for-TV production, Vincent Price and his hunchback sidekick (Billy Van) host a pun-filled salute to the horror film genre from its earliest beginnings all the way up to The Exorcist. Featuring clips from classic horror films and interviews with genre greats like Frank Gorshin, John Carradine, John Astin and SFX legend Bill Tuttle, among others.
The Man
Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.
The Riddler
Богатый предприниматель Брюс Уэйн и его подопечный Дик Грейсон ведут двойную жизнь, тайно являясь борцами с преступностью Бэтменом и Робином. Городу Готэм-сити, где происходит действие сериала, постоянно угрожают различные злодеи: Джокер, Загадочник, Пингвин, Женщина-кошка и многие другие. Будучи не в состоянии самостоятельно справиться с угрозой, власти города в лице мэра Линсида и комиссара полиции Гордона по специальному телефону вызывают на помощь героев в масках, которые садятся в Бэтмобиль и спешат на сражение с очередным злодеем, неизменно одерживая над ним верх.
Ride Beyond Vengeance
Tod Wisdom
Jonas Trapp falls in love with the beautiful Jessie, a wealthy girl out of his humble class. Against the wishes of her snobbish aunt, she marries him, later faking a pregnancy to win her aunt's consent. But Jonas tires of living off of his wife's family, and eventually deserts her to become a buffalo hunter. 11 years later, with his self-made fortune, he sets out to return home, only to be set upon by three sadistic marauders, who steal his money and leave him for dead. Rescued by a farmer who nurses him back to health, Jonas becomes consumed by the desire for revenge. As fate would have it, all three men live close to Jonas' former home. Matters quickly get worse when Jonas reunites with his wife, only to discover that she is now engaged to Renne.
Эта дикая кошка
История девушки и ее озорного кота, которые однажды попадают в странную и забавную ситуацию с участием полиции и ФБР.
Sail A Crooked Ship
George M. Wilson
A bungling burglar, determined to go down in the annals of crime as a genius, steals a ship in New York in order to rob a bank in Boston.
The George Raft Story
Moxie Cusack
The 1961 film biography of the nightclub dancer-turned-movie star George Raft.
Ring of Fire
Frank Henderson
Frank Gorshin and his girlfriend, Joyce Taylor, are on the run from the law when apprehended and arrested by the Sherriff..
Where the Boys Are
Good girls Merritt, Melanie, Tuggle and Angie - all students at mid-western Penmore University - are planning on going to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for spring break to get away from the mid-western snow despite not having much money to spend once there. On the drive down, they admit their real purpose is to go where the boys are.
Великий самозванец
Получив самую высокую оценку на экзамене в школу офицеров, Фердинанд Демара не был принят из-за отсутствия диплома о среднем образовании. Ловкий мошенник с детства, он подделывает документы и начинает жить чужой жизнью.
Studs Lonigan
Kenny Killarney
A young man tries to escape the South Side of 1920s Chicago.
Звонят телефоны
Blake Barton
Элла Петерсон из Бруклина - оператор телефонной связи, которая старается улучшить жизнь своих клиентов, исподьзуя информацию, которую она слышит от других клиентов.
Billy Gannon
Дикий запад. Небольшой городок Варлок постоянно терроризирует банда налетчиков. Им принадлежит власть над всеми... Закон здесь безвластен. Ни один шериф не смог продержаться на должности и недели, одни были убиты, другие бежали. Чтобы защитить себя владелец местного салуна Морган нанимает профессионального убийцу Курта Блайсдела, который должен навести порядок в его заведении.Хладнокровный опытный стрелок, одетый как истинный джентльмен, Блайсдел, сразу понравился горожанам. Его быстрый кольт проучил много негодяев и вычистил от преступников не один городок на Диком западе. Но Блайсдел охраняет только заведение Моргана, и тогда горожане постановили, в городе должен быть официальный представитель власти - шериф.
Пуск торпеды
Вторая мировая война. 1942 год. Американская подводная лодка в Тихом океане получает задание потопить японский авианосец. Ситуация осложняется тем, что авианосец сопровождает транспорт с американскими пленными, включая жену и дочь командира подводной лодки…
Tank Battalion
Pfc. 'Skids' Madigan
Four men in their tank, during the Korean War in 1951, find themselves behind enemy lines.
Portland Exposé
The owner of a tavern is pressured by the local mob to go into business with them, and figures it's better all around if he does that rather than cause trouble. However, when he starts to see what kind of place his nice little neighborhood bar is turning into, and when one of the mob's goons tries to rape his daughter, he decides to fight them.
The Delicate Delinquent
Neighborhood Street Punk
Sidney Pythias is a bumbling janitor picked up by cop Mike Damon as a teenage gang member worth saving from delinquency. With Damon's help, Sidney works his way through the Police Academy to become a cop too.
Вторжение обитателей летающих тарелок
Joe Gruen
Джонни повёз Джоан на свидание и в темноте сбил на дороге маленького зеленокожего инопланетянина. Парочка естественно сразу заявила в полицию, но тело пришельца не нашли. Зато начали находить трупы местных жителей…
Dragstrip Girl
Tommy Burns
Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
The True Story of Jesse James
Charley Ford
Having fought with the Confederacy during the Civil War, Jesse James and his brother Frank dream of a farm life in Missouri. Harassed by Union sympathizers, they assemble a gang of outlaws, robbing trains and becoming folk heroes in the process. Jesse marries his sweetheart, Zee, and maintains an aura of domesticity, but after a group of lawmen launch an attack on his mother's house, Jesse plans one more great raid -- on a Minnesota bank.
Между раем и адом
Pvt. Millard - Co. G (uncredited)
По роману Фрэнсиса Гуолтни "День, когда закончился век". Остров в Тихом океане, 1945 год. Молодой лейтенант Сэм Гиффорд, сын богатого хлопкового плантатора с юга США, приговорен трибуналом к тюремному заключению. Он ударил другого лейтенанта, который при выполнении задания потерял самообладание и начал стрелять из пулемета по своим товарищам. Приняв во внимание героическое поведение Сэма в других обстоятельствах, трибунал изменил меру наказания на обычный перевод в другую часть под командованием странного капитана Уэйко Граймса. Уэйко требует, чтобы подчиненные называли его по имени, и в расположении его части (скопление изношенных деревянных бараков) не наблюдается никаких внешних призраков привычной воинской дисциплины. Судя по всему, Уэйко живет в вечном страхе перед врагом и собственными людьми. Его постоянно сопровождают два телохранителя.
Hot Rod Girl
Flat Top
After his kid brother is killed in a street race, a champion drag-racer quits racing. However, a new kid comes to town determined to force him back into racing so he can take his title--and he's already taken his girlfriend.When his younger brother, Steve, is killed racing a hot-rod, Jeff Northup blames himself for the accident since he had built the car for his brother and had encouraged him to race it, with other boys on a special course provided by police detective Ben Merrill, who is working to reduce the city's hot-rod fatalities by providing supervision for the dangerous hobby. Jeff withdraws from participating in races on Merrill's course and, without his leadership, reverts to racing on the streets. "Bronc" Talbott, a newcomer, makes a play for Jeff's girlfriend, Lisa Vernon. Eventually, the taunting-Talbott forces Jeff into a race which results in the death of a bicycling child, and evidence seems to indicate Jeff was at fault.
The Proud and Profane
In this romantic drama, beautiful Red Cross volunteer Lee Ashley arrives on the South Pacific island of New Caledonia to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband, Howard, in the Battle of Guadalcanal. There, Ashley falls for the gruff, seductive Marine Lt. Col. Colin Buck, but struggle and tragedy follow when the widow learns about the reality of Buck's life back home.
Runaway Daughters
Tommy Burns
Three teenagers with troubled families are unable to adjust at home and in high-school. Tempted with an easy, carefree life they soon pass from misdemeanors into serious crime - and will suffer for it. Sometimes, repentance comes too late.
Ожидание Голиафа
В сентябре 1939 года, немецкая подводная лодка торпедирует пересекающий Атлантику роскошный океанский лайнер «Голиаф» с сотнями пассажиров на борту. Огромное судно бесследно исчезает в океане... В 1981 году исследовательское судно обнаруживает затонувший лайнер и живых людей в трюмах корабля...