Florence Lee


Огни большого города
The Blind Girl's Grandmother
Маленький Бродяга встречает красивую слепую девушку, торгующую цветами на улице, которая по ошибке принимает его за богатого герцога. Узнав о том, что операция может вернуть ей зрение, маленький Бродяга пускается на поиски денег.
Across the Deadline
Mrs Revelle
There is a feud of 30 years' standing between the Revelle and Wainwright families, dwelling in the Apache country, despite which Shirley, daughter of Martin Revelle, and Clem Wainwright fall in love. The lovers are discovered meeting by Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, who informs on them (Exhibitors Trade Review, 23rd May 1925).
The Trouper
Mrs. Selden (as Florence D. Lee)
Working as a wardrobe girl in a cheap traveling stock company, Mamie Judd secretly loves Jenks, the leading man, who scarcely notices the young girl. She saves Neal Selden, son of a small-town banker, from being accused of robbery and murder, acts committed by the company's manager and leading lady.
Red Blood and Yellow
Jack & Jim's Mother
Red Blood and Yellow is a 1919 Western