Robert Herlth

Рождение : 1893-05-02, Wriezen, Brandenburg, Germany

Смерть : 1962-01-06


Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben
Production Design
Buddenbrooks - 2. Teil
Production Design
Second part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in 19th century Germany.
Art Direction
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
Production Design
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
The Trapp Family in America
Set Decoration
The Trapp Family in America
Art Direction
Production Design
Харчевня в Шпессарте
Production Design
Графиня Франциска с женихом едут в свой родовой замок Зандау. На ночь им приходится остановиться в харчевне в глухом месте Шпессарт. Ночью в харчевню врываются бандиты, чтобы похитить графиню и получить за нее выкуп…
The Trapp Family
Set Decoration
"The Trapp Family" is a true story based on the popular novel by the Baroness Von Trapp of Austria. The film was made in 1961, a few years before the other film based on the Trapp Family's life was released - a little movie named "The Sound of Music".
The Trapp Family
Art Direction
"The Trapp Family" is a true story based on the popular novel by the Baroness Von Trapp of Austria. The film was made in 1961, a few years before the other film based on the Trapp Family's life was released - a little movie named "The Sound of Music".
Geliebte Feindin
Production Design
Solang es hübsche Mädchen gibt
Production Design
Magic Fire
Art Direction
Director William Dieterle's 1956 film biography of classical composer Richard Wagner stars Carlos Thompson, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, Alan Badel and Valentina Cortese.
The Life of Surgeon Sauerbruch
Production Design
Young Olga Ahrendt almost succeeded in attempting suicide. She had thrown herself in front of a tram out of desperation about her miserable life, a desperation she shared with many in the post-war period. Fortunately, Privy Councillor Sauerbruch is at the scene of the incident, ordering her to be admitted to his clinic after a brief examination. Sauerbruch works both as a university lecturer and as a surgeon, a famous doctor who not only helps his patients physically but also gives them spiritual comfort. After he has taken Olga Ahrendt to his hospital, he discovers during an examination that her suicide attempt is due to a serious physical illness. He intensively takes care of her without forgetting about his other patients, to whom he can give a new will to live, even if only through a small story. And he will also treat Olga Ahrendt successfully...
The Divorcée
Production Design
The Chaplain of San Lorenzo
Production Design
Set Decoration
Профессор Якоб Тен Бринкен, следуя каким-то мистическим течениям, искусственно оплодотворяет проститутку семенем маньяка, убившего двух человек и проводит ещё какие-то запрещенные опыты. В результате на свет появляется девочка, которую он отдает в монастырь на воспитание. Проходят годы, девочка превращается в девушку Альрауне и сбегает из этого места обратно в отцовский дом. Монахини пытаются донести до Якоба, что эта девушка какая-то странная и оказывает дурное влияние на окружающих. С тех пор по городку ходят слухи, что она приносит несчастья. Со временем у Альрауне завязывается роман с Франком, который собирается в Париж. Но отец девушки против их отношений, и он рассказывает молодому человеку правду о его возлюбленной...
Die Försterchristl
Production Design
Der Teufel führt Regie
Art Direction
Проделки близнецов
Art Direction
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Проделки близнецов
Production Design
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Verspieltes Leben
Production Design
Germany, 1914: The bourgeois austerity of the small, northern German town in which Ulyssa lives conflicts sharply with her desire to flirt with and be ensnared by charming, young men. That she's married is irrelevant; it's a marriage which exists only on paper. Among all the men Ulyssa flirts with, there is one for which she has genuine affection: Stefen Marbach, an upright and sincere man, far superior to her other men. And, indeed, the two are honest with one another about their feelings, but the outbreak of the First World War separates them. Sometime later, Ulyssa finds out that not only her husband, but Stefan, too, has fallen in battle. The news of this disaster leads her to reconsider and eventually give in to the constant urgings of the Viennese merchant Reindl. Ulyssa joins Reindl in Vienna and lives a life of wealth and comfort, until one day, Stefan shows up.
Opera Ball
Production Design
After the operetta of the same name of Richard Heuberger in 1890-1914 all kinds of situation comic from happy-go-lucky Vienna of the turn of the century, the time of the first cars and the absurd bath costumes: Husbands in the Chambre Separee, her little dizziness and mistake plays, the tumultuous whirl of a grand ball... - A high-spirited comedy at considerable entertainment level.
Разбитый кувшин
Production Design
The man who broke the jug, the judge, is trying a case who determine who broke the jug. Long before the evidence becomes conclusive against the suspects, it becomes apparent that the blustering and bullying - and naive - village judge is the guilty one.
The Sovereign
Production Design
Der Herrscher (The Sovereign) was based on Before Sunset, a play by Gerhart Hauptmann. The great Emil Jannings stars as Mathias Clausen, a self-made businessman who is forced to do a great deal of soul-searching when his wife unexpectedly dies. Determining to start life anew, he falls in love with his secretary Inken (Marianne Hoppe) and impulsively takes a vacation to Italy. Clausen's selfish grown children, not wishing to share their father's affections -- nor his money -- with his new wife-to-be, go to court demanding that Clausen be declared mentally incompetent. Upon finding this out, Clausen flies into a rage, leaving the audience to wonder whether or not he really as gone off his trolley. Der Herrscher was directed by Veit Harlan, more famous (or notorious) for his viciously anti-Semitic Jud Suess (1940).
Hans im Glück
Film by Herlth and Röhrig.
Valse royale
Production Design
In 1852, the young Austrian emperor Franz Joseph persuades his friend, Count Michel de Thalberg, to act as a go-between in his love affair with the Bavarian duchess Elisabeth. Not long after his arrival in Munch, Thalberg has an embarrassing encounter in a public garden with an attractive young woman. The innocent incident is misinterpreted by a passer-by who, recognising the woman as the youngest daughter of Ludwig Tomasini, a highly respected caterer, persuades her father that she should marry the man who flirted with her to avoid a scandal (FilmsdeFrance).
Les dieux s'amusent
Production Design
Alternate-language version of Amphitryon (1935).
Amphitryon: Happiness from the Clouds
Production Design
Lamenting Thebian women are waiting for the men to come back from war. God Jupiter is attracted to one of them: Alkmene. He goes to earth and tries to seduce her as himself: an old man. Failing in this, he disguises himself as Amphitryon (Alkemene's husband) and tries again. Next morning Amphitryon and his men come back from war; he suspects adultery and wants a divorce. Jupiter's wife Juno now also comes to earth and clears things up.
Cairo Season
Production Design
Comedy with an Egyptian backdrop: Businessman Tobby and the Countess Stafanie wish to take all the fun away from their single parents and make them marry each other. Their parents have the same plan, too ... but with regards to their nosy kids. And so it happens, that Tobby wants to surprise the parents with the announcement of their -- the parents' -- engagement at a party (so nice to let them know), but is one-upped by Stefanie's father, the old Count, who announces the engagement of the kids. To avoid a scandal, they have to get married, but will divorce later.
The Only Girl
Art Direction
English-language version of Ich und die Kaiserin. 'Germany, 1890. Duke falls in love with voice which is not that of empress, but of hairdresser.' (British Film Catalogue)
Art Direction
Командир подводной лодки капитан-лейтенант Хельмут Лиерс (Рудольф Форстер) и его помощник обер-лейтенант Фипс Фредерикс (Фриц Геншов) находятся на побывке в родном городе, а когда снова уходят в море, оказывается, что оба они влюбились в одну и ту же девушку - дочь бургомистра Хельгу (Эльза Кнотт). Подводная лодка торпедирует и топит английский крейсер. Одержав эту победу, Лиерс впервые на радостях делится сердечными чувствами с Фредериксом, и тот, затаив в душе боль, молча осознаёт, что любимая им девушка предпочитает из них двоих Лиерса. Между тем подводная лодка торпедирует нейтральное на первый взгляд парусное судно, которое в конечном итоге оказывается английским кораблём-приманкой...
The Congress Dances
Art Direction
Vienna glove-sales-lady Christel falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander. Austrian Prince Metternich tries to use this and other pleasant diversions to keep him out of the negotiation conferences of the 1815 Vienna Congress.
The Little Escapade
Production Design
A wife believes her husband has been deceiving her and decides to have some fun at his expense. After a bit of mischief, her husband, a lawyer who is preparing a divorce for a client, decides to start divorce proceedings himself. The wife then realises she has gone too far.
In the Employ of the Secret Service
Art Direction
During WWI a German agent receives an order to find out when the Russian army will carry out its expected attack against the German lines.
The Man in Search of His Murderer
Art Direction
A man in bad sorts hires a burglar to later kill him, then changes his mind when his fortunes turn and must find the contracted murderer before it is too late.
The Flute Concert of Sans-Souci
Production Design
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka Frederick the Great) of Prussia and his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
Love's Carnival
Production Design
A boy song from Heidelberg
Production Design
The Temporary Widow
Art Direction
Kitty Kellermann is put on trial for murdering her husband, a failed painter. When her counsel resigns from his mandate, the mysterious Peter Bille steps in, though it becomes apparent that he actually is not an advocate but Kitty's lover and moreover confesses the murder. The widow has to admit that the pictures by her deceased spouse sell much better, only for him to suddenly appear alive.
Art Direction
Hokuspokus is a 1930 German comedy film directed by Gustav Ucicky and starring Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch and Oskar Homolka. It was an adaptation of the play Hokuspokus by Curt Goetz.
The Immortal Vagabond
Art Direction
Prevented from wedding a postman's daughter (her father prefers she marry a farmer) a Tyrol schoolteacher succeeds instead in having an opera of his acceptance in Vienna. But this isn't the happiness he wanted, he becomes a hobo.
Art Direction
Уличив в краже из ювелирного магазина молодую красивую женщину, полицейский Холк не смог устоять перед ее чарами и в конце концов согласился не давать делу ход. А вскоре он уже был готов и жениться на ней, когда на сцену вышел ее давний возлюбленный, ограбивший на днях один из парижских банков…
Looping the Loop
Art Direction
Botto the Clown is in love with the much younger Blanche but she is in love with the handsome daredevil acrobate Andre.
Costume Design
Поспорили архангел Михаил и Сатана: добро и зло — что сильнее? В центре пари высших сил — доктор Фауст, ученый старец, само благородство и воплощенное знание. Отчаявшись спасти свой город от чумы, он обращается-таки за помощью к темным силам, вызвав из Тьмы Сатану — и тот дарует ему чудесную силу…
Art Direction
Поспорили архангел Михаил и Сатана: добро и зло — что сильнее? В центре пари высших сил — доктор Фауст, ученый старец, само благородство и воплощенное знание. Отчаявшись спасти свой город от чумы, он обращается-таки за помощью к темным силам, вызвав из Тьмы Сатану — и тот дарует ему чудесную силу…
Costume Design
История о Тартюфе — религиозном лицемере, который превращает в капитал набожность других, набивая собственные карманы.
Art Direction
История о Тартюфе — религиозном лицемере, который превращает в капитал набожность других, набивая собственные карманы.
Последний человек
Art Direction
Должность портье известного отеля – престижна. Поэтому, когда главного героя из-за его пожилого возраста смещают, он крайне подавлен и унижен.
The Treasure
Production Design
On the surface a straightforward tale of the search for a buried treasure, the film is a textbook example of German expressionism, with the passions of the protagonists conveyed as much through symbolism as action.
Усталая смерть
Art Direction
Молодая пара отдыхает в маленькой деревенской гостинице. Внезапно мужчина оказывается похищенным Смертью. Женщина находит таинственный вход в потусторонний мир и встречается со Смертью, которая рассказывает ей три разных истории, происходящих в разных, порой неожиданных местах.