Lauren Abrams


Стив Джобс
Scenic Artist
Фильм «Стив Джобс» - биографическая лента об одном из пионеров эры IT-технологий. Картина разделена на три условные части, каждая из которых рассказывает о важном для Джобса периоде, связанном с выпуском ключевых продуктов его компании. В 1984 году Стив вместе с командой разработчиков презентовал Макинтош. 1988 год - Apple теряла долю на рынке, испытывала сложности с инновациями и была вынуждена обратиться к бывшему создателю за помощью, попутно купив NEXT, где он создал компьютер, достойный внимания. И, наконец, в 1998 году Джобс готовится показать миру iMac. С этого периода вся история Стива делится на до и после. А Apple становится компанией, опережающей время.
Split Decision
This film is a scrambled narrative that illustrates, in soap opera fashion, life of artists in Lower Manhattan and at the same time dramatizes questions about the nature of filmic representation. Split decision is a boxing term used when the judges divide their votes in finding a winner. In this case the fight is between the two heroes of the film who are seen intermittently in a bar, negotiating a pick-up, and at home, breaking up in a domestic quarrel. The fight is also in the telling, between modes of conventional representation and modes of radical representation - between conventional continuity editing, and abstraction created through computer generated grids. The film features an appearance by Carolee Schneemann and digital imaging from before the era of personal computers.
Split Decision
Bar Crowd
This film is a scrambled narrative that illustrates, in soap opera fashion, life of artists in Lower Manhattan and at the same time dramatizes questions about the nature of filmic representation. Split decision is a boxing term used when the judges divide their votes in finding a winner. In this case the fight is between the two heroes of the film who are seen intermittently in a bar, negotiating a pick-up, and at home, breaking up in a domestic quarrel. The fight is also in the telling, between modes of conventional representation and modes of radical representation - between conventional continuity editing, and abstraction created through computer generated grids. The film features an appearance by Carolee Schneemann and digital imaging from before the era of personal computers.
You Can Practically Taste It With Your Eyes
"A precursor to the style and energy of my early 16mm films, which I tend to think of as a trilogy: comprised of ‘Petit Mal’, ‘Ciao Bella or Fuck me Dead’ [1978] and ‘Soothing the Bruise’ [1980]" (B.B)