Hannah Dannelly

Hannah Dannelly

Рождение : 1997-01-29, Katy, Texas, USA


Hannah Dannelly was born and raised in Katy, TX. Hannah moved out at the age of 17 to pursue her dreams in Los Angeles. Hannah's main talents include acting, volleyball, and kickboxing.


Hannah Dannelly
Hannah Dannelly
Hannah Dannelly


Drowning in Secrets
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Месть сталкера
Несколько друзей отправиляются на выходные в домик у озера, где сталкиваются с осужденным индейским вождём, подражателем серийному маньяку и с ужасным социопатом в маске Дэймона.
My Life for Yours
A gang unit cop falls for a woman of another race who owns a family business in the middle of gang territory.
The Missing 6
When 6 friends go on a camping trip only one survives but can't speak.
Becoming Lucy
Lucy, 15, blames her mother for her father leaving them for a 24 year-old blonde. When she finds out her crush at school likes blondes, she dyes her hair to get the attention of both men.
Eric's Date to the Dance
Перед нами история Дайны - молодой школьной учительницы, которая влюбляется в своего ученика-подростка Эрика. То, что начинается как невинный флирт, перерастает в непростые отношения, поглощая все помыслы и эмоции героини и вынуждая пересекать запретные границы. Даже под угрозой разоблачения она продолжает витать в облаках своих грез...