Scenario Writer
A seemingly ordinary day in the life of Quentin, a Parisian film-lover. After going to the cinema twice, he runs into a former college friend, listens to a girls' conversation in a bar, then goes and meet his best friend, has a beer, and ends up spending the evening in the Parc Montsouris, where he meets Lise.
A seemingly ordinary day in the life of Quentin, a Parisian film-lover. After going to the cinema twice, he runs into a former college friend, listens to a girls' conversation in a bar, then goes and meet his best friend, has a beer, and ends up spending the evening in the Parc Montsouris, where he meets Lise.
Summer in Paris, in the Parc des Buttes Chaumont. Two friends meet and tell each other their sad romantic adventures. Two teenagers who didn't leave Paris for the vacations try to seduce a melancholic American girl. A director, worn out by her crew, gets lost in her dreams of cinema.
Scenario Writer