Timothy Bond

Timothy Bond

Рождение : , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Timothy Bond


Christmas Song
Romance blossoms between two music teachers who compete for the same job.
The Case for Christmas
An up-and-coming attorney risks it all to help defend Santa when Christmas is in jeopardy of cancellation.
Печальное обольщение
Музыкант средних лет попадает под чары обольстительной сексуальной вокалистки, которая ищет собственные 15 секунд славы. Микки Тейлор, когда-то очень популярный солист известной группы «Святые», жил жизнью полной наркотиков и рок-н-ролла пока не встретил свою будущую жену Джойс, работающую риелтором в крупной компании…
The Secrets of Comfort House
A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter.
Family in Hiding
A woman witnesses the murder of a prosecutor by a criminal he is trying to convict. She informs the FBI, who then places her and her family in Witness Protection. And their lives are turned upside down. The agent tries to get the criminal but it seems he has someone in the FBI helping him. And when her daughter calls her boyfriend, it places her family in danger.
Gospel of Deceit
Emily, a preacher's wife, is as faithful a spouse as they come — until her hubby, Ted, takes in a handsome drifter who's down on his luck. (Red flag!) Emily finds herself drawn to this sexy wanderer, and it doesn't take long for the pair to begin a steamy affair — right under unsuspecting Ted's nose. When a guilt-ridden Emily eventually tries to call it quits, the real drama begins!
Lesser Evil
When Karen finally gathers up the courage to go to the police after she is raped, she's shocked to learn that the cops won't do a thing about it! So this gutsy gal goes up against a federal law-enforcement agency in order to make sure her attacker is thrown behind bars once and for all. You'll cheer Karen on as she fights for justice.
A reporter is killed whilst investigating a story & her college friend and former professor join forces to try and find out who killed her.
Eve's Christmas
A wealthy and successful career woman gets a second chance in life when a magical wish transports her back in time eight years to when she walked away from her fiance to lead a business life in New York.
Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy III
Trina and her brother Dan think dad's dummies are pretty cool. Until one day they notice one of the dummy's hands is warm, humanly warm! Then they hear eerie voices coming from the attic. Could the dummies be leading lives of their own?
High Explosive
Medical and de-mining personnel for the United Nations must escape from war-torn Angola before revolutionaries kill them.
Leo Vincey receives a map from his late father, leading him to the legendary city of Kor in search of an explanation for his mysterious ancestry. He is accompanied by his girlfriend Roxanne. He discovers that he is the only descendant of an Egyptian priest who had been executed for the crime of falling in love with the Egyptian Princess. The ruling queen Ayesha, or rather She, is the same Egyptian Princess of centuries ago, her beauty and youth look being preserved by magic. She becomes convinced that Leo is the reincarnation of her former lover, and wants to kill him. Leo and Roxanne will have to fight against surprise attacks on them, but survival in that foreign land with strange customs, is difficult. Leo is terribly attracted to She's beauty, but at the same time he fears for her obscure spirit, and finally he must take a decision - to run away from her, or to love her and die.
Sweet Deception
One day, Risa Gallagher gets home and finds her husband murdered. Everybody thinks she did it and she gets sentenced to lifetime in jail. She manages to escape and in order to survive, she has to find out who the real killer is without getting caught by the police. But which of her friends can she trust?
Running Wild
A drama directed by Timothy Bond.
Diamond Girl
Denny Montana never looks at Claire. She has been working for him for four years and fallen in love at a distance. When Denny's brother Regan returns to oversee the sale of the family vineyard, Claire and Reganen makes pact. To make Denny jealous and lure him away from his girlfriend's bad influence. But what Claire and Regan did not take into account was how difficult it can be to control their own emotions.
Perfect Little Angels
Having just moved to a new town, widow Elaine Freedman and her teenage daughter Justine are greeted by the effusive, terribly nice Dr. Calvin Lawrence. Sensing that Justine is bit testy and out of sorts, Dr. Lawrence recommends that she begin taking a special vitamin which he manufactures in his own home. Before long, Justine is the model of perfection -- just like all the other teenagers in town.
The Shadow Men
Happily married couple Bob and Dez Wilson and their 12-year old son Andy are being attacked by a blinding light when driving home from a daytrip. They awaken a couple of hours later, seemingly unscathed but soon driven mad by recurring nightmares. It soon appears that they have been abducted by aliens as proved by their sons handycam that had suddenly started running right after the incident. This mysterious fact is discovered by even more mysterious Men In Black who start nagging the family up to the point of threatening to kill them. Laughed at by the police the threesome seek refuge at sf-writer Stan Mills' house and start fighting back.
Goosebumps: Monster Blood
Evan's visit to his great aunt Katherine's house turns eventful when he finds a jar marked "Monster Blood". He and his new friend, Andy, decide to try it out, but are horrified to find that it is growing.
The Haunted Mask
A teenage girl, Carly Beth, wishes for a scarier mask to wear on Halloween and finds one at an old store. What she doesn't realize is that the mask itself is evil and has the power to take control of the wearer.
Night of the Twisters
A coming-of-age story, adapted from Irv Ruckman's 1984 novel, about a teenager who bonds with his stepfather while the Blainsworth, Nebraska farm family battles a series of killer twisters.
Loving Evangeline
Robert Cannon manager for a large computer company, hit by one disaster after another - his brother's death and at the same time an important contract end up at his worst competitor. In the hunt for the leak he directs suspicion of beautiful Evie Shaw, but as he gets closer to her Robert realizes that he must choose between revealing Evie, or revealing his own feelings for her.
TekWar: TekLab
The actual sword of Excalibur has been stolen in London, and futuristic detectives Jake Cardigan and Sid Gomez are assigned to track it down and to find out who is trying to block the British reign from its rightful heir.
A computer software designer becomes obsessed with his now-married high-school crush of 20 years before.
Возвращение в Затерянный Мир
В Африку за нефтью и прочими сокровищами устремляются европейские авантюристы всех мастей. Среди них — бельгиец Хэйманс с группой головорезов. Дорогу к месторождениям он прокладывает себе, вырубая растительность, истребляя огнем и взрывчаткой уникальных животных, порабощая и убивая местных жителей. Под девизом «Никаких больше богов! — только Смерть» Хейманс сбрасывает с утеса вождя местного племени и добивает динозавра, выжившего после динамитного взрыва. В отчаянии красавица-абориген Малу приходит к Кейт Криншоу, которая телеграфирует лондонскому репортеру Эдварду Мелоуну и фотографу Дженни Нильсон о том, что из-за добычи нефти их любимые реликтовые твари находятся в опасности. Журналисты бьют тревогу, вновь находящиеся по разные стороны теоретических баррикад (на сей раз — по вопросу происхождения реки Ориноко) профессоры Челленджер и Саммерли присоединяются к ним, и все вместе они спешат на помощь Затерянному Миру…
Затерянный мир
Экстравагантный профессор Челленджер и падкий на сенсации репортер Эдвард Мелоун загораются идеей организовать экспедицию в Африку. Ее цель — подтвердить или опровергнуть утверждения Челленджера о том, что в самом сердце черного континента еще сохранились гигантские доисторические животные. К ним присоединяется профессор Саммерли, убежденный в том, что заявления коллеги безосновательны; Дженни Нильсон, состоятельная и привлекательная дама-фотограф; 13-летний безбилетник Джим; и чернокожая красавица Малу, взявшаяся сопроводить отважных исследователей через таинственные джунгли. К изумлению путешественников, их самые смелые догадки подтверждаются: они обнаруживают землю, на которой обитают динозавры, птеродактили и первобытные люди. Однако экспедиция, начинавшаяся как курьез, теперь оборачивается нешуточной борьбой за выживание. Наши герои должны оставить в прошлом свои разногласия и распри, чтобы благополучно покинуть этот удивительный край, названный ими Затерянный Мир…
One Night Only
A group of female friends get together with some hired "ladies of the evening", and make some quick cash for throwing a raunchy party for the local hockey team.
My Pet Monster
Synder, the historian who has spent many years trying to unlock the powers of the statue, wishes to capture Max for validation of his life's work.
Till Death Do Us Part
Three troubled couples attend a two day marital retreat in hopes of saving their marriages. Unbeknownst to them, their psychiatrist is not who they think he is.
С днём рождения меня
У Вирджинии не за горами День рождения, ей исполняется 18 лет. Прошлый свой праздник она даже толком вспомнить не может, так как очутилась в реанимации. В тот раз она с матерью ждала друзей, но те в это время были на закрытой крутейшей вечеринке. Мать Вирджинии решила вместе с дочерью приехать туда и закатить скандал. Естественно их никто не пустил.
Deadly Harvest
Farmer struggles to keep food on the table, and regain his son who has joined a gang of marauding city-folk during the world's worst famine.
She Cried Murder
Fashion model Sarah Cornell, from the front car of a subway, witnesses a man pushing a woman onto the tracks to her death. Hoping to dispel the presumption that the woman committed suicide, Sarah contacts the police. But when they arrive to take her statement, she recognizes one of the detectives as the killer. Can she get anyone to believe her before she becomes his next victim?