Eric McCormack

Eric McCormack

Рождение : 1963-04-18, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Eric James McCormack (born April 18, 1963, height 5' 11" (1,80 m)) is a Canadian American actor, musician, writer and producer. Born in Toronto, he began his acting career performing in school plays at Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute High School. He left Ryerson University in 1985, in order to accept a position with the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, where he spent five years performing in numerous play productions. For much of the late 1990s, he lived in Los Angeles and had minor roles. He made his feature film debut in the 1992 science fiction The Lost World. McCormack appeared in multiple television series roles, including Top Cops, Street Justice, Lovesome Dove: The Series, Townies, and Ally McBeal. McCormack later gained worldwide recognition for playing Will Truman in the American sitcom Will & Grace, which premiered in September 1998. His performance earned him an Emmy Award in the category for Best Actor in a Comedy Series in 2001. Aside from appearing in television, he made his Broadway debut in the 2001 production of The Music Man and starred in the 2005 film The Sisters. Following the series conclusion of Will & Grace in 2006, McCormack starred as the leading role in the New York production of Some Girl(s). He starred in the television mini-series The Andromeda Strain (2008) and returned to television in 2009 in the TNT drama Trust Me, which was cancelled after one season. Also in 2009, McCormack was cast in the science fiction movie Alien Trespass. Description above from the Wikipedia article Eric McCormack, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Eric McCormack
Eric McCormack


Guiding Emily
Emily's life changes after losing her eyesight, while a guide dog struggles with training. Through a series of missed encounters both overcome their obstacles and find each other.
Hank Drinkwater
In small-town British Columbia, Canada, awkward teen Mike Drinkwater has trouble fitting in and is bullied by his antagonist and rival: wealthy school jock, Luke Ryan. While Mike's offbeat father, Hank, spends more time defrauding the government than being a role model; Hank is dealing with his own longstanding condemnation by Luke's father Wesley Ryan, which seems to fuel Luke's hostility towards Mike. Enter Wallace, a young girl from the United States who is adjusting to life in a new place while recovering from her own personal tragedy. Wallace's strength of character helps transform her life and the lives of the people around her.
The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks
Through never before-seen archive material, interviews with celebrities, industry insiders, rabid fans and the Kids In The Hall themselves – this documentary tells the wild story of this cult-famous comedy troupe from the 1980s to the present day.
The Baltimore Waltz
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Stronger Together, Tous Ensemble
Join iconic Canadian artists, activists, actors, and athletes as they share their stories of hope and inspiration in this national salute to our frontline workers and in support of Food Banks Canada’s COVID-19 relief efforts.
Considering Love and Other Magic
Uncle Jasper
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