Sound Effects Editor
США, Бостон, 2007 год. Жестокие убийства потрясают город. Бесстрашные полицейские Лемью и Делон, заручившись поддержкой двух коллег, преследуют убийцу-мутанта, скрывающегося от людей в темноте тоннелей и вентиляционных шахт.
Понимая, что только они смогут остановить чудовище, полицейские твердо решают довести дело до конца и уничтожить исчадие ада, грозящее заразить людей смертельным вирусом. У них есть только два часа на то, чтобы предотвратить катастрофу.
Sound Effects Editor
Happy birthday, Amy. Amy's boyfriend Michael gave her the deluxe, super-duper virtual encounter. This is his way of removing her inhibitions and allowing her to fulfill the desires hidden deep inside. He finds he has a real tiger by the tail.
Sound Effects Editor
A couple escapes an island prison and are chased through the real world where drugs and artificial reality are used to create emotions.
Sound Effects Editor
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
Sound Assistant
A navigator aboard a millionaire's yacht, Jack Morris discovers that the millionaire's mistress has stolen the data for his secret Virtual Reality. To escape, they encrypt, miniaturize, and tattoo the data onto Jack's PL:back. The pair share a VR adventure on the run from the Millionaire's thugs, meeting up with a wild series of characters.