Serhii Hizila


Рысь в городе
Любопытная рысь покидает свой лес. Ее привлекают огни близлежащего города. Она там здорово проводит время, пока не засыпает посреди парковки. Ранним утром изумленные обитатели обнаруживают это странное животное, покрытое снегом.
Animation about how two stray dogs tried to rob the house of a cunning rich cat.
Love Story
Worm, trying to save himself from death, accidentally ends up in a cinema watching a frank film for adults. Since then, he is obsessed with the idea of finding a lover. First, he chooses a ladybug, who actually turns out to be a man, reacting aggressively to the worm's courtship. But this is only the beginning of the search...
Love Story
Worm, trying to save himself from death, accidentally ends up in a cinema watching a frank film for adults. Since then, he is obsessed with the idea of finding a lover. First, he chooses a ladybug, who actually turns out to be a man, reacting aggressively to the worm's courtship. But this is only the beginning of the search...
Hare Among People
The hare is tired of running through the woods in winter and went to visit the rabbit, where there's warmth and free food...