Maurice Wright

Рождение : 1908-06-06, Wichita, Kansas, USA

Смерть : 1996-09-18


A Name for Evil
Dissatisfied with the family architectural business, a man and his wife pack up and move out to his great-grandfather's old house in the country. While trying to patch it up, the house starts to make it clear to him that it doesn't want him there, but the local church (with some off-kilter practices of their own) seems to take a shine to him.
Escape from East Berlin
East Berlin, shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall. Kurt Schröder and his family dig a tunnel to escape to West Berlin as they struggle to overcome the obstacles blocking their underground path to freedom.
Married Too Young
Two high-school sweethearts get married, then find that married life isn't what they thought it would be. In their desperation, they get mixed up with a gang of car thieves.
Three Blondes In His Life
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?
The Gene Krupa Story
The story of legendary jazz drummer, Gene Krupa. Since his youth, all Gene ever wanted to do is play the drums and make music. This is something his parents would not approve of- they want him to be a priest. When Gene's father dies he promises to enter the priesthood. He soon realizes that he doesn't belong there and leaves to join his friend, Eddie's band. Ethel, Eddie's girlfriend, convinces Gene to go to New York and make it big. The 3 of them head to New York. Here Ethel and Gene soon fall in love and Gene makes a name for himself. Gene starts to live in the fast lane, with drugs, alcohol, women and parties. Ethel, unhappy with Gene's lifestyle, leaves him. Gene soon "hits rock bottom" where he has to face reality and choose where to take his life.
Portland Exposé
The owner of a tavern is pressured by the local mob to go into business with them, and figures it's better all around if he does that rather than cause trouble. However, when he starts to see what kind of place his nice little neighborhood bar is turning into, and when one of the mob's goons tries to rape his daughter, he decides to fight them.
The Young Don't Cry
An orphaned teen gets involved with some chain-gang convicts.
A community of Cajun fishermen living around a remote bayou includes one authentic beauty, Marie, who wants to better herself but must deal with the unwelcome attentions of storekeeper Ulysses. When she meets Martin Davis, visiting New York architect, they hit it off at once; but the sinister Ulysses is not inclined to suffer a Yankee rival.
The Cruel Tower
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
Strange Intruder
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
Lum and Abner Abroad
The "boys" from Pine Ridge visit Europe and try to help a Yugoslavian ballerina find her American lover, become involved with French jewel thieves, and take on posh society in Monte Carlo.
Finger Man
An ex-con is inspired to go undercover and "finger" the mob after finding out his sister is hooked on illegal drugs.
Hi'ya, Chum
Entertainers get stranded in a small boomtown, and open up a restaurant.
The Silver Bullet
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
Drums of the Congo
A safari sets out to find a meteorite that fell in the African jungle.
There's One Born Every Minute
A nine-year-old Elizabeth Taylor made her film debut in this lively comedy. She plays the spoiled-brat daughter of a pudding manufacturer who has been entered into the town's mayoral race by some of the local businessmen. They have chosen him because they think he is easy to manipulate. As a sales gimmick, the pudding magnate advertises that his product contains the highly nutritious "Vitamin Z." He suddenly begins selling pudding like crazy and soon his political campaign is well-funded. Unfortunately, there is no "Vitamin Z" and when this is discovered, the town fathers try to dump him and show that he is a fake.
Danger in the Pacific
Scientist-explorer David Lynd leaves wealthy bride-to-be June Claymore at the altar to join photographer Andy Parker and British secret service agent Leo Marzeli in search of rare minerals. They soon run afoul of crooked trader Tagani, who's been busily stockpiling weapons in the hills on behalf of his Nazi partners.
Escape from Hong Kong
Three American vaudeville entertainers become involved with spies in Hong Kong, just before Pearl Harbor.
Stagecoach Buckaroo
Saved from a lynching party by a pair of young women, an itinerant cowpuncher signs on as a stagecoach guard to protect a shipment of gold.
A beautiful young woman organizes an expedition to Africa to search for a sacred skull that is worshiped by the locals.
A beautiful young woman organizes an expedition to Africa to search for a sacred skull that is worshiped by the locals.
For Love or Money
To dim-bulb accountants find themselves working for a bookie in this comedy. Their jobs and their lives are placed in jeopardy when they accidently fumble $50,000 worth of the bookie's cash over to the secretary who wastes no time in spending $44,000 of it in less than 8 hours. The bookkeepers are given 36 hours to get all of the money back by their infuriated boss.
The Last Warning
In their third and last teaming, Bill Crane and Doc Williams visit a country estate to investigate threatening letters from the mysterious 'Eye.'
Danger on the Air
Trouble begins when a hated cad of a sponsor is found murdered during the climax of a live radio show. A radio engineer then tries to solve the murder.
Sinners in Paradise
The survivors from a plane crash are washed up on an island where the only inhabitants are Mr. Taylor and his servant, Ping. The mismatched group must learn to get along and work together if they are to convince Taylor to let them borrow his boat and return to the main land.
Wings Over Honolulu
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Любовь перед завтраком
Кей Колбай, красивая девушка из семьи аристократов, провожает своего жениха, который вынужден срочно уплыть в Японию по делам фирмы. В порту она встречает своего знакомого миллионера Скота Миллера, который также провожает свою подругу графиню Камплейнлле с целым выводком маленьких собачек в страну восходящего солнца. Все опечалены расставанием и когда корабль отчаливает, Кей и Скот, чтобы успокоить, нервы, отправляются в бар выпить по чашке кофе. Во время беседы Кей узнает, что оказывается, миллионер давно в нее влюблен, он специально отправил свою подружку в плавание и организовал срочную командировку жениха Кей, перед этим купив фирму в которой тот работал. Девушка возмущена до глубины души, и требует прекратить такие навязчивые формы ухаживания. Но богач не сдается. Он делает все, чтобы женщина, которую он полюбил, осталась с ним, тем более мама девушки очень симпатизирует нагловатому будущему зятю...
East of Java
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
Storm Over the Andes
A war between Bolivia and Paraguay is the setting for the stories of flyers involved with both sides in the conflict.
Transient Lady
A senator's brother turns up murdered, and the senator tries to pin the blame on a man he knows is innocent.
Имитация жизни
После смерти своего мужа, Беатрис Паллман пытается продолжить его бизнес, продавая кленовый сироп. Для облегчения работы по дому и воспитанию дочери она нанимает на работу чернокожую служанку Делилу, которая готова за крышу над головой, предоставленную ей и ее белокожей дочери Пеоле, помогать по хозяйству, поскольку у Беатрис совсем не было денег. Делила оказывается превосходной поварихой, ее рецепт блинов с кленовым сиропом, побуждает Беатрис создать собственною «Блинную». Проходят годы, дела идут на лад, кафе превращается в сеть популярных закусочных, двадцать процентов в доле бизнеса принадлежит Делиле, но все это не радует Пеолу, она стесняется черного цвета кожи своей матери и старается избегать общения…
The Human Side
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
Born to Be Bad
Letty, a young woman who ended up pregnant, unmarried and on the streets at fifteen is bitter and determined that her child will not grow up to be taken advantage of. Letty teaches her child to lie, steal, cheat and anything else he'll need to be street smart.
The Last Gentleman
In New England circa 1933, a niece is reported missing and presumed dead and Cabot Barr (George Arliss) summons his relatives to the family estate for a memorial service. Once there, Barr taunts each one, claiming their only interest in him is his money, and sends them away when the report about the niece proves to be false. Only niece Marjorie, who has ridiculed one of his pet eccentricities, seems to be the object of any sentimental affection.
Broadway Thru a Keyhole
Racketeer Frank Rocci is smitten with Joan Whelan, a dancer at Texas Guinan's famous Broadway night spot. He uses his influence to help her get a starring role in the show, hoping that it will also get Joan to fall in love with him. After scoring a hit, Joan accepts Frank's marriage proposal, more out of gratitude than love. The situation gets even stickier when she falls for a handsome band leader during a trip to Florida. Can she tell Frank she's in love with someone else?
Ann Carver's Profession
Newlyweds experience marital problems when the wife's highly successful job as an attorney overshadows her husband's stagnant career.
Given a second chance after her arrest for prostitution, Mae decides to go straight. Mae is soon befriended by kindly cab driver Jimmy Doyle who gets her work at a diner, where she meets Gert, another former prostitute. Mae and Jimmy fall in love, marry and save to buy a small business. Gert then pleads for money from Mae, which results in her unwitting involvement in a crime. Believing Mae has lied and cheated him, Jimmy threatens to leave her.
American Madness
Socially-conscious banker Thomas Dickson faces a crisis when his protégé is wrongly accused of robbing the bank, gossip of the robbery starts a bank run, and evidence suggests Dickson's wife had an affair... all in the same day.
By Whose Hand?
A man tries to hide aboard a moving train after murdering a jewelry magnate.
South of the Rio Grande
Sergeant Carlos Olivarez (Buck Jones) becomes entangled in the machinations of an oil baron, havoc-wreaking bandits, and the femme fatale who ruined his brother.
Отправившись в круиз на Кубу Лулу Смит знакомится с адвокатом Бобом Гровером. Вернувшись домой, она разрывает романтические отношения, когда он рассказывает что женат, и не может на ней жениться, хотя и сильно любит ее, поскольку впереди у него — большая политическая карьера. Она умалчивает о своей беременности. Через несколько лет их пути пересекутся, и он узнает, что у них растет дочь, и что их любовь не угасла. Однако Боб уже стал мэром, а впереди выборы в Сенат.
The Range Feud
Clint Turner is arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Judy's father, a rival rancher who was an enemy of his own father, and his best friend, Sheriff Buck Gordon sets out to find the real killer in the face of pressure for a quick lynching of Clint.
Чудесная девушка
Флоренс Фэллон, дочь проповедника, после смерти отца остается в бедственном положении. Ее втягивает в аферу мошенник Хорнсби. Они открывают храм, и пока Флоренс проповедует и творит мнимые чудеса, Хорнсби обирает ее прихожан. Однажды Флоренс нечаянно спасает слепого юношу, и между молодыми людьми вспыхивает любовь. Флоренс хочет вернуться к честной жизни, но Хорнсби препятствует этому…
Rain or Shine
Young Mary Rainey takes the reins of her deceased father's failing circus. With the help of the Inimitable Smiley Johnson, she hopes to bring fortune back to her ragtag band of ragged shoeleather performers.
Дамы для досуга
Джерри Стронг — сын богатого бизнессмена. Вопреки воле отца, который видит сына своим преемником — директором железнодорожной компании, ему больше по душе быть художником. Джерри нанимает Кэй Арнольд — хорошую девушку с сомнительным прошлым в качестве модели для позирования. Они влюбляются друг в друга и планируют пожениться, но у родителей Джерри есть серьезные возражения.