Gregory Harrison

Gregory Harrison

Рождение : 1950-05-31, Avalon, California, USA


Gregory Harrison


Jimmy and Carolyn
Jimmy and Carolyn are the original rebel without a cause born and raised in rural Charlestown, Rhode Island and the Italian-American big city beauty queen from Providence who married as high school sweethearts in 1959. On a whim, to celebrate Jimmy’s 75th birthday on Labor Day, Jimmy and Carolyn decide to drive up from Florida to Westerly, RI to surprise their son, James, and his partner, William, a landscaper from Costa Rica. The bigger surprise that awaits them is the emotional crisis threatening to destroy James and William’s twenty-year relationship. Returning home to New England triggers painful memories and crushing regrets for Jimmy and Carolyn, revealing darker truths between the Pinot Grigio and the pepperoni loaf, as all four struggle with the past and the now-or-never choices they face if they are to remain a family.
The Nine Kittens of Christmas
Chief Sam
Cat lovers Zachary and Marilee are thrown back together at Christmas when they're tasked with finding homes for a litter of adorable kittens.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Клятвы, что мы дали
Joe O’Toole
Шейн и Оливер вынуждены прервать подготовку к их свадьбе, чтобы помочь мальчику, борющемуся с лейкемией, воссоединиться со своим давно потерянным другом. Также в отделе появляется новый сотрудник.
Sweet Carolina
Josie is a successful New York marketing executive who returns to her small hometown. While there, she becomes the unexpected guardian of her niece and nephew and reconnects with Cooper, her high school boyfriend.
Час истины
Dr. Bradley
У супружеской пары, остановившейся в кемпинге на берегу реки, бесследно пропадает дочь. Полиция не в силах отыскать девочку, но муж с женой не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы найти своего ребенка. Однако никто не догадывается, что за этим исчезновением скрывается страшная правда.
Love, Fall & Order
Hank Harp
When Claire goes home to save her dad's annual Fall Fest on her family's pumpkin farm, sparks fly with an old rival – the opposing lawyer she now faces in court.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: К алтарю
Joe O'Toole
The team work to reunite a wedding dress with its rightful recipient, but find that they may have far more to do. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman’s wedding plans present new challenges.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Снова дома
Joe O'Toole
When the Postables discover an antique vase, they trace it back to three girls who attempted to sell it in to save their family farm. With the farm again facing hardship, the Postables must choose between doing what's legal and what's moral.
Праведные небеса
Doctor Gallagher
Джеймс возвращается на свою семейную ферму, после долгого пребывания в экс-гей конверсионной терапии и разрывается между ожиданиями его эмоционально далекого отца, и воспоминаниями о прошлом, любовными отношениями со своим другом Чарли, которые он пытается забыть...
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Взобраться повыше
Joe O’Toole
After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans handyman and blues singer-songwriter Gabe Recolte was bereft. Left homeless and heartbroken, he had been forced to evacuate and relocate before he could tell club owner Hattie how much he cares for her.
My Christmas Love
Tom Baker
A hopeless romantic who can’t ever seem to give a guy a real chance begins receiving each of the "12 Days of Christmas” as gifts anonymously at her door. As she tries to figure out who is sending the gifts, she begins to believe that the mystery suitor could finally live up to her expectations.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Я не могу без тебя
Joe O’Toole
Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Один шанс на миллион
Joe O'Toole
Lead postal detective Oliver and his associate Shane have been doing a figurative dance with each other, swaying back and forth with the possibility of a relationship. Finally, on their first date at a romantic supper club, Shane begins wondering if it's a date or not, as she sees the contrast of their relationship next to the extraordinary dance performances of a couple who express the longing of her heart. As Norman and Rita work alongside each other, their personal relationship hits a bump in the road.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Честно и откровенно
Joe O'Toole
The POstables are on a mission to deliver a soldier's letter from Afghanistan to a teenager who's being relentlessly bullied, while Oliver's estranged father surprises him with news that shakes him to his core.
Свадьба под прикрытием
Mr. Thompson
Телохранителю необходимо защитить дочь магната от преследующей опасности накануне ее свадьбы. Вот только делать это нужно под прикрытием, что весьма усложняет задачу!
Cloudy With a Chance of Love
Quirky meteorologist Deb spends most of her time finishing the passionate pursuit of her meteorology Ph.D. The wind of change starts blowing, however, when a handsome news director recruits her to fill in as an on-air weather personality.
Девять жизней Рождества
Chief Sam
После того, как бездомный кот поселяется в доме Закари, начинаются рождественские приключения двух молодых людей, которые в силу обстоятельств думают, что не готовы влюбиться…
The M Word
The 'M' Word" explores the themes of "menopause, men and menses".
После стольких лет
После того как женщину несправедливо обвиняют в убийстве мужа, она решает сама найти настоящего преступника, и ей нужно успеть сделать это до похорон, - ведь сразу после она будет взята под стражу. .
Любовь и танцы
Как только скучающая учительница английского языка Джессика Донован встречает бывшего чемпиона, призера конкурса танца свинг Джейка, между ними вспыхивает искра взаимной симпатии. Оба чувствуют, что каждый из них способен заполнить пустоту в жизни другого. Но у Джессики есть жених-работоголик, который любит её и содержит, а у Джейка его бывшая партнерша по танцам Корин, которая ни за что не выпустит его из виду, заманивая перспективой возрождения гаснущих взаимоотношений.Джеку и Джессике предстоит обойти все романтические или иного рода препятствия на пути к главной цели — победить в Конкурсе Мира и завоевать друг друга. Поддадутся ли они давлению или оставят всех далеко позади, как истинные чемпионы?
Няня 3
Oliver Caldwell
The Caldwells take a family trip to Puerto Rico where their father is also securing a secret business deal, while the kids find their own paths. Eight years have passed since the events of Au Pair, and newly graduated as his high school's valedictorian, Alexander Caldwell joins his visiting sister, college freshman Katie and her roommate Ariana on a family summer vacation with father Oliver and stepmother Jenny. Oliver and Jenny's current nanny declines to join them and the over-worked parents/executives must take care of their newborn baby Sarah in Puerto Rico. Amidst corporate scheming by the young company CFO Walter Hausen, who is planning a takeover of Oliver's company CCI Tekhausen (formed in Au Pair II), Oliver and Jenny must contend with bridging the generation gap with the family, new career motivations and the romances of their 'newly reformed' prankster kids.
Отправь их в ад, Мэлоун!
Главный герой - матерый частный детектив Мэлоун, которого нанимают доставить безжалостному гангстеру Уитмору нечто ценное и загадочное. По пути Мэлоуну придется противостоять разномастным головорезам, киллерам и прочим отморозкам и любой ценой доставить доверенный ему груз.
Не совсем Голливуд
Документальный фильм об австралийских малобюджетных фильмах с рейтингом R, содержащие немало насилия, секса, «экшна» и ужасов. И всё это с австралийской спецификой.
Няня 2
Oliver Caldwell
A father and the former nanny to his children prepare a merger between his company and a European conglomerate.
Главная мишень
President Jonathan Hayes
Они выбирали президента и мечтали, что он улучшит их жизнь. Но избранник не оправдал ожиданий, и тогда они решили его убрать. Они проделали длинный путь и добрались до цели. Теперь их главная мишень — президент Америки Джонатан Хэйс — не уйдет от возмездия. Еще немного и кара настигнет его в Центральном парке. Сможет ли глава секретной службы Алекс МакГрегор с помощью агента Гранта Колмена обезопасить своего шефа?
Oliver Caldwell
A young MBA mistakenly interviews for the wrong job... and ends up as an Au Pair for a pair of snotty rich kids.
Murder at 75 Birch
Rick Todson
Король воздуха: Золотая лига
Dr. Patrick Sullivan
Увидев, как самый спортивный пес Бадди ловко забрасывает мяч в баскетбольную корзину, парочка незадачливых циркачей решает похитить четвероногого чемпиона. А его хозяин Джош тем временем записывается в школьную команду по американскому футболу. И, как всегда, Бадди приходит на помощь своему лучшему другу и спасает его команду от очередного позорного поражения, а затем ведет ее от победы к победе. Но жуликам-циркачам все же удается похитить пса-чемпиона, заманив Бадди в машину с мороженым. Это просто катастрофа, ведь без него команде грозит поражение в суперфинале. Теперь лишь везение Джоша, смекалка Бадди и помощь его нового друга — уморительного шимпанзе Мортимера — могут спасти ситуацию!
Running Wild
Matt Robinson
A drama directed by Timothy Bond.
When Secrets Kill
When the biological mother of adoptee Jenny Newhall is murdered, Jenny's adoptive father Greg immediately falls under suspicion. This tragic set of events rocks the small, tranquil town in which the Newhalls live to its foundations, ultimately laying bare a number of unpleasant and long-hidden secrets. Based on a novel by Patricia McDonald.
Summer of Fear
Mr. Marshall
The presence of a malicious stranger threatens to destroy the peace and harmony of a vacationing executive's family life.
Это моя вечеринка
Brandon Theis
Ник Старк гомосексуалист, заболевший СПИДом. От него уходит любовник, а через год врач сообщает, что жить в здравом уме (опухоль мозга) ему осталось дней десять. Тогда Эрик собирает всех друзей на прощальную вечеринку, собираясь уйти из жизни человеком, а не «овощем».
Hard Evidence
Trent Turner
Trent Turner has it all - a beautiful wife, a fabulous house, and a business he owns with his best friend. He also has a mistress, a mistress who gets him involved with more than he's bargained for...
Ничто не вечно
Dr. Benjamin 'Ben' Wallace
Три подруги Пэйдж Тэйлор, Бэт Тафт и Кэт Хантер снимают квартиру и работают врачами-стажерами в окружной больнице Эмбаркадеро в Сан-Франциско. Все они отличные специалисты и безгранично любят свое дело. Одним из пациентов Пэйдж Тэйлор становится Джон Кронин. У старика последняя стадия рака, и он знает, что скоро умрет. С каждым днем ему все труднее терпеть страшные боли. По просьбе Джона Пэйдж помогает ему уйти из жизни, хотя это решение дается ей нелегко. А через некоторое время ее арестовывают за убийство Джона Кронина. Перед смертью он изменил завещание и оставил 2 миллиона долларов Пэйдж, а не жене. Начинается судебное разбирательство…
A Dangerous Affair
Robert Kenzer
Connie Sellecca portrays Sharon Blake a beautiful, talented lady in her 30's now wanting some love in her life.
A Christmas Romance
Brian Harding
A widowed mother with financial woes comes to the aid of a bill collector who crashes his car in a snowstorm.
Смертельный страх
Philip Montgomery
В одном из госпиталей некоего американского мегаполиса пациенты начинают таинственным образом умирать внезапно один за одним. Доктор Дженнифер Кесслер, работающая в госпитале, решает разобраться в этом и найти причину смертей во что бы то ни стало. После смерти одного из своих друзей Дженнифер начинает подозревает всех окружающих, включая своего нового любовника.
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg
Bruce Kellogg
A young mother is accused of convincing four teenagers to murder her husband, who she claims abused her during their ten-year relationship.
Caught in the Act
Scott McNally
An unemployed actor is mixed up in a case about a $10,000,000 bank fraud.
Cadillac Girls
A woman and her delinquent rebellious teen daughter return to their small hometown after the death of the woman's distant father. Old wounds reopen quickly but they soon find a reason to stay. Will they find peace or more scars?
Sudden Fury
Tom Kelley
A teenage boy finds his mother and father murdered in their home but as the story goes on he reveals he knows more than he is letting on.
Body Chemistry II: Voice of a Stranger
A man is torn between two women and his own violent self, borne of child abuse.
Bob Boxletter
A family falls victim to a scientific institute that removes memories and transfers them to a computer.
Breaking the Silence
Paul Danner
Drama about an attorney who defends a teenage boy accused of murdering his abusive father and must come to grips with his shameful secrets about his own mother.
Split Images
Robbie Daniels
A journalist knows more about a grizzly murder than is good for her. All her evidence points toward a mysterious millionaire but no one will believe her.
Bare Essentials
William 'Bill' Buzell owner of Luhana
A couple leaves for a vacation on a tropical island and finds happiness and love... just not with each-other.
Angel of Death
Gary Nicholson
Escaped convict Gary Nicholson falls in love becomes obsessed with artist Laura Hendricks. He vows to protect her and her six-year-old son from any and all antagonists.
Night Of 100 Stars III
A celebrity benefit for The Actors' Fund of America, featuring music, songs, dance and comedy.
Dangerous Pursuit
A woman discovers the next target of a hired assassin and attempts to foil his plan.
Red River
Cherry Valance
Remake of the 1948 John Wayne feature about a man who rebels against his tyrannical guardian during a crucial cattle drive.
Hot Paint
Two losers rob a rich guy and discover that, among the loot, they've taken a rare painting worth $2.8 million. John Larroquette plays his usual rude, selfish character-here named Gus - and he suckers Willy (Gregory Harrison) into his scheme to rob the mansion. The two losers have to try to figure out how to sell the valuable but high-profile item without getting busted. They travel the world looking for potential buyers but always end up short. Everyone can see that they are novices in the art world and buffoons in general.
Северный берег
On a small stretch of coastline as powerful as a man's will, Rick Kane came to surf the big waves. He found a woman who would show him how to survive, and a challenge unlike any other.
The Nativity
Joseph (voice)
The Nativity is seen through the eyes of three young visitors from the 20th century who are transported back through time to the Holy City
Hal Carter
A southern bell falls for a handsome drifter with no prospects, going against her parents' wishes to marry a rich businessman.
Oceans of Fire
Ben Laforche
Ben, a former Navy officer now works on a rig as the guy in charge, but since a lot of crew keeps dying whilst diving and planting the rig in the sea he needs men who are willing to take the risk. He gets in touch with an old friend from the Navy who works in a prison as sort of an diving training base and there Ben selects out the best to complete the task, but with superiors breathing down his neck, a camera crew now jumping on board and a deadline to meet he wants to finish the job and make sure the men stay alive, but not all things work out as he plans.
Executive Producer
Three related women have summer romances in this drama. The first has recently been deserted by her husband. When an old college beau shows up, sparks fly. Meanwhile her sister is wrestling with a rock star. And finally her daughter goes abroad and gets involved with a non-English speaking young man.
Mike Riordan
Cybill Shephard stars as Vicky, a woman married to a rich old man, who has one foot in the grave. Gregory Harrison plays Mike Riordon a district attorney, who is young, handsome and living at home with his Irish mom for the most. Vicky's husband Arthur gets Mike involved in a merger of two companies...or something like that even though he knows that Mike and Vicky were a couple and that she had dumped him. Whilst Mike and Vicky are attending a party, Arthur is alone at home when a burglar appears out of nowhere and shoots him point blank.
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Carl Winters
Где-то на бескрайних просторах Австралии бродит жуткое существо, которое может разорвать человека в клочья и разрушить ваш дом за считанные секунды. Это — секач, гигантское и безжалостное существо, страшное порождение природы, четырехсоткилограммовая тварь с острыми как бритва клыками. Когда в тех самых местах без следа исчезает американская журналистка, её муж отправляется на поиски пропавшей супруги и попадает в круговерть кошмара и ужаса.
The Hasty Heart
Sgt. Lachlen McLachlen
In Burma on the penultimate day of World War II, Cameron Highlander Lachlan 'Lachie' MacLachlan is seriously wounded and transported to a local military hospital. He seems to have recovered from his wounds but appearances can be deceiving. The hospital commander asks nursing Sister Margaret Parker and the five remaining soldiers in her ward to befriend Lachie as he is dying and has only a few weeks to live. Lachie, who is not aware of his prognosis, is a proud man who wants no help from anyone. Slowly however, relationships are formed and Lachie begins to appreciate friendship, something he has never had with anyone.
The Fighter
Merle Banks
Vietnam war veteran Merle is working as concierge. His small salary and the one of his wife Rindy are just enough to survive. Thus when Merle hears that there will be an amateur boxing fight he decides to participate.
For Ladies Only
An aspiring young actor moonlights as a male stripper while looking for work in the theatre.
For Ladies Only
John Phillips
An aspiring young actor moonlights as a male stripper while looking for work in the theatre.
Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb
Capt. Bob Lewis
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
The Women's Room
Ben Volper
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.
The Best Place to Be
Rick Jawlosky
A widow's life is thrown into turmoil by her hippie daughter, her rebellious teenage son, and an ill-starred love affair she is having with a much younger man -- and then a former suitor comes back into the picture.
The Gathering
Bud Jr.
When Adam Thornton learns that he only has a little time left, he decides that he wants to make peace with his family. Only problem is that most of his family are not exactly fond of him because he walked out on his wife and of his stubborn nature and he hasn't spoken to his youngest son after having an argument with him which he was in the wrong but only realize after his son left and has not been heard from since. But he goes to her to help him find him. But when his doctor says that it won't be good for him to travel, she suggests that they invite them all for Christmas. While most of them come, Adam's attempt at reconciliation won't be easy.
Fraternity Row
Zac is an idealistic student who, after arriving at college, decides to pledge the Gamma Nu Pi fraternity. Unhappy with what he sees as the bigotry and abusiveness of the hazing process, he tries to reform the system, even though his steady girl, Jennifer, doesn't approve. Zac eventually finds an ally in his pledgemaster, but the head of the fraternity proves cruelly inflexible about preserving the uglier rituals.
Jim, the World's Greatest
Jim Nolan
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Trilogy of Terror
Arthur Moore
A horror anthology containing three stories: a female college professor is aggressively pursued by one of her students; a prudish brunette determines that her free-spirited blonde sister is evil; and a woman's night turns upside down after she purchases an ancient Zuni fetish doll.
Харрадский эксперимент
Молодые юноши и девушки отправляются в колледж-пансион «Harrad» для участия в любовном эксперименте. Хозяева пансиона - известные сексологи - помогают молодёжи освободить свою сексуальность. Каждый новый студент должен прожить один месяц со студенткой для того, чтобы хорошо себя изучить. Застенчивой и робкой Шейле достался сексуально активный Стенли, а его сдержанному дружку Гарри - беззаботная Бетт. Пары приспосабливаются к этой необычной ситуации, к волнующим и трогательным событиям, которые гарантируют, что каждый получит необычные ощущения от эксперимента.