Line Producer
Line Producer
Рике 40, по профессии она врач скорой помощи. Собираясь в отпуск, она загружает всем необходимым собственную небольшую парусную яхту и берёт курс на остров Вознесения, предвкушая тишину и покой. Однажды Рики замечает из окна рыболовецкий трейлер. Попытка выйти на связь с судном оказывается безуспешной. Однако ситуация и без того ясна: на палубе масса людей, они кричат и машут, пытаясь всячески привлечь её внимание, а некоторые прыгают в воду явно в надежде доплыть до неё. Рики понимает, что корабль потерпел крушение. Она связывается с береговой погранслужбой, и ей обещают выслать спасательное судно, настоятельно советуя при этом продолжать свой путь. Но Рики решает дождаться прибытия службы спасения…
Production Manager
5300 лет назад. На территории Эцтальских Альп обитает неолитическое племя. В результате нападения врага погибает жена Келаба, и он становится одержим местью.
A Man loses all his money and has to leave Europe.
A Man loses all his money and has to leave Europe.
A Man loses all his money and has to leave Europe.
A Man loses all his money and has to leave Europe.
Herr Müller
Starring Rosa von Praunheim & Christian Müller
Starring Rosa von Praunheim & Christian Müller
Starring Rosa von Praunheim & Christian Müller
Starring Rosa von Praunheim & Christian Müller
A young woman visits her family in the countryside. The past returns and brings something unknown out of the abyss.
A young woman visits her family in the countryside. The past returns and brings something unknown out of the abyss.
A young woman visits her family in the countryside. The past returns and brings something unknown out of the abyss.
Assistant Accountant
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case is quickly closed, but the young Commissioner Bernau wants to enlighten the mysterious attack. He returns at night back to the crime scene and has an appearance that make his blood freeze! When he turns to the medium Morgana, he lifts the veil on a cruel mystery.
Assistant Unit Manager
A modern love story in which two men in search of a woman find the truth about themselves.
Production Trainee
Reflection on the relationship between image and voice-over in cinema, punctuated by the reading of a short story by Sade recounting the incestuous love of a father for his daughter.
Still Photographer
Annie, a 16 years old girl, loves Frédéric who is away doing his national service. During her holidays in the country, she meets Alexandre. He's older, owns a car and she experiences the "first time" with him. Back during a leave, Frédéric finds his sweetheart in the arms of this clumsy oaf and eventually hits it off with him.
Assistant Director of Photography
Annie, a 16 years old girl, loves Frédéric who is away doing his national service. During her holidays in the country, she meets Alexandre. He's older, owns a car and she experiences the "first time" with him. Back during a leave, Frédéric finds his sweetheart in the arms of this clumsy oaf and eventually hits it off with him.