W.P. Lipscomb

Рождение : 1887-10-01, Merton, Surrey, England, UK

Смерть : 1958-07-25


The Ambitious One
This Yves Allegret film is set in French Polynesia and stars Edmond O'Brien, Richard Basehart, Andrea Parisy, Nicole Berger and Reg Lye. Basehart is the black sheep of a wealthy family of mining financiers based in France. He dumps the family life style and heads to Tahiti to make it on his own. His wife, Andrea Parisy, is less than amused with Basehart's choice.
Две истории в одной: беззаботный британский капрал, находящийся во Франции, узнаёт, что он оказался ответственным за жизни своих людей после гибели их офицера. И он должен найти способ вернуть их в Англию. Тем временем британские гражданские лица оказываются втянутыми в войну при помощи операции «Динамо», целью которой было вернуть французские и британские войска на побережье Дюнкерка. Есть и те, кто готов прийти на помощь, и те, кто действует не столь охотно.
Robbery Under Arms
During the mid 1860s, brothers Dick and Jim Marston are drawn into a life of crime by their ex-convict father Ben and his friend, infamous cattlethief Captain Starlight. Making their way to Melbourne with the proceeds of a recent raid, the brothers meet and romance the Morrison sisters, Kate and Jean, whom they eventually marry; but just as they are poised to start a new life in America, Captain Starlight and his gang arrive in town, planning a raid at the local bank.
Город, похожий на Элис
In 1941, The advancing Japanese army captures a lot of British territory very quickly. The men are sent off to labor camps, but they have no plan on what to do with the women and children of the British.
Make Me an Offer!
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
Make Me an Offer!
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
His Excellency
A trade union official becomes governor of a British island colony
Where No Vultures Fly
A true story about an Englishman working as a game warden in Kenya who is disgusted by the ongoing destruction of African wildlife, and decides to create a national park to protect them.
Bitter Springs
A family buy land set around a water hole in a remote location, that is occupied by native Australians. The two groups clash.
The Mark of Cain
An attractive young French girl instigates rivalry between two brothers when she becomes the bride of the younger one.
Beware of Pity
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
Beware of Pity
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
The Sun Never Sets
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
Scenario Writer
Этот фильм - первая экранизация пьесы Бернарда Шоу о превращении вульгарной цветочницы Элизы Дулиттл в изысканную светскую даму под чутким руководством профессора фонетики Генри Хиггинса и полковника Пикеринга. Бернард Шоу написал свою пьесу под вдохновением древнегреческого мифа о скульпторе Пигмалионе, который создал статую Галатеи — девушки до того прекрасной, что он влюбился в нее и стал просить Афродиту оживить свое создание. Богиня любви вдохнула жизнь в Галатею, и Пигмалион женился на ней.
Additional Writing
Прекрасная Марама любит Теранги, горячий темперамент, которого вечно вызывает неприятности со стороны коррумпированного губернатора острова. Взаимоотношениям этих персонажей добавляет жару налетевший ужасный ураган…
Лондонский Ллойдс
Writers' Assistant
Этот фильм рассказывает, через историю развития страховой лондонской компании «Ллойдс», историю двух людей, один из которых является исторической личностью — адмиралом Нельсоном. Два подростка Джонатан Блейк и Горацио Нельсон, отчаянные сорванцы, проникают на судно, думая, что это пиратский корабль и оказываются свидетелями сговора команды, которая задумала потопить корабль, захватить груз золота, а заодно получить и приличную сумму страховки. Друзья решили идти пешком за 100 верст в далекий Лондон, чтобы рассказать хозяину судна Ллойдсу о коварстве команды. Но Горацио утром забирают юнгой на судно, и Джонатану приходится совершить одному путешествие. Только в Лондоне он узнает, что Ллойдс это не человек, а страховая компания. Сведения мальчика помогают раскрыть обман и спасти компанию от внушительных убытков. Смышленого мальчика оставляют в компании. Проходит несколько лет и Джонатан растет вместе с компанией.
Сады Аллаха
Их встреча предрешена. Она потеряла близкого ей человека, и, в желании найти успокоение от тревожащей пустоты, вернулась в монастырь, где получила образование, но наставница сказала, что только пустыня сможет развеять ее тревоги и дать успокоение. Он, пересмотрев свою прожитую жизнь, прервал свой обет молчания и скромного образа жизни, бежал из монастыря в поисках любви и приключений. Они встретились у границы «Садов Аллаха», так арабы называют пустыню Сахару, и с первого взгляда полюбили друг друга. «В день, который был непохож на другие», — как и предрек седой предсказатель, они обвенчались, и пустились в путешествие без цели, где каждый осознал свое предназначение в жизни…
Under Two Flags
Sergeant Victor comes to the French Foreign Legion after taking the blame for his brother's crime. Cigarette falls in love with him though Major Doyle is in love with her. Doyle sends Victor on dangerous assignments to be rid of him. He falls in love with Lady Venetia Cunningham, a visitor to the garrison
Послание к Гарсиа
A fiery Cuban woman guides an emissary from the U.S. president through the jungles of war-torn Cuba.
Troubled Waters
James Mason is teamed up once again with Virginia Cherill whom he appeared with in his debut film, 'Late Extra'. He plays a government agent (John Merriman) who makes a few enquiries and follows leads. Cherill plays June Elkhardt.
Повесть о двух городах
Адвокат Сидни Картон — уставший от мира, разочарованный алкоголик, который удалился от жизни во всех её проявлениях, пока он не влюбляется в Люси Манетт, дочь французского революционного политического заключённого. Она, между тем, думает о нём только как о друге и выходит замуж за Чарльза Дарнея, потомка французских аристократов.
Me and Marlborough
A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.
Me and Marlborough
Scenario Writer
A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.
Во Франции в начале 19-го века Жан Вальжан, который имел хороший характер и небывалую силу, был приговорен к длительному тюремному сроку за кражу буханки хлеба. Когда он наконец освобождается из тюрьмы после десяти лет тюремного заключения, то пытается жить порядочным гражданином под другим именем. Богатый и уважаемый Вальжан проявляет сочувствие к бедной женщине Фантин и её дочери Козетте. К несчастью, Вальжан вынужден признаться людям в своем темном прошлом, что снова разрушает его репутацию и заставляет и без того больную Фантину умирать от страха. Вальжан всю жизнь испытывает страдания и, в частности, беспощадное постоянное преследование со стороны бескомпромиссного и жестокого полицейского Жавера.
Кардинал Ришелье
Король Франции Людовик XIII, находящийся под влиянием своего министра - кардинала Ришелье, готовит указ, ущемляющий права крупных феодалов. Недовольные таким положением вещей и растущей властью кардинала, королева-мать, королева Анна Австрийская и граф Барада пытаются, в отсутствие своего главного врага, убедить короля подписать указ об отставке Ришелье. Им почти удается достичь своей цели, но неожиданное возвращение кардинала спутывает им планы. В результате свершившихся событий в стране зреет заговор. Опирающие на поддержку англичан и испанцев, заговорщики, при участии королевы-матери, стремятся свергнуть короля Людовика XIII и посадить на трон его слабовольного брата Гастона. Кардинал Ришелье плетет интриги, пытаясь разрушить планы врагов короля и укрепить могущество Франции. Между тем воспитанница кардинала, юная красавица Ленора, недавно покинувшая стены монастыря, и Андре де Понс, один из заговорщиков, влюбляются друг в друга...
Clive of India
Fort St. David, Cuddalore, southern India, 1748. While colonial empires battle to seize an enormous territory, rich in spices and precious metals beyond the wildest dreams, and try to gain the favor of the local kings, Robert Clive (1725-1774), a frustrated but talented clerk who works for the East Indian Company and struggles to earn his fortune, makes a bold decision that will change his life forever.
Colonel Blood
'1670. Irish patriot caught stealing Crown Jewels talks his way to pardon.' (British Film Catalogue)
Colonel Blood
'1670. Irish patriot caught stealing Crown Jewels talks his way to pardon.' (British Film Catalogue)
Channel Crossing
Money isn't everything. Tycoon races against time to cross the English Channel in order to save a business deal, but along the way his whole value system is thrown into turmoil.
I Was A Spy
During World War I, a young nurse in a hospital in German-occupied Belgium is secretly feeding military information to the British. Complicating matters is the guilt she feels when she has to treat the German casualties inflicted as a result of the information she's passed on, and the fact that the local German commandant is falling in love with her.
While a houseguest at an upper-class gathering, wealthy Jew Ferdinand de Levis is robbed of £1,000 with evidence pointing towards the guilt of another guest, Captain Dancy. Instead of supporting De Levis, the host attempts to hush the matter up and when this fails, he sides with Dancy and subtly tries to destroy de Levis' reputation. When Dancy is later exposed, and commits suicide, de Levis is blamed for his demise.
The Good Companions
Scenario Writer
Film musical taken from JB Priestley's novel about three musicians joining together to save a failing concert party, the Dinky Doos.
The Man from Toronto
According to the terms of a will two strangers must marry. Leila (Jessie Matthews) is a widow, and Fergus (Ian Hunter) is a Canadian bachelor. Both are bequeathed a fortune, but there is a condition to the receipt of it. The two much marry within a year. To aid matters, Leila disguises herself as Fergus' maid, and the two begin to fall in love. However when Fergus discovers the truth, he is less than pleased by the deception.
There Goes the Bride
Scenario Writer
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
There Goes the Bride
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
There Goes the Bride
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
Jack's the Boy
With a title like Jack's the Boy, is it any surprise that the star of this breezy quota quickie is British music-hall favorite Jack Hulbert? The star plays the son of a celebrated Scotland Yard detective, who joins the force in hopes of following his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, Jack is something of a screw-up, and before long he has become the laughing stock of the force.
Знак четырёх: величайшее дело Шерлока Холмса
Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон намерены защитить Мэри Морстан, девушку, до смерти напуганную сбежавшим убийцей, который разыскивает свое украденное наследство и жаждет отомстить тому, кто его украл. Он уже подбирается к Мэри в то время, как Холмс и Ватсон пытаются найти разгадку на странном карнавале, на котором присутствуют лишь карлики мужчины, покрытые татуировками. Когда же Мэри похищают, ситуация превращается в отчаянную борьбу за время.
A Night Like This
Going under cover, P.C. Mahoney passes for a gentleman to get into the notorious Moonstone Club. There he meets Clifford Tope, a ne'er do well who is love with cabaret star Cora Mellish. She in turn has run up steep gambling debts and has paid off the Club's blackmailing owner with a stolen necklace. As things heat up Cora seeks help from the easy-going Tope.
When financier Reginald Bingham leaves on a business trip to Paris, normally devoted wife Eleanor leaves for a cottage with a secret boy friend. The couple are followed by friends of her husband, who attempt to hinder the affair. However, Reginald is also tempted by a fling with an old friend in Paris.
The Chance of a Night Time
Bashful lawyer Henry cannot attend his fiancée's birthday party because of a business engagement. However, farcical circumstances find him mistaken for the dance partner of a professional lady hired to entertain a country house party at which his fiancée is a guest.
Tilly of Bloomsbury
A young woman falls in love with an aristocrat and tries to convince his parents that she is herself wealthy.
Пёстрая лента
После того, как её сестра умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах, молодая наследница обращается за помощью к Холмсу, когда чувствует угрозу со стороны своего жестокого отчима.
A comedy film directed by and starring Tom Walls.
Canaries Sometimes Sing
Over the course of their marriage, Geoffrey Lymes has become increasingly exasperated by the shallowness and superficiality of his wife Anne. He despairs of her ridiculous affectations, social-climbing aspirations and constant embarrassing attempts in company to show herself as an elegant, cultured sophisticate. He feels trapped in a relationship where, as he observes, a wife "does nothing to entitle her husband to divorce her, but a thousand things that entitle him to murder her".
The Great Game
Set in Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge football ground and featuring appearances from many real-life players from the day, this is the first film to feature football as its central theme and is recognisably modern and authentic. It deals with the day to day dramas, conflicts and love interests of players and managers in the run-up to the Cup Final.
French Leave
During World War I, Captain's wife Dorothy Glenister finds it hard being separated from her husband, so she travels to France to the village where he's stationed. Dorothy disguises herself as the daughter of a local, which leads to complications when she's suspected of being a German spy.
The Safe
Theatre Play
A typist is shut in a safe by her married lover and later freed by a burglar.
Rookery Nook
A husband tries to hide a runaway girl from his wife and mother-on-law.
Splinters tells of the origins of the 1915 musical comedy revue of the same name, founded by British soldiers fighting on the Western Front in France.
A British army officer is cashiered, and re-enlists as Private to take part in the Crimean War. He succeeds in capturing a top Russian spy which results in the famous Charge of the Light Brigade to take the Balaclava Heights.