Toms Veličko

Toms Veličko


Toms Veličko


Blue Blood
Diana, a woman in her early 40s, struggles to end an abusive relationship with her husband while also trying to protect the only possession their family have left – an apartment in a luxurious part of the city. As the couple’s daughter Astra gets involved in the conflict, Diana will have to make a choice between Astra’s wellbeing and her own goals and convictions.
Wild East
A runaway bride, a young peasant, mysterious illusionists and a manic investigator become entwined in a murderous affair at a Baltic German baron's manor.
Lost in the Rust
Although Nauris could use a tractor from his partner in crime, thief Andrejs, Nauris dreams of his own tractor. Two ordinary country men go to the usual scrap metal stealing endeavors until they drink too much, initiating a dispute that turns into a brutal murder and a struggle for survival. The film is based on real events.
Рижская сирень
Если кто-то плохо пахнет и мешает вашей поездке, то в общественном транспорте Риги вы можете вызвать полицию. А вы бы вызвали в такой ситуации? Лизете, интервьюер-любитель, пытается выяснить, имеем ли мы право вонять.
Frontier Zone
Two border patrol agents come across a mysterious crashed van near the border of Latvia and Russia.
Just Go!
A young man who lost both his legs in a childhood accident comes to the rescue of the girl he loves when she is victimized by villains.
She was in the lift. Then he joined her...