Metilde Alves


Sangue por Sangue
Production Director
Away from everything and everyone, three men seal their fates.
Sangue por Sangue
Executive Producer
Away from everything and everyone, three men seal their fates.
Animais na Pista
Executive Producer
A road accident says a lot about humanity.
Blessed is the Fruit
After committing a crime, the woman leaves her home and family in search of an unknown destination. It is not known who she is, nor the reason for the crime. The mystery about this woman is one of the key points of the narrative. Throughout history she will be called Maria, Rosa and Ana, perhaps one of them will be her real name, perhaps none. She will walk for a whole day, hugging a watermelon and will have brief encounters that will mark her day and her life, facing a world that is sometimes hostile and sometimes delicate, in an attempt to live with the love and disaffection that she brings in her. .