Jack Langedijk

Jack Langedijk

Рождение : 1956-01-01,


Jack Langedijk (born 1956) is a Canadian theater director and actor. Langendijk enjoyed a typical acting education at Concordia University in Montreal and Sheridan College in Ontario. After graduation, he founded his own theater company and worked in this industry as a director for many stage performances, including often by Shakespeare. In addition to his work in the theater, he is also active as a fictitious performer in many films and television series. He has, inter alia, smaller appearances in film productions such as Darkman II: The Return of Durant (1995) and episodes of series such as Relic Hunter and Mutant X. Source: Article "Jack Langedijk" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jack Langedijk


Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story
Chief Bratton
Biographic movie of the witty, overachieving, hot-tempered Rudy Giuliani, spanning from his rising days as a New York district attorney in the early 1980s to his marriage to part-time actress Donna Hanover, to his candidacy for mayor of New York City and his controversial methods to tackle the city's crime and urban problems, as well as his romance with his assistant Cristyne Lategano which lead to the failure of his marriage, to his battle with prostate cancer, all leading up to the terrible day of September 11, 2001 which Guiliani himself narrowly escaped death after suicide terrorists hijacked and crashed two passenger airliners into the twin World Trade Center towers leading to their collapse in which Guiliani's toughness and spirited personality help calm the city's residents to face the chaos on that day which made him a national hero.
История Роберта Ханссена
FBI Man at Party
Правдивая история об игре в кошки-мышки между ФБР, пытающимся найти советского крота в своих рядах, и Робертом Хансеном, одним из лучших агентов ФБР и упомянутым кротом.
Herb Gleason
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his formative years entering amateur contests, performing in sleazy night spots. Along the way, he steals gags from the best comics in town and finds love with Genevieve, a dancer whom he marries. But Gleason isn't the ideal husband or even a responsible father as he abandons his family to answer the call of Hollywood. Brash, arrogant, and egotistical, he alienates his directors and the man who discovers him. When he ends up back in New York, Gleason gets one of those rare second chances in the new medium of television, creating some of its most unforgettable characters. But even as Gleason becomes the talk of the tube, his life - ruled by demons of rage, booze, and insecurity - unravels.
Единственный выход
Крутой полицейский Гарри Уолц незаметно для своих сотрудников ведет двойную жизнь. В одной он - уважаемый детектив, а в другой - завсегдатай шикарного клуба. К сожалению, склонность Уолца к азартным играм и красивой жизни делает его должником братьев Расселл - владельцев клуба. Чтобы расплатиться, ему нужно организовать идеальное убийство. Гарри должен помочь Джона Фарроу убить его жену так чтобы не совершить стандартных ошибок и не оставить стандартных улик. Но все пошло совсем не по плану.
Притворщик: Остров призраков
Brother Rinaldus
Действие с участием мисс Паркер и Джарода развиваются на удивительном острове в Шотландии. Фильм открывает тайны прошлого Джарода и мисс Паркер, также как и зловещие тени истории создания Центра. Джарод ищет свою мать, а мисс Паркер, во время охоты на Джарода, обнаруживает удивидительные и ужасающие подробности истории собственной семьи. В ходе поисков они обнаруживают мистические свитки, которые разыскиваются Центром. Это главным образом интрига вокруг доверия. Герои также пытаются понять, почему Джарод так важен для его преследователей.
Blind Terror
Det. John Kramer
After marrying a handsome man she barely knows, a woman experiences threatening calls and violent attacks from a mysterious woman who claims to be her new husband's former lover.
15 Février 1839
Lieutenant Elliott
In 1839, months after the British army has repressed the insurrection of the Patriots, hundreds of rebels rot in prison. The morning of February 14, Marie-Thomas Chevalier De Lorimier and Charles Hindelang learn that they will be hung in 24 hours, with three other comrades. While they await their hour of death the condemned spend time and consult with companions and loved ones as well as entrust to those their last wills. At dawn, the five Patriots find the courage to walk with dignity towards the scaffold, knowing that will they die in the name of a just causewww.tribute.ca
Left Behind: The Movie
Dirk Burton
After learning that millions have completely vanished, an airline pilot, a journalist, and others work together to unravel the mystery of those left behind.
Code Name: Jaguar
CIA Operative
When both the CIA and the underworld mistake regular guy Stuart Dempsey (Danny Nucci) for a notorious killer-for-hire named Jaguar, Dempsey doesn't know whom he can turn to or trust. Certain only of his boss, Max Kaufman (David Carradine), Dempsey is wary of everyone else -- especially his new love (Victoria Sanches). Pursued by the CIA, Dempsey sets out to prove his identity and outwit his pursuers.
When Justice Fails
Dave Dahlgren D.A.
A detective (Jeff Fahey) investigating the murders of two sex offenders gets involved with a beautiful district attorney (Marlee Matlin) who becomes a main suspect.
Dead End
Lt. Lido
After his ex-wife dies in a fall from her balcony, PoliceSgt. Henry Smovinsky gets custody of his troubled teenage son. Smovinsky soon finds out that his ex-wife was a high-class hooker, her death was not a suicide and that the police have chosen him as their prime suspect. Maggie Furness is the only cop willing to help him protect his son and track down the real killer.
Out of Control
A woman decides to steal her mobster boyfriend's car and a whole lot of his money, then tries to hide out in a small town. With a cop and a hit man on her tail, she makes friendly with a reformed criminal who will do whatever it takes to protect her.
Затерянный мир
Maple White
1934 год. Лондон взбудоражен новейшей сенсацией — знаменитый ученый и искатель приключений Джордж Челленджер отправляется со своим заклятым соперником и конкурентом профессором Саммерли в Монголию на поиски неведомого мира, населенного доисторическими монстрами, чтобы однажды показать изумленному миру живого птеродактиля. В компании с очаровательной Амандой Уайт, отважным охотником Джоном Рокстоном и юным репортером Артуром Мелоуном они готовы совершить героический полет на воздушном шаре, чтобы подняться на недосягаемое горное плато, скрытое за пеленой облаков. Наконец, преодолев снега, поборов страх и сразившись с диким племенем неандертальцев, они стоят в шаге от заветной цели. Но бесстрашные искатели приключений еще не знают, что страна тайн и открытий станет для них коварной ловушкой, из которой не всем удастся выбраться живыми.
Loss of Faith
Jeremy Morton
A crime novelist searches for a missing baby at his sister's behest and makes painful discoveries about himself along the way.
Sal Hoffman
Сразу же после свадьбы Саманта Хоффман лишается мужа: он гибнет от руки неизвестного убийцы. И это далеко не последняя трагедия в ее жизни. Ни любящие родственники, ни советы психолога не помогают: смерть для нее оказывается предпочтительнее каждодневного кошмара. Но вот, кажется, выход найден… Кто же мог предсказать, что самое страшное только начинается?
For Hire
Vic Mann
Chicago cabbie Mitch Lawrence is a man whose dreams are starting to fade. His only shining light is his loving and pregnant wife. When one of his clients, author Lou Webber offers him money to eliminate a drug dealer who is stalking him, Mitch refuses. Days later, Mitch is diagnosed with inoperable stomach cancer. He reconsiders Lou's offer, and for the sake of his wife and baby, eliminates the threat. But after that night, everything changes, Mitch's stomach pains disappear. The Drug dealer suddenly resurfaces in a crowd. Then events conspire to drag Mitch deeper into a game that proves that at the right price any man is for hire.
Twists of Terror
Stuck in the attic, Phillip, (Joseph Ziegler) recounts several different tales to an unknown listener in order to explain the dangers of the world.
Человек тьмы 2: Возвращение Дюрана
Rollo Latham
С помощью своего друга-ученого, обезображенный доктор Уэстлэйк нашел способ, благодаря которому он мог бы вернуть свой первозданный облик. Но именно в этот момент безжалостный рок заставляет Пэйтона снова пережить трагедию, которая постигла его в первой части картины. Более того, оказывается, что покойный садист Дюран жив, здоров, и снова полон преступных планов. Доктор Уэстлэйк решает окончательно и бесповоротно разделаться с жутким Дюраном и его страшной компанией. Начинается кровавая схватка со злом, в которой Человек Тьмы пойдет до самого конца.
Миссис Паркер и порочный круг
Valentine's Day Director
В этой картине, известной также под названием «Миссис Паркер и круглый стол», раскрывается биография Дороти Паркер, американской писательницы. Внимание авторов фильма сосредоточено на её взлёте и падении в Нью-Йорке и Голливуде в тридцатых и сороковых годах...
A Cry in the Night
A divorced mother suspects that she and her two children may be in danger because of her insanely jealous new husband
The Final Heist
David King is an art thief who has retired to devote his time to his daughter on whom he dotes. He hasn't counted, however, on a mysterious gang who don't believe he is ready for retirement and who kidnap his daughter Gillian. If he doesn't do one more heist for them Gillian will be murdered.
Blind Fear
Bo Fenner
A blind employee at a New England lodge is in danger when a gang of killers arrives to stay at the lodge.
Evil Judgment
A girl starts her own investigation after the police fail to catch a local serial killer.