Director of Photography
Однажды неожиданно исчезает четырёхлетняя дочь успешного детского писателя Стивена Льюиса. Два года спустя после трагедии, отчаявшись найти ребенка, Льюис пытается смириться с произошедшим и начать жить заново самостоятельно, поскольку жена ушла от него, а друзья борются с собственными демонами.
Director of Photography
The National Gallery in London has flooded, and senior curator Quentin Lester has a dramatic solution. He proposes that the entire collection of priceless paintings should be removed from London and stored in an abandoned slate mine inside a Welsh mountain, as they were during the Second World War. Soon after Quentin is settled in North Wales admittedly more at home in a cave among his paintings than he is with other people he unwittingly sets in motion a series of events that wake up this sleepy, charming town. After mistaking local boy Dylan Hughes for an art history genius, Quentin finds himself in the middle of mayhem.
Director of Photography
A detailed and compelling portrait of one of the most formidable characters in British politics as she faces her final days in power. The year is 1990 and Margaret Thatcher's support within the government is wavering - her hold on the premiership hangs in the balance. Then, long-serving politician Sir Geoffrey Howe resigns over Thatcher's attitude to Europe. His resignation speech sparks a chain of events that leads to the overthrow of Britain's first woman prime minister. This modern dramatic tragedy illustrates the strengths and fatal flaws of this iconic woman more clearly than ever before and reveals how the very aspects of her character that helped her secure power are the ones that ensured her downfall. Drama starring Lindsay Duncan.
Director of Photography
Martin Clunes stars as a straight-laced museum curator who finds himself travelling to New Zealand to settle a dispute with a Maori community about an ancient carving - with unexpected consequences.
Director of Photography
Отец юной Энн Эллиот из-за своей неплатежеспособности вынужден покинуть родовую усадьбу и сдать ее в аренду семье адмирала Крофта. Узнав, кто будет жить в их доме, Энн старается как можно быстрее покинуть поместье, потому что несколько лет назад она была обручена со свояком адмирала — капитаном Фредериком Уэнтуортом. Все ожидают скорого сватовства Фредерика к одной из кузин — Луизе, но его избранницей вновь оказывается Энн…
Director of Photography
Thirty-something Nick Taylor and his wife Laura have been together for ten years and things aren't going too well. She senses her biological clock is ticking away and she wants children while Nick is not as sure. Not because he does not like kids but because he feels a child could be just one responsibility too many. Nick's problem is his elderly parents.
Kenneth Williams was the star of the Carry Ons and Round the Horne. Despite his fame, he led a life full of mental torture as he tried to overcome his homosexuality in 1950s Britain. This film follows his life and eventual death based on the many diaries he kept
Camera Operator
В попытке сплотить семью, жительница Нью-Йорка Адель возвращается с маленькой дочерью Сарой в Уэльс к мужу. Но уединенный дом на утесе, как выяснилось, имеет кровавое прошлое, подчиненное темным силам, которые властвуют до сих пор…
Director of Photography
Paralysed from the waist down after a car crash, Julie Hill struggles to get used to her disability and to save her marriage. It looks as if her husband will leave her. Then doctors try a revolutionary treatment which feeds electrical impulses to her leg muscles - allowing her to ride a bicycle once again and so go out for bike rides with her family. Her marriage survives and she and her husband end up closer together than before.
Director of Photography
Drama based on real-life events. Marie Stubbs, a diminutive Glaswegian headmistress who is coming up to retirement age, takes on one last challenge: to improve the fortunes of St George's School in north west London which was facing closure after the notorious murder of its previous headmaster, Philip Lawrence, in 1995 as he was breaking up a fight between his pupils and those from a rival school.
A gripping story of love, deceit, betrayal and survival set against the backdrop of the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. Michelle is married to Gary, a young miner who goes on strike as soon as the dispute between the Thatcher government and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) begins. Meanwhile, her sister Linda's husband Paul is a local policeman. Paul becomes more and more voluble in his opposition to the strike, while Linda looks around her and witnesses the women of her community suddenly find a voice and independence. The scene is set for political and personal conflicts which would change their lives forever.
Director of Photography
The story of the working and personal relationship between the comedians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, a hugely popular duo in the UK during the 1960s and 1970s. Focusing primarily on Cook, the film traces the pair from their first meeting through their career as part of the Beyond the Fringe review, their television series Not Only... But Also and various other projects before their later estrangement as Moore became a successful Hollywood film star and Cook remained in the UK.
Director of Photography
Life and adventures of lord George Gordon Byron. BBC dramatization of the poet's final thirteen years
Director of Photography
В начале XX века знаменитый профессор Челленджер делает потрясающее открытие - на удаленном плато в джунглях Амазонки существует удивительный и прекрасный мир, в котором до сих пор обитают динозавры. Миллионы лет эволюции его не коснулись - он остался в первозданном виде.Чтобы переубедить скептиков, группа искателей приключений - сам Челленджер, его чудаковатый коллега, богатая наследница, бесстрашный охотник и молодой репортер - отправляются в захватывающее, полное опасностей путешествие на поиски этого удивительного доисторического мира.
Director of Photography
У Рэя психическое заболевание. После последнего приступа его поместили в лечебницу, а обратно выпустили лишь под опеку его заботливого брата Пита. Пока Рэй отчаянно пытается сохранить душевное равновесие, Пит помимо помощи брату озабочен еще и своей карьерой и личной жизнью. Вскоре Рэй знакомится с Лорой и влюбляется в нее…
Director of Photography
Feature-length drama about the mystery of Sandringham Company, which disappeared in action at Gallipoli in 1915. Commanded by Captain Frank Beck, their estate manager, the men advanced into battle, were enveloped in a strange mist and never seen again.
Director of Photography
A young boy called Pip stumbles upon a hunted criminal who threatens him and demands food. A few years later, Pip finds that he has a benefactor. Imagining that Miss Havisham, a rich lady whose adopted daughter Estella he loves, is the benefactor, Pip believes in a grand plan at the end of which he will be married to Estella. However, when the criminal from his childhood turns up one stormy night and reveals that he, Magwitch, is his benefactor, Pip finds his dreams crumbling. Although initially repulsed by his benefactor, Pip gradually becomes loyal to him and stays with him until his death.
Two losers try to lift themselves out of the mire by letting their fantasy world take over their lives.
Director of Photography
Young housewife Alison tries to care for both her husband, who became brain-damaged after a motorbike accident, and their young child. Her husband's mother and best friend make things even more difficult.
A series of brutal sex murders disturbingly similar to the pattern of Superintendent Jane Tennison's (Dame Helen Mirren's) first major case leads to the awful suggestion that she may have caught the wrong man the first time.
Assigned to a Vice squad, Detective Jane Tennison investigates a child murder and discovers a sinister link to the police.
Шерлок Холмс расследует странные и трагические события в деревне, которые связаны с человеком, похожим на вампира.
Американская наследница Генриетта Доран (известная как Хэтти) выходит замуж за лорда Сэма Симона, но она бесследно исчезает в день ее свадьбы, оставляя возбужденный Лондон. Позже полиция находит её свадебное платье в Серпентине, озеро в лондонском парке, с запиской в кармане платья. Расследуя дело, Холмс страдает от кошмаров, которые он видит в качестве фактора в тайне.
Холмс и Уотсон пытаются сорвать схемы печально известного шантажиста Чарльза Августа Милвертона от шантажа леди Евы Блэквелл. Но всё не так просто, как и они рассчитывали, и Холмс должен пожертвовать своей моралью и своей честной карьерой, чтобы остановить Милвертона от разрушения ее брака.
Director of Photography
Two estranged cousins who never knew each other tries to make amends for many generations of family dispute.