Cab Driver
Непримиримая вражда поселилась в доме Годдардов. В надежде сгладить противоречия овдовевший отец и его страдающий сын помешают в газете объявление: «Требуется женщина-домработница», на которое откликается загадочная и чувственная Эмма. Ее красота не ускользает от мужчин, и вскоре их яркие чувства порождают мучительный любовный треугольник, сотканный из яростного соперничества, тайных страхов и неукротимой любви.
Dodge Owner
Raymond Lembecke is a con just out of prison after serving time for selling drugs for his mob boss Tony Vago. (Lembecke was innocent and took the rap for Vago.) Lembecke thinks Vago owes him big time so, when his former boss gets him a measly job in a warehouse, he decides on revenge and plans to steal a million dollars worth of drugs from him.
Associate Producer
Two novice thieves are plotting to rob a bank in Vancouver. A photographer snaps a shot of one thief as he is carrying the bank building's blueprints. The would-be thief then begins a relationship with the photographer and attempts to retrieve the photos. Meanwhile, the thieves' plot consists of this: one man will enter the bank building after dark, while the other man sits in a van and uses a computer to unlock the building's doors. The final step involves transporting the cash to a freight ship waiting on the docks, for transportation to a money launderer in Macau.