Himself (Archive)
Гений комедии, талантливый режиссёр и фильм о пиратах из XVII века. Что может пойти не так? «Призрак Питера Селлерса» — документальный фильм Питера Медака о его злополучной голливудской комедии, снятой на Кипре с участием Питера Селлерса и Спайка Миллигана в 1973 году.
Himself (archive footage)
A very personal portrait of the truly unique comedy genius of Spike Milligan, as told in his own words and featuring exclusive home movie footage. With contributions from those who worked with him, lived with him and were inspired by him.
A documentary about Spike Milligan
Self (archive footage)
A celebration of the life and career of Sir Harry Secombe, one of Britain's best-loved entertainers.
Arguably the greatest comedian to have emerged in post-war Britain, Spike Milligan came into television from the seminal radio comedy - "The Goons". Spike's TV output was to lose none of that shows anarchic, surreal and devastatingly funny humour, as his series "Q" (1968-1980) and "There's A Lot Of It About" (1982) broke every known television and comedy rule in sketch after sketch of nonsensical brilliance. This compilation captures the highlights of those series, including such classic sketches as The Eurovision Joke Contest, Spike as the singing Viking Maiden, insects auditioning for a David Attenborough series and much more assorted lunacy from the world of an indisputable comic genius.
Spike Milligan's book about the divided Irish village of Puckoon comes to the big screen.
Filmed in Australia 1984, this rare previously unreleased live performance shows comic genius Spike Milligan at his best. Bizarre, surreal, inspired.
Documentary about the life and career of a comic genius, Peter Sellers.
Spike personally tells the story of his life from India, World War II to The Goons and his Q series
Spike recalls his exploits in the army, setting up a jazz band and other sources of his comic inspiration. He patiently answers impertinent questions from Harry Secombe, Peter O'Toole, Lynsey de Paul, Roy Hudd and Denis Norden with often amusing answers.
Der Schauspieler
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Фильм "Жёлтая борода" о приключениях морского волка и корабельного дьявола по прозвищу Желтая борода. Его жизнь прошла под флагом "Веселого Роджера", перед его жестокостью спасовали бы самые именитые флибустьеры. Собрать команду головорезов, пойти на абордаж и найти сокровища – для настоящего хозяина морей все это детские шалости. Но сможет ли пират быть любящим отцом? Ведь даже отъявленный негодяй может в один прекрасный день познать радость отцовства...
A behind-the-scenes documentary of the making of 1983's Yellowbeard
Monsieur Rimbaud - The French Revolution
Сумасбродная комедия в стиле Монти Питона, которая стремительно переносит из каменного века во времена Римской империи, а затем и Французской революции, с шутками и приколами - от остроумных до вульгарных. Брукс находит смешное даже в пытках и истязаниях инквизиции - сам играет Торквемаду. Не «покупайтесь» только на финальную рекламу якобы второй части «Всемирной истории» - это такая же шутка, как и все остальное в картине. Уже не один отечественный видеоман сошел с ума, пытаясь отыскать несуществующее продолжение.
Оказывается, 2000 лет назад волхвы слегка промахнулись и из-за небольшой астрономической ошибки явили, было, свои дары не тому новорожденному, которому следовало. Дитя звали Брайан, и он просто родился в тот же час и лишь домом дальше, чем Сами-Знаете-Кто. По причине сего инцидента потом все путали Брайана с Мессией, а ему было лень разубеждать своих поклонников. Однако в почитании масс помимо приятной стороны есть и другая, и вот Брайан с тревогой обнаруживает себя в роли отчаянного религиозного лидера народного Фронта Иудеи, борющегося за свободу от римского ига — и в эпицентре больших неприятностей с оккупационными властями!…
Ten years ago exactly, more or less, give or take a day or two, six young men sat down, or maybe stood, or perhaps some of them just lounged, and wrote the first episode of a new series called Owl Stretching Time. They were called Graham Chapman , John Cleese, Terry Gilliam , Eric Idle,Terry Jones and Michael Palin and later both they and the series became known as Monty Python 's Flying Circus . Today they are the best known British comedy group in the world, famous from Cathay to Kathmandu, from Sydney to Sidcup (except in Japan where the programme is called The Gay Boys' Dragon Show ... say no more).
To commemorate their tenth anniversary a BBC team tracked them down in the deserts of Tunisia where they were filming their Life of Brian and almost persuaded them to examine the genesis, the genius and the gender of Monty Python.
Фильм-пародия по одноимённому роману Артура Конана Дойля. К Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону приходит на приём доктор Мортимер и рассказывает о смерти сэра Чарльза Баскервиля, и об ужасной легенде о собаке, преследующей весь род Баскервилей. Ссылаясь на большую усталость, Холмс остаётся в Лондоне, а Ватсон отправляется в Баскервилль Холл, чтобы провести расследование смерти сэра Чарльза.
Digby Geste joins his brother, Beau, in the Foreign Legion following the theft of a priceless family heirloom.
Narrator: "Moonshadow"
A collection of fourteen award winning animated short films including "Moonshadow," "The Last Cartoon Man," "Closed Mondays," and "Cosmic Cartoon".
The animation begins with a still frame of Teaser and his pet Firecat, pictured as they appear on the cover of the album bearing their names. The picture comes to life, and in the course of the animation, they find the fallen Moon, ride on it as it flies, and find a way to replace it in the sky. The beginning and ending story portions were written by Cat Stevens and narrated by Spike Milligan
Mr. Platypus (voice)
An Australian girl gets lost in the Outback, but she is befriended by a kangaroo who gives her a ride in her pouch as they search for the girl's home. Aiding the pair are musically gifted koalas, platypuses, and kookaburras in this film based on Ethel Pedley's 1899 children's book, with animated humans and animals superimposed upon a live background.
A twelve year old boy and a common criminal are being transported in the same ship from England to Australia in the last century. When the ship wrecked they happen to be the only survivors of the catastrophe. Now they have to get along with each other and finally become friends.
William Topaz McGonagall
In this high-camp farce, Goons legend Spike Milligan stars as William Topaz McGonagall, an unemployed Scottish weaver and aspiring poet laureate who falls in love with Queen Victoria - a brilliant cameo by Peter Sellers - and thereafter devotes his banal poetry to her. Though McGonagall's solicitations are rejected by the Queen, it doesn't stop the turgid prose, and pathos, from overflowing as McGonagall hilariously attempts to become the greatest poet in the land. The image of the bad poet, trapped by his romanticism and inspired by a muse with a tin ear, appealed mightily to Spike Milligan, and this cult British spoof features the Goons show maestro at his ridiculous, genre-defying best.
In this high-camp farce, Goons legend Spike Milligan stars as William Topaz McGonagall, an unemployed Scottish weaver and aspiring poet laureate who falls in love with Queen Victoria - a brilliant cameo by Peter Sellers - and thereafter devotes his banal poetry to her. Though McGonagall's solicitations are rejected by the Queen, it doesn't stop the turgid prose, and pathos, from overflowing as McGonagall hilariously attempts to become the greatest poet in the land. The image of the bad poet, trapped by his romanticism and inspired by a muse with a tin ear, appealed mightily to Spike Milligan, and this cult British spoof features the Goons show maestro at his ridiculous, genre-defying best.
An unscrupulous property developer wants to flatten the street to make way for new buildings.Householder George Roper is happy to take the offered money and run but his wife Mildred and their lodgers join with other residents to take a stand and keep things as they are, finally winning the day
Narrated by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, this documentary about "Laurel and Hardy", one of the most popular and critically acclaimed comedy double acts of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema. It features interviews with Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke, Babe London, Marcel Marceau, Lucille Hardy (Ollie's wife), Bob Monkhouse, Hal Roach, Marvin T Hatley, Jack McCabe and many more.
American V.I.P James Burn II finds his son James Burn III (Bob Sherman) leading a giant "sleep-in" that has taken over Windsor Castle. He hires Nancy (Lulu) to get him out of the castle and into work. With the help of her crazy eccentric father, (Wilfred Hyde-White) who believes in working day and night and producing nothing and uses a fantastic astro-telescope for casual bird watching, she does just that !
Bill Bombay
A pirate crewman kills his captain after learning where he has hidden his buried treasure. However, as he begins to lose his memory, he relies more and more on the ghost of the man he just murdered to help him find the loot.
M. Bonancieux
Всем известный роман приобретает совершенно неожиданное прочтение. Йорк в роли веселого, задиристого юноши, несколько простоватого, но настроенного столь возвышенно, что в его Д Артаньяна невозможно не влюбиться. Он хочет стать мушкетером, среди которых выделяются лидеры: Атос, Арамис и Портос — отнюдь не святая троица, все действия которой мотивируются глубиной выреза на женском платье и наличными, но только не преданностью королю. Король — полный идиот, и это еще мягко сказано. Вероломная королева завела шашни с герцогом Букингемским, а злой кардинал узнает об этой «государственной» измене и планирует использовать это для унижения королевы и усиления своей личной власти и влияния на короля. Он прибегает к услугам честолюбивой авантюристки «Миледи», а трое мушкетеров к тому времени уже сдружились c Д Артаньяном, который влюбился в Констанс Бонасье, лучшую подругу королевы.
Dr. Harz
Digby consumes a bowl of Project X, a liquid growth formula. Soon, he becomes a sheepdog of gigantic size!
London, 1940. Aspiring jazz musician and future comedy legend Terence "Spike" Milligan reluctantly obeys his call-up and joins the Royal Artillery regiment at Bexhill, where he begins training to take part in the War. But along the way Spike and his friends get involved in many amusing - and some not-so amusing - scrapes. A film adaptation of the first volume of Spike Milligan's war diaries.
Leo Milligan
London, 1940. Aspiring jazz musician and future comedy legend Terence "Spike" Milligan reluctantly obeys his call-up and joins the Royal Artillery regiment at Bexhill, where he begins training to take part in the War. But along the way Spike and his friends get involved in many amusing - and some not-so amusing - scrapes. A film adaptation of the first volume of Spike Milligan's war diaries.
a Customs officer
Armitage runs a chemical company that is on the verge of producing a gas that causes temporary disability. Clearly the military want it but it is also sought by a group of Japanese. Both Armitage and Madam Greenfly hire different people in the same detective agency to guard the gas and steal it respectively... confusion, double crosses and hilarity ensue...
Очень красочная, с масштабными декорациями экранизация сказки Льюиса Кэрролла "Алиса в Стране чудес". Погнавшись за Белым Кроликом, Алиса неожиданно проваливается в глубокую нору и попадает в страну чудес. За одной из дверей загадочной комнаты она видит прекрасный сад, но но не может туда попасть, так как дверца, ведущая туда, слишком мала. Алиса переживает несколько волшебных превращений, когда она то сильно вырастает, то уменьшается. Путешествуя по волшебной стране, девочка встречается со сказочными существами, населяющими её: Белым Кроликом, Герцогиней, Чеширским Котом, участвует в Безумном чаепитии у Мартовского Зайца вместе с Болванщиком и Соней. В конце концов она входит в прекрасный сад... От других постановок эту отличает «звёздный» состав британских актёров кино и театра. Фильм завоевал две награды Британской киноакадемии – за работу оператора и дизайн костюмов.
Young Socialists from Glasgow, Liverpool and Swansea march to London and discuss their economic struggles en route. Supporting them are Ken Loach, Corin Redgrave, Arnold Wesker and other leading cultural figures of the left of British politics. The march is intercut with scenes dramatising parallel injustices in the English Civil War era and earlier - featuring Frances de la Tour in queenly mode as Elizabeth I. The film's unconventional structure also features frequent extracts of the rousing pop concert, with the band Slade, which culminated the epic march.
Sellers, Secombe and Milligan reunite for one last show.
Sellers, Secombe and Milligan reunite for one last show.
Barry McKenzie sets off for England with his aunt, Edna Everage, to advance his cultural education. Bazza is an innocent abroad, fond of beer, Bondi and beautiful sheilas, but he soon settles into the Australian ghetto in Earls Court, where his old mate Curly has a flat.
Tramp (segment "Sloth")
Наверняка нет на свете человека, который не разу не согрешил. Эта британская комедия дает возможность зрителю посмеяться над собой, предлагая взглянуть на себя со стороны. Возможно кто-то узнает себя в одном из семи эпизодов, отражающих "семь смертных грехов" - алчность, зависть, чревоугодие, похоть, гордость, лень и ... ну а седьмой смертный грех, как и бессмертный музыкальный хит тех лет под завязочные титры, вы узнаете, досмотрев эту изумительную комедию до конца. Лучшие комедийные актеры Великобритании 70-х объединились в этой ужасно смешной истории о семи смертных грехах.
Наверняка нет на свете человека, который не разу не согрешил. Эта британская комедия дает возможность зрителю посмеяться над собой, предлагая взглянуть на себя со стороны. Возможно кто-то узнает себя в одном из семи эпизодов, отражающих "семь смертных грехов" - алчность, зависть, чревоугодие, похоть, гордость, лень и ... ну а седьмой смертный грех, как и бессмертный музыкальный хит тех лет под завязочные титры, вы узнаете, досмотрев эту изумительную комедию до конца. Лучшие комедийные актеры Великобритании 70-х объединились в этой ужасно смешной истории о семи смертных грехах.
E.W. Mackney
An evening at Wilton's Music-Hall, Grace's Alley, Wellclose Square, London, 1860 starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan, Keith Michell, Pat Kirkwood, Warren Mitchell, Ronnie Barker, Bill Fraser, Gina Astralita, Eric Robinson. Introduced by Billy Russell. Tonight, 90 years after it closed, this famous Music-Hall opens again to bring you a picture of the stars, the singers, the dancers, and the people who once went there.
The Court Jester
The plot revolves around two heirs, Prince Frederick (Barry Gibb) and his brother Prince Marmaduke (Maurice Gibb), and their dying father (Frankie Howerd). On his death bed, The King orders his kingdom divided into two halves, the Kingdom of Jelly and the Kingdom of Cucumbers. Before the king even dies, Prince Frederick declares himself "King of Cucumbers" and Prince Marmaduke becomes the “King of Jelly”. The film intersperses comedy sketches with Bee Gees songs plus performances by Lulu and Blind Faith with cameo appearances.
A BBC documentary portrait of Peter Sellers, filmed over a period of nine months in 1969 where director Tony Palmer interviews Sellers and friends and associates about the actor's career and life. At age 44, with 38 films already behind him, including Dr. Strangelove and two "Pink Panther" films, Sellers was then at the crest of his career. But his personal life, which included two bad marriages (and two more to come), a near-fatal 1964 heart attack, and increasingly disturbing personality disorders, was in tatters.
Traffic Warden
Сэр Гай Гранд, эксцентричный миллиардер, вместе со своим недавно усыновленным наследником, а ранее бездомным, Янгменом, любит развлекаться, разыгрывая людей. Гранд не против раздавать большие суммы денег различным людям, подкупать их, чтобы удовлетворять свои прихоти или шокировать их. Цель его розыгрышей - показать своему наследнику, что «каждый имеет свою цену» - все просто зависит от суммы, которую вы готовы заплатить. Начиная с довольно мелких обманов, они переходят к все более сложным трюкам с участием более высоких социальных слоев и более широкой аудитории. Как показывает их беседа, Гранд рассматривает свои сюжеты как «образовательные».
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
Harold Petts
Гарольд Мопс, лучший почтальон района Верхний Фрингли, приглашен на работу в крупнейший лондонский почтамт. Здесь, стремясь помочь каждому работнику, Гарольд часто попадает в различные нелепые ситуации. Его чрезмерная работоспособность вызывает недовольство начальства, и от Гарольда решают избавиться. И когда Гарольд помог полиции задержать бандитов, проникших в здание почтамта, его в порядке поощрения назначают начальником почты в Верхний Фрингли.
A writer attempts to raise some cash by writing a book about the Loch Ness Monster. No publisher will take it because they all think there isn't really a monster. The writer and some of his friends make a fake monster and take photographs and then travel to Scotland to see if they can convince the locals.
This British men-on-a-mission spoof set during World War II finds intrepid officer Bill Travers leading three colorful compatriots into Nazi-occupied France to destroy an obnoxiously large, loud, and destructive enemy gun. See if this fearless foursome can stomp their Fascist foes and get back to their game of cricket! Spike Milligan, Gregoire Aslan, and Thorley Walters co-star.
The White Rabbit
A Christmas TV special in which Alice does not go through a looking glass, but through a TV set.
Arthur, lab orderly
A government team researching cures for plague find their results put on the Official Secrets list. One of their number is so incensed by this that he lets the maimed and jealous companion of a female colleague draw him into what, technically, could be a treasonable act.
Ranjid - Civilian electrician #1
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
Portrait of Spike Milligan, then part of The Goon Show examining his views on comedy,
Indian with Grey Beard (uncredited)
Мама маленького Джо работает в ателье господина Кандинского швеёй, и Джо иногда бывает у неё на работе. Они кое-как сводят концы с концами на мамину зарплату, но в их бедном квартале есть соседи, которые даже голодают. Джо не знает, как помочь всем этим людям и маме, но очень хочет этого. Кандинский однажды говорил ему, что любое желание человека может исполнить только единорог из сказки. Джо покупает на свои сбережения маленького козлёнка, у которого по-особенному растут рожки. Он решил вырастить собственного единорога…
Additional Writing
Supposedly filmed in 'Schizophrenoscope', it concerns Inspector Quilt of Scotland Yard's attempts to retrieve a 'Mukkinese Battlehorn' stolen from a London museum. Along the way he meets characters not dissimilar to Eccles, Henry Crun and Minnie Bannister from The Goon Show. This attempt to adapt Goon humour to the big screen was written by Harry Booth, Jon Penington and regular Goon show co-writer Larry Stephens. It was then heavily rewritten on the filmset by Sellers and Milligan.
Supposedly filmed in 'Schizophrenoscope', it concerns Inspector Quilt of Scotland Yard's attempts to retrieve a 'Mukkinese Battlehorn' stolen from a London museum. Along the way he meets characters not dissimilar to Eccles, Henry Crun and Minnie Bannister from The Goon Show. This attempt to adapt Goon humour to the big screen was written by Harry Booth, Jon Penington and regular Goon show co-writer Larry Stephens. It was then heavily rewritten on the filmset by Sellers and Milligan.
Two friends on a motoring holiday pursue a pair girls.
Pvt. Eccles
The Goon Show hits the big screen. Professor Pure Heart absent-mindedly loses the top secret formula in Harry Jones' Grocery Shop. "Bats of the Yard", as Harry calls himself, finds it and attempts to return it to the Professor.
Let's Go Crazy is a 1951 comedy film marking an early appearance of Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers playing multiple roles.
Multiple Roles
Let's Go Crazy is a 1951 comedy film marking an early appearance of Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers playing multiple roles.
Spike Donnelly
When Harry and Spike visit Bristol to spend the winnings from Harry's latest Pools win, the boys are soon targeted by a gang of local counterfeiters.