Daniel Kluge


Lucia di Lammermoor
Lucia loves Edgardo, the last heir of her family’s enemy clan. They are in danger, but Lucia refuses to betray her love. A ring falls to the floor, the nightmare begins – the nocturnal sky fills with lightning and thunder, madness and blood reign, there is a corpse, then another and yet another. Staatsoper Hamburg's Lucia di Lammermoor turns the city into a stage. Inspired by worldwide women's protests, director Amelie Niermeyer has filmed dancers in the city and invites them into the theatre via video. They rush to the aid of the main character Lucia, who - like the director - asserts herself as a woman in a man's world.
Manon - Staatsoper Hamburg
A nunnery or love? Love or money? Money or death? – On her way to the monastery, the young Manon is wooed by men. When Chevalier Des Grieux turns up, they fall in love and decide to escape. They live in Paris, money is scarce, family honour injured. And so Manon agrees to have Des Grieux abducted at his father's command, and begins a new life with a rich man. While she lives in the lap of luxury, in his pain Des Grieux decides to take holy orders. Manon learns of this and is able to change his mind. Again they live together: their love is enormous, money is scarce, and luxury and the casino beckon. Accused of cheating at cards, they are arrested; Des Grieux is released, but Manon is sentenced to a women's prison. Money is supposed to save her, but already she is too weak ... Recording of the premiere on January 24, 2021 from the State Opera Hamburg.