Gladys Field

Gladys Field


Gladys Field


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Bernice Lanyon
Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
A Montana Mix-Up
Maizie Mackay
Maizie Mackey finished with her term at boarding school in Los Angeles, leaves her sweetheart, Bud Stone, and returns to her father's ranch near Ash Forks, Cal. A few weeks later, Bud, lonesome and downhearted, wires Maizie's father that he is coming on to ask a very important question.
The Cowboy Coward
Henry and Steve, two "bunkies" on the "LL" ranch, are in love with Katie, their employer's daughter. While she likes Steve the best, she feels she cannot accept him because of his craving for gambling. Cash Wilkins, a bully, insults Steve, whereat he receives a good thrashing, and Wilkins, to get even, insults Katie and steals a small revolver that she carries with her. He then sends a note to Katie, that if she wants the gun back to send Henry for it. Henry is afraid of the bully and frightenedly tells Steve that he is afraid he must lose Katie as he can never face Wilkins. Steve looks pityingly at the coward, and taking the note, goes to Wilkin's cabin, and after another thrashing, makes Wilkins write a note of apology to Katie, and a promise to leave the country forever. Steve gives the note and the girl's gun to Henry and tells him to take them to Katie. The girl never suspects and Steve, realizing that "two's company and three's a crowd," packs his clothes and leaves.
The Outlaw Deputy
Mrs. Kelly
Buck Stevens, an outlaw, escapes from the county jail, but is speedily captured and locked up again. In more ways than one Buck is shown kindness by the sheriff, who urges him to serve his time. A few years later, when Buck is released, he reads that there is a reward for the capture of one Dare Devil Kelly, hiding in Snake Canon. The sheriff is incapacitated through injury to his ankle and after vainly calling for volunteers to go after the bad man, the sheriff gives Buck the chance.
The Forester's Plea
Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.
The Stage Driver's Daughter
Old Jim Lacey and his daughter operate a stagecoach in the west. One day, Alice, the girl, meets Tom Percival, a prospector, green from the east, and they fall in love. A few weeks later Tom writes Alice that he has struck it rich and for her to accompany her father on the stagecoach that day and she can ride with him to the claim office.
The Sheriff's Decision
Nita Sanchez
Steve Jameson, a cowboy, is having a lonely meal on the range one day when suddenly he is surprised by a stranger, who rushes covertly out of the bushes and begs him, in an excited manner, for food. The newcomer is a Mexican and his strange demeanor and excited manner suggest to Steve that he is a fugitive.
The Strike at the Little Jonny Mine
Mrs. Logan
Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners
The Millionaire and the Squatter
The Squatter's Daughter
Gordon Olcott, an eastern millionaire, goes west and examines large tracts of land with the view of purchasing a tract, intending to build a summer home. After selecting a suitable tract, covering several thousands of acres, he learns that a miner, working a claim on a portion of his tract has refused to vacate.
A Western Girl's Sacrifice
Nora Flannigan
Young Harry Farman and Eloise Wendell are engaged to be married. Harry is a wealthy young fellow and Eloise is a society girl, and both find pleasure in their clubs and other such luxuries that the city affords the fashionable, wealthy set. Eloise, who has rode a hobby of philanthropy is engaged with her club and other clubs, who are holding a tag day, the funds to go to the children of the poor. Eloise, with another friend, invades a saloon in a fashionable hotel, and are invited to have a drink by two men seated at a table. Eloise, in fun, lifts the glass to her lips when Farman enters. The match is broken off and the next day Farman, with a friend, goes west.
Spike Shannon's Last Fight
Nora Flannigan
'Spike' Shannon, a pugilist by occupation, signs to fight a 10-round bout, with another young knight of the ring. A contract is drawn and 'Spike' and his backers leave the office of the promoter. On the street they encounter a young couple, evidently at outs, but which proves later, upon the girl's explanation, to be a flirtation, in which she has no desire to take part. The masher has insolently insulted her. 'Spike' takes in the situation at once and with his strong right arm knocks the dude sprawling.
A Pal's Oath
Marie Wentworth
Two pals, Jack Manley and John French, are employed on a large ranch in Wyoming. French falls sick with fever and Jack goes for a doctor. This latter, however, refuses to accompany Jack without his payment in advance and Jack, in despair, is forced to depart without the doctor. Back at the bunkhouse he conceives the plan to hold up a pony express rider
The Corporation and the Ranch Girl
Ann Newton
Upon the death of her father, Ann Newton is made the heiress of an extensive and valuable ranch in Arizona, when she is visited by the officials of the S.W. Railroad Company, who, seeking to extend the tracks of their company, find it necessary to buy a portion of the ranch. Ann refuses to part with the ranch at any price
The Tribe's Penalty
Dorothy Sloane
Dorothy Sloane, the daughter of a white settler in the west, leaves her home one day for a ride on horseback to the village, but on the way in intercepted by a party of Indians who, after a hard chase, capture her and taking her to the village, bring her before the chief.
Forgiven in Death
Ned and Jack, two western boys, are both in love with the pretty daughter of their employer, who, liking both, is unsettled as to which of them she will accept. She finally decides upon Jack and not desiring to hurt Ned's feelings, proposes to her father that she and Jack be married secretly.
The Lucky Card
The Woman
George Maxwell, a young cowboy, rescues a fever-stricken Mexican prospector and carrying him to an inn in the vicinity like a good Samaritan, pays the innkeeper a sum of money to care for the stricken man until he recovers.
The Puncher's New Love
The City Girl
Harvey Barton, a young cowboy, is happily in love with Kate Bowers, a pretty western girl. One day he calls at her home, shows her a handbill advertising a barn dance to be held at one of the nearby ranches, and asks her to go with him. On his way back to the ranch he comes upon a beautiful young woman, whose horse has met with an accident and Harvey dismounts and bashfully asks her if he can be of any assistance. She accepts his help and invites him to accompany her home. She is inclined to flirt and easily turns the foolish young cowpuncher's head, and the meeting ends with him inviting her to accompany him to the dance.
The Bunco Game at Lizardhead
Jake Walters and his wife, Millie, arrive at Lizardhead, Arizona. They have learned that Mrs. Riley, proprietress of the hotel, has advertised for a waitress and Millie is sent to take the position. Millie is pretty and soon has all the village swains breaking their necks to gain her favor. From "Stump" Willetts to "Lank" Henderson, every cowboy within a radius of ten miles of Lizardhead is led to believe that he is the pretty lady's choice.
The Bad Man's First Prayer
Alice Selling
Driven to drink by poverty brought upon by the long illness of his wife, Joe Selling, a western miner, spends most of his time at the village bar, where one day his daughter Alice enters and pleads with him to come home. She is thrust aside by the brutal bartender, who orders her to leave the place when Dan Quigley, a rather shady character, takes her part, thrusts the bartender aside, and helping Joe to his feet, leads him out of the place and home. At home Alice pleads with both men to reform, but her father is obstinate and Dan says he is "too bad."
Across the Plains
Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee and her father are on their way to Golden California, from a little Kansas farm, traveling in a prairie schooner. At the last settlement visited by the two, the old man, who has a weakness for drink, purchases several bottles of whiskey, which he begins drinking when they have made camp for the night. A lone cowboy calls upon them and finds the old man in a jovial mood and cautions him to beware of the hostile tribe of Indians, through whose country they are now traveling.
The Sheriff's Chum
Jessie Phelps
Two young men of a western town, Will Phelps and George Arden, are in love with the same girl, the belle of the village. Having been pals from boyhood they decide to let the girl choose between them and to abide by her decision without argument or malice. Jessie chooses Phelps, and Arden, although deeply hurt by her decision, presses the hands of both and wishes them happiness. Several years elapse during which time Jessie and Will are married and the latter has become sheriff of the county. It is then that Arden returns and the two men are apparently happy in being together again.
The Romance on 'Bar O'
Alice Walton - The Rancher's Daughter
Young Jack Farson, the foreman on the "Bar O" ranch, is in love with Alice Walton, daughter of his employer. Alice rejects the young cowpuncher, but asks in a kindly way that they continue as good friends and nothing else. One day, while out on a canter, the spirited horse stubbornly refuses to ford a stream, and becoming angry endeavors to throw his fair rider.
The Cattleman's Daughter
Gladys Brown
Old Jim Brown, a western ranchman, has a pretty daughter Gladys, who is loved by young Frank Carpenter, then foreman of the ranch. Brown objects to the match because he has an opportunity to marry Gladys off to a rich mine owner, seeing in this alliance the opportunity for social advancement for the girl and himself.
The Bad Man's Downfall
Molly Martin
When pretty Molly Martin comes out to the west to teach school, she is beset by many admirers. But the most persistent, and as fate often wills it, the least acceptable, is one "Bad" McGrew, town bully and a generally worthless scamp.
The Two Reformations
Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.
The Border Ranger
The Ranger's Girl
Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.
The Bad Man's Christmas Gift
Gladys Pierce
Andy Carson, puncher on the Lazy X ranch, is in love with Gladys, daughter of Col. Pierce, the ranch owner. Gladys likes the young puncher, but when Jack Brinsley, a young Eastern friend of her father, comes to spend Christmas at the ranch, she speedily transfers her affection to the Easterner.
Hank and Lank: Lifesavers
Hank and Lank: Lifesavers is a Silent Comedy short.
The Silent Message
Gladys - the Ranchman's Daughter
Jeff Bandera, outlaw, has been capture by the sheriff, who is taking him by rail to the nearest lockup. Jeff is desperate and when the train slows down to a curve he makes a leap through the window and, despite his handcuffs, escapes serious injury. Before the sheriff can leave the train and pursue him Jeff has taken refuge in the gulches of the rough country
A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law
Nellie Blair
Nellie Blair, the niece of a wealthy ranchman, and an orphan, comes in make her home with her uncle, and shortly after her arrival finds that the whole "Circle A" outfit, every manjack on the place, is in love with her.
The Bearded Bandit
Nan Conners
A stirring Western drama presenting as its principal character a man who is at once ranchman and bandit
The Tout's Remembrance
"Bullets" Brown, the hero of our story, is a rare track tout, and a true type or this particular parasite.
A Flirty Affliction
Pretty Molly is afflicted with a peculiar nervous disease and after having tried many doctors is finally referred to a certain great specialist, who has had success with cases similar to her own. To briefly describe Molly's ailment would be in stating that the muscles of her throat and neck were uncontrollable, causing her to throw back her head in a way resembling a person beckoning to another.
Trailed to the Hills
Gladys Forsyth
A story of grim vengeance.
The Unknown Claim
Reuben Ellis and his daughter, Belle, are in hard financial straits. Burdened with debts and pressed by persistent creditors, the old man finds but one way to meet his obligations, and that is mortgaging the ranch. Belle tries to console him, but agrees that they must borrow money. Ellis rides into town and applies to a money-lender for a sum sufficient to meet his debts. Walker, the loan agent, agrees to ride out to the ranch and look it over, but after he has viewed the ramshackle buildings and pitiful collection of household furniture he shakes his head and says the place is not worth a cent.
The Cowpuncher's Ward
The Cowpuncher's Ward, as an Adult
'Red' Bowman is a worthless renegade, an alleged rustler, to whom fate has been unduly kind to allow him to escape so long the honest judgment and double earned punishment. His daughter, a curly-headed ragged little sunbeam, keeps house for him as best she can, accepting with model fortitude her brutal father's blows and lashings. When he beats her too mercilessly she runs away, if she can, to hide until his anger cools. One day he is interrupted in his amusement of "lickin' the kid" by a group of stern, determined cowboys, who threaten to lynch him if he dares whip the little girl again. 'Red' slinks away and postpones the lashing for another time. That night, he and a pal, another black-hearted scoundrel, make a raid on a bunch of cattle, but are caught in the act.
A Ranchman's Wooing
Jed Perkins, an old ranchman, has four handsome daughters, of whom he is very proud, but whom he guards with jealous care.
The Backwoodsman's Suspicion
Mrs. Walker - the Wife
Wilton Shaw, a young author, has been advised by his physician to go west for his health and the opening scenes of this picture finds him in a little town in Montana, seeking board and lodging. Jim Walker, a backwoodsman, offers him a home with him and his wife, and he accepts. Arriving at the rough hut of the Walkers, Shaw is introduced to Walker's wife.