На фестивале магических битв «Триумф», который проходит в славном Королевстве Клевера раз в десять лет, Аста намерен показать себя и вновь сразиться со своим другом детства Юно. Но радость предвкушения достойной битвы была прервана появлением Конрада Лето, прошлого короля магов. Вместе с приспешниками Конрад Лето планирует уничтожить Королевство Клевера, а на его руинах построить новое, в котором все люди будут равны. Рыцарям-чародеям придётся объединить силы, чтобы спасти королевство и одолеть врага, а Асте, юноше, не владеющему магией, стать главным оружием в этой битве.
About half a year before the opening of the patisserie, La Soleil where the catgirls work with Kashou. Back when Chocola and Vanilla were still kittens when they first arrived at the Minazuki household and before they opened up to the other catgirls.
Kashou Minaduki, the son of a long line of Japanese confection makers moved out to open his own shop "La Soleil" as a patisserie. But upon moving out, hidden amongst his things were two of the catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, that the family had been raising. When he tried to send them back, they begged and pleaded until he gave in and now they've opened La Soleil together. With two catgirls who really, REALLY love their master trying their very best and occasionally failing -- a heartful comedy opens for business!
One year has passed after the great battle against the Orochi (gigantic snake). Tenka Kumo had been paralyzed from the final battle and he took part of the government’s human experiment before the battle. Tenka withdrew himself from society but his younger brothers Soramaru and Chutaro find out the secret past about their older brother.