Barbara Dabson

Barbara Dabson

Рождение : , London, England


Barbara Dabson


Jack And Jill: The Hills of Hell
After searching for her missing daughter, a lady will discover the deadly legend behind the famous Nursery Rhyme.
Demonic Plastic Surgeon, M D
Young Beryl
At an elderly peoples home, a demonic plastic surgeon has been summoned. And soon, they will all be due a make over.
Красота убивает
A group of models is killed off, one by one, and everyone is a suspect.
Cam Girls
Kelly Childs
Jenna, Kelly and Ness have all found themselves isolated around lockdown. With little to do around the homes, and a lot of time on their hands, the girls interact with one another discussing their new sexual desires becoming unleashed with their partners via the internet. Diving into the world of BDSM, group and infidelity, will the ladies want to go further with these experimental sexual acts when they leave lockdown?
Amityville Scarecrow
A summer camp that is about to open to unwitting guests. However, there is something evil that lurks on the land.
The Mutation
News Reporter
A mutated rat has been let loose in a city.
Cannibal Troll
A group of friends on a camping trip, for the bride to be' s hen do, find themselves hunted down by a man eating cannibal troll in the woodland. They are hunted, captured and locked up in the Trolls torture chamber being forced to undergo a variety of challenges in order to escape their fate.
Conjuring the Genie
A young lady unleashes a demonic Genie from an amulet.
Kelly Childs
It's a cut down version of a movie called Cam Girls. Three friends, frustrated by being forced to stay at home during lockdown, find their love lives under pressure from living in isolation. With human contact only through their phones and computers, they struggle to adapt to a new way of living and loving.
Возрождение мумии
Группа студентов-археологов случайно пробуждает мумию египетского царя и оказывается в петле времени. Чтобы разорвать её, им необходимо найти древнюю книгу египетских шаманов и произнести заклятье изгнания.
Люси, Саманта и Елена Белл - сёстры и потомки тысячелетней династии белых ведьм, задача которых - не допустить распространение тёмной магии. Однажды в поле их зрения попадает Доминика - колдунья, которая пытается обрести неограниченную силу, принося в жертву молодых чародеек. Троица спасает из её лап юную Джессику, которая носит таинственный знак зверя о трёх рогах, и обладает скрытой силой. Теперь им предстоит обучить её премудростям белой магии и подготовить к борьбе с силами зла.
The Candy Witch
Two ghost hunters are called upon a distressed family who claim they are being tormented by an evil spirit known in their local town as The Candy Witch. But as the mystery of her curse is uncovered, surprising and sinister turns are discovered around The Candy Witch's identity. Their hardest case yet, can they solve this evil curse before more people are killed by the demonic spirit?