Jimmy Chunga
Рождение : 1969-08-20, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
История старшеклассницы Халы, которая пытается совместить жизнь подростка из пригорода со своим традиционным мусульманским воспитанием. Добившись признания, Хала узнает секрет, который грозит разрушить ее семью.
Officer Tom
Years ago these cousins and best friends we inseparable, creating adventures that would last a lifetime.
Raphael / Ralph
Still grieving over the loss of his wife, widowed lawyer Jim Crawford (Michael Flynn) discovers a pack of orphaned wolf cubs who face certain death unless he takes them in. Unprepared for the task, but unwilling to see them suffer, he takes them into his care and keeping...with the help of an offbeat angel. It is a daunting task with unintended...sometimes hilarious consequences. As the wolf cubs grow, so does Jim's love for them. But wolves are creatures of the wild, and Jim is faced with the excruciating decision to return his companions from whence they came. When a greedy real estate developer (David Nibley) plans threaten the wolves survival, Jim must protect them in their natural habitat...and in the courtroom. Friends For Life is a heartwarming 3D adventure appropriate for all ages
Senator Douglass
The Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) branch in Provo is overwhelmed and overworked, as the Federal government has never taken Utah seriously as a threat for terrorist attack. They are joined by '24' Fan Jono Decker who fights to save the city he lives in, and protect the lives of the innocent. Jono uses the knowledge he's gained from watching '24' to stop the threat, and save the government of Utah from descending into ruin. But there is more to the situation than meets the eye, and Jono may be faced with an impossible decision.
Max Griffin
Рик Пенинг живёт точно так же, как играет в регби: быстро, жёстко и интенсивно. Когда такая жизнь доводит его до тюрьмы, тюремный опекун Маркус Тэйт предлагает ему шанс возвратиться к игре, но играя за его конкурентов, «Highland Rugby». Неохотно Рик присоединяется к команде, где он должен принять изнурительный график обучения и уникальный кодекс поведения, который предписывает тренер Джелвикс, или завершить сезон за решеткой. Как только Рик начинает чувствовать себя частью команды, его выпускают из тюрьмы домой, где он должен присоединиться к его прежней команде, тренируемой его отцом. Выпадая в жеребьевке против «Highland», в национальном чемпионате, Рик должен выбрать за кого играть…
Phat Cop
The Singles Ward gang returns in this hilarious sequel of marital proportions! Dallen has finally met the girl of his dreams. Christine is everything Dallen has ever wanted: sweet, simple, and devoted to the gospel. Too bad his future in- laws are anything but! The original gang is back for the celebration five years in the making!
Sierra Young is a rising ingénue, making $10 million per picture. She's also a spoiled brat, partying all night, complaining on the set, unable to perform well. After a tantrum, in which she gets two black eyes, the director has her sent to a rehab clinic in a remote Utah town. Within a day, she's run away and is taken in by Nettie, who runs a bed and breakfast inn. Sierra also meets Nettie's grandson, Tyler, head of the local community theater. Sierra invents a name, tells Nettie a wild story, and reads for a part in Tyler's production of "Taming of the Shrew." Meanwhile, her entourage hires a private eye to find her. In a small town of real people, will she find herself first?
Referee / Umpire
Dennis Buckstead has the hardest calling in his church. Not only has he been asked to coach a group of non-basketball players in his church but the bishop has demanded that he lead the team to the Basketball Championship. Word from the top is that this is the last season of church ball and Bishop Linderman isn't about to have his team lose for the 20th year in a row in the last season of church ball history! What was supposed to strengthen the body, invigorate the mind and cultivate brotherly love seems to bring out the worst in these church-going ball players. Dennis must find a way to bring his team together and build unity along the way to win the championship or go down in church ball history as the worst team that ever played.
Phat Cop
Stocky Greg's passion is football, and he rounds up his family from their respective church meetings and rushes home just in time to make the kick-off of the Sunday afternoon Vikings game. He has just planted himself in front of his massive television screen scarfing down chicken when his new home teaching companion, Nelson, calls to inform him that he has set an appointment to visit the Mori family in 15 minutes. Mormon males serving as home teachers are admonished to visit with their assigned families once a month, bring them a spiritual message, and provide help as necessary. Nelson, a nerdy "letter of the law" kind of Mormon who will not even purchase gas on a Sunday, intends to visit 100 % of his assigned families every month, and as this is the last day of the month even the many madcap mishaps that start immediately will not deter him from completing his duty despite Greg's griping and attempts to get back to the games.
Phat Cop
Jared Phelps (Kirby Heyborne) has completed two years of full-time missionary service for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His mission president has promised him that he will be blessed for his service, and he thinks he has it all worked out. His girlfriend has waited for him. His boss promised that he could have his old job back, and he has already sent his application to BYU. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong. His girlfriend dumps him. His loses his job, and he isn't accepted to BYU. Then, it gets even worse, and he has to decide if choosing the right is worth all the trouble.
Phat Cop
When Jonathan Jordan gets divorced he's thrust back into the world of being a single Mormon - a world who's ultimate goal is eternal marriage. Struggling to fit in, Jonathan decides to stop going to church only to be pursued by the members of the local singles ward who want to reactivate him. Nothing works until Jonathan falls for Cammie Giles, the ward activities director. Suddenly, going to church becomes much more appealing, But is he going for the right reasons?
Drunk College Student (uncredited)
Продолжение известного триллера о безжалостном маньяке Майкле Майерсе, который в очередной раз появляется в маленьком американском городке Хэддонфилд накануне праздника Дня Всех Святых.
Commando (uncredited)
Генетики доигрались... В сверхсекретном научном центре получили из космоса формулу ДНК, которая была воспроизведена и скрещена с женской. В результате получился ребенок,девочка, которая росла не по дням, а по часам. И даже не по часам, а по минутам. Напуганные результатами эксперимента, ученые решили уничтожить подопытное существо, но оно сбежало, разбив пуленепробиваемое стекло. А существо из девушки уже превратилось в женщину (Наташа Хенстридж) с очень сексапильнои внешностью и жаждало размножаться, к чему и приступило. Но внутри у нее таилось ужасающее чудовище, котоpoe убивало после спаривания самцов. Для ее поимки была создана специальная группа экспертов, которая пошла по кровавому следу одержимой материнским инстинктом самки из космоса…