Arms trafficking with the Indians on the one hand and acquiring documents concerning the ownership of a goldmine on the other are the principal interests of Quin and Gomez, the highly suspicious guests at Papa Martinez' inn. The unexpected arrival of the sheriff Thomas, and the journalist, George, upsets the plans of the two unsavoury allies and they have to try every kind of trick to win out against such adversaries.
Take a trip into The Labyrinth of Sex with an insatiable nymphomaniac, a lovely lesbian and fetishists of every stripe.
История любви и семейной жизни пары архитекторов-римлян на фоне развития Италии от послевоенных лет до периода экономического бума. Лой рассказывает о кризисе итальянского общества и упадке идеалов, рождённых Сопротивлением.