Terence Fisher
Рождение : 1904-02-23, Maida Vale, London, England
Смерть : 1980-06-18
Terence Fisher (23 February 1904 – 18 June 1980) was a film director who worked for Hammer Films. He was born in Maida Vale, a district of London, England.
Fisher was one of the most prominent horror directors of the second half of the 20th century. He was the first to bring gothic horror alive in full colour, and the sexual overtones and explicit horror in his films, while mild by modern standards, were unprecedented in his day. His first major gothic horror film was "The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), which launched Hammer's long association with the genre and made British actors Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee leading horror stars of the era. He went on to film a number of adaptations of classic horror subjects, including "Dracula" (1958), "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1959) and "The Mummy" (1959).
Given their subject matter and lurid approach, Fisher's films, though commercially successful, were largely dismissed by critics during his career. It is only in recent years that Fisher has become recognised as an auteur in his own right. His films are characterised by a blend of fairy-tale, myth and sexuality. They draw heavily on Christian themes, and there is usually a hero who defeats the powers of darkness by a combination of faith in God and reason, in contrast to other characters, who are either blindly superstitious or bound by a cold, godless rationalism.
Description above adapted from the Wikipedia article Terence Fisher, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Himself (archive footage)
A retrospective of the films of Britain's Hammer Studios, renowned for making stylish horror films in the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Included are clips from Hammer productions and interviews with actors, actresses, directors and producers who worked on these films.
Это последний из фильмов о бароне Франкенштейне, который прячется в психиатрической больнице, чтобы и дальше проводить свои эксперименты по воскрешению мёртвых, вместе с соседом таким же душевнобольным доктором Хельдером.
Барон Франкенштейн – сумасшедший учёный, создавший монстра, якобы в целях науки, пересадив мозг безумного врача в чужое тело.
Несколько лет назад друзья Рекс ван Рин и герцог Ришельё поклялись присматривать за сыном почившего боевого товарища, Саймоном. Теперь подозрения Ришельё о странном поведении парня в последнее время подтверждаются - тот связался с сатанистами, и они собираются его перекрестить. Друзьям придётся применить все свои знания и навыки, чтобы спасти Саймона и девушку Танит из лап дьяволопоклонников, ведь противостоит им предводитель культа Моката, способный контролировать волю своих жертв даже на расстоянии.
While mainland Britain shivers in deepest winter, the northern island of Fara bakes in the nineties, and the boys at the Met station have no more idea what is going on than the regulars at the Swan. Only a stand-offish visting scientist realizes space aliens are to blame.
A deformed tormented girl drowns herself after her lover is framed for murder and guillotined. Baron Frankenstein, experimenting with the transfer of souls, places the boy's soul into her body, bringing Christina back to life. Driven by revenge, she carries out a violent retribution on those responsible for both deaths.
На побережье небольшого ирландского островка находят тело фермера, полностью лишенное костей. Прибывшая на остров для расследования столь странного случая группа специалистов вскоре обнаруживает и другие такие же трупы и приходит к выводу, что инциденты могут быть связаны с деятельностью некоего доктора Филлипса, одержимого идеей изобрести средство от рака. А вскоре они встречают и самих виновников смертей - химерических монстров, высасывающих костную ткань из живых существ.
В Карпаты приезжают четверо англичан - Чарлз Кент с женой Дианой и его брат Алан с женой Хелен. Вопреки предупреждению настоятеля местного монастыря аббата Шандора они проникают в таинственный замок, где их встречает смотритель Клоув - «слуга своего умершего хозяина графа Дракулы»...
In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.
A crack test pilot lands to find the planet has been devastated by unknown forces. There are a few survivors, so he organizes them in a plan to ward off control by a group of killer robots.
In this dark comedy, a Yankee goes to visit a family of British eccentrics to ask for the hand of one of their daughters in marriage. He soon finds himself in the midst of a really odd family. One of them talks like Bela Lugosi, another believes herself to be a vampire, while a third is locked away in a padded cell. Another family member is thrilled when he finally invents a horseless carriage (50 years after Ford), and the family grandfather is found reading Playboy just before he dies. Trouble begins when members of the family begin to be mysteriously murdered. The American suitor must then discover which member of the strange family is in line to inherit the family fortune.
Шерлок Холмс ищет очень ценное колье Клеопатры, найденное археологами в Египте, которое уже послужило причиной многочисленных загадочных смертей. За всем этим стоит вечный противник Шерлока Холмса профессор Мориарти, автор всех убийств...
Действие происходит в Викторианской Англии девяностых годов позапрошлого века, в Лондоне, полном кэбов и газовых фонарей. Призрак в фильме Фишера — совершенно обычный, всю жизнь проживший благополучно человек, и очень милый, благовидный профессор музыки по имени Питри. Он обезображен в результате злодейских происков владельца Оперы с композиторскими амбициями — лорда д`Арси, а также кислотой и пламенем пожара в типографии, куда пришел уничтожить тираж партитуры новой оперы, написанной им и нагло присвоенной лордом.
Воспитанный приемными родителями сын немой дочери тюремщика и безумного бродяги оказывается оборотнем. Опекуны сумели окружить ребенка заботой и подавить в нем звериные инстинкты. Но когда парень возмужал, кошмар вернулся.
История про благородного разбойника Робина Гуда, который не позволил коварному шерифу Ноттингема отобрать поместье у наследников лорда Бортри, погибшего в Крестовом походе.
After a series of scientific experiments directed towards freeing the inner man and controlling human personalities, the kindly, generous Dr Henry Jekyll succeeds in freeing his own alter ego, Edward Hyde, a sadistic, evil creature whose pleasure is murder.
В глухом местечке Трансильвании старая баронесса скрывает в замке сына-вампира и заманивает к нему молоденьких девушек. Одна из гостивших особ выпускает упыря на свободу. К счастью, в глухомань с визитом прибывает известный истребитель вампиров доктор Ван Хельсинг.
In 1826 British-ruled India, the secret Cult of Thugee demonstrates their worship of their goddess, Kali, by the mutilation and mass murder of thousands of Indians while pirating the shipments of the British East-Indian Tea Company. As the British military leaders play down the implications of the piracy and disappearances, a lone captain realizes that they are not just coincidence and sets out to uncover the source of the deviltry, at the risk of his career. Based on history.
В 1895 году группа британских археологов из клана Бэннингов на раскопках в Египте обнаружила и вскрыла гробницу легендарной жрицы Анаки. Ослушавшись совета одного из местных жителей не вскрывать гробницу, ибо «тот кто ограбит гробницы Египта — умрет», археологи проникли внутрь захоронения, чем и навлекли на себя проклятие почитателей древнего божества. Через три года, уже в Англии, с членами семьи Бэннингов начинают происходить неприятности, приведшие к смерти двух из них… Приехавший из Лондона инспектор Малруни сначала отказывается верить в то, что причиной смерти явилось древнее проклятие, а непосредственным убийцей является ожившая мумия, но дальнейшие факты заставили его кардинально изменить свою точку зрения…
Доктор Бонне рассчитывает жить вечно, продлевая себе жизнь путём периодической трансплантации околощитовидных желез молодых и здоровых людей. Он выглядит на 40 лет, хотя на самом деле ему 104. Со временем окружающие его люди начинают что-то подозревать…
Что-то зловещее затаилось среди покрытых туманом английских болот. Дьявольская собака нападает на владельцев Баскервилль-Холла. Но прежде чем это чудовище вонзит зубы в последнего владельца поместья, ему придется сразиться с самым сильным противником - несравненным Шерлоком Холмсом и его острым, как бритва, умом.
1860 год. Барона Франкенштейна ведут к гильотине. Но ему удается избежать смерти, войдя в сговор с палачом и охранником тюрьмы. Франкенштейн переезжает в Карлсбрук, где становится видным и уважаемым врачом, хотя отказывается состоять в Ассоциации медиков города. Доктор практикует на богатой клиентуре, но в то же время открывает больничное отделение для бедных, в котором работает бесплатно, что вызывает к нему уважение общества. На самом деле эта работа позволяет брать человеческие органы и части тела, необходимые ему для экспериментов…
Джонатан Харкер прибывает в замок Дракулы с намерением убить легендарного вампира, но ему это не удаётся, более того — он сам превращается в вампира и погибает от руки Ван Хельсинга. Тем временем Дракула объявляется в родном городе Харкера и начинает преследовать его возлюбленную.
Приговоренный к смерти барон Франкенштейн настойчиво требует священника и рассказывает ему свою историю. После смерти своей матери, когда он был еще юношей, так как отца он потерял в десятилетнем возрасте, он унаследовал состояние своих родителей и обосновался в швейцарской деревушке, устроившись работать к профессору Крумпу, чтобы тот передал ему свои знания в области биологии. Вместе они проводили многочисленные эксперименты и однажды им удалось оживить мертвую собаку. Став взрослым, Франкенштейн уже знал, что его жизнь будет посвящена науке. У него появилась амбициозная идея создать живое существо из органов, взятых у трупов…
A reporter who needs cash for his son's operation is paid by a smuggler to take a murder rap.
A man is tried for the murder of his neurotic wife by means of a sedative overdose.
A classic Robin Hood tale, starring Richard Greene as Robin Hood and Bernadette O'Farrell as Maid Marian. Released in 1991 by ITC, it was edited together (quite seamlessly) from episodes of the ITC 1955 TV series "The Adventures of Robin Hood".
A race car driver marries a woman for her money and plans to murder her. An old suitor steps in to help her but the driver takes steps to eliminate the rival. But there's a flaw in the driver's plans.
Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?
As a going away gift to a small village, the local Lord and Lady promise a new cottage to the local couple with the most grandchildren. Competitive instincts and petty jealousies ensue.
An idol of auto-racing fans attempts a comeback after serving in the Air Force. When his former rival lies dying in the hospital he must decide whether to continue in the Grand Prix, or make peace with his adversary. Featuring race car greats Stirling Moss, Reg Parnell, John Cooper, Alan Brown, Geoffrey Taylor and Leslie Marr.
A pair of reporters try to discover the link between three unsolved, seemingly isolated murders. The only connection between them is they all took place on the same day in three successive years. The police don't trust their instincts - but as 10th July nears again, a solicitor has started receiving threatening letters...
Someone knocked out a man and left him for dead during a fishing trip in Portugal. That someone is either his fetching wife, or two business partners, all sporting guilty faces after his unexpected return. Two more murders and a frame-up befall the quartet before an inspector closes the case.
When a beautiful girl offers Casey Morrow a lot of money for a mystery job, Morrow doesn't ask too many questions. But when the girl's father is found murdered the following day and Morrow's coat is soaked with blood perhaps a little more caution should have been exercised. An intriguing story of deception, greed and immorality.
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
The test launch for the first inter-planetary research station goes wrong when the satellite station is inadvertently set up instead of returning to earth. Two people attached to the secret project are missing, presumed murdered, and all suspicions fall on the cuckold husband, the scientist responsible for the lack of fuel aboard the rocket. The theory is he murdered his wife and her lover, depositing the bodies on the errant rocket. Desperate to prove his innocence he volunteers for the next mission to link up with the satellite and clear his name.
A young man, in love with a woman who can never be his, discovers a way to fulfil his dreams. In their childhood the three were the best of friends, the perfect triangle. But years later when Lena returns to her sleepy home the tone of the relationship changes and it is Robin she loves. Bill has discovered a method of duplication and decides to make an exact replica of the woman he cannot have... .with disastrous consequences for them all.
A young man, in love with a woman who can never be his, discovers a way to fulfil his dreams. In their childhood the three were the best of friends, the perfect triangle. But years later when Lena returns to her sleepy home the tone of the relationship changes and it is Robin she loves. Bill has discovered a method of duplication and decides to make an exact replica of the woman he cannot have... .with disastrous consequences for them all.
Branded as criminally insane and incarcerated for a murder he did not commit, Speight escapes from the asylum, determined to clear his name. He befriends private detective Hugo Bishop who, convinced that the wrong man has been convicted, agrees to help find the real killer. They begin their search for the murderer closest to home where both Thelma Speight and her employer Maurice Jerrard were visibly distressed by the news of her husband's jailbreak. More than Speight's 'insanity' fuels their worries.
Branded as criminally insane and incarcerated for a murder he did not commit, Speight escapes from the asylum, determined to clear his name. He befriends private detective Hugo Bishop who, convinced that the wrong man has been convicted, agrees to help find the real killer. They begin their search for the murderer closest to home where both Thelma Speight and her employer Maurice Jerrard were visibly distressed by the news of her husband's jailbreak. More than Speight's 'insanity' fuels their worries.
Discharged by his employer, a private eye stays on a jewel theft case after a model with information for him is murdered.
David Anthony, a Harley Street physician, swaps duties with his brother, a medical missionary in Africa.
A doctor changes a woman's face to match the one that broke his heart. Trouble starts when his love returns.
A former pilot suffering from blackouts discovers that a fellow flyer is suspected of being mixed up with a web of smugglers. While searching for his missing buddy, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a morass of suspicion.
После неудачной попытки соблазнить своего работодателя Руби вместе со своим бойфрендом предпринимает попытку вымогательства. Проигнорировав угрозы шантажа, книготорговец Джон Харман оказывается вовлечён в круговорот катастрофических событий, повторяющих сюжет недавно приобретённой им рукописи. Суждено ли трагической развязке рукописи повториться в жизни?
A young woman becomes a murder target after inheriting her estranged father's estate.
Викки и её брат Джонни приезжают в Париж на Всемирную выставку 1889 года. На следующий день после того, как они остановились в отеле, Джонни исчезает. Хозяева отеля и персонал настаивают, что девушка приехала одна и что комнаты 19, якобы занимаемой братом, вообще не существует…
Several years after graduation, best friends Barbara (Celia Johnson) and Leonora (Margaret Leighton) reconnect as if not a day has gone by. But Leonora could do without Barbara's husband, Christian (Noel Coward), whom she finds arrogant and off-putting ... at first. One evening alone together, romance is set ablaze, leaving Christian with a lot of explaining to do to Barbara.
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
A British army officer becomes fascinated by the portrait of a young woman. He travels to Germany to find her, only to discover that she is suffering from amnesia.
Four people with very different backgrounds meet by chance at an English pub and gradually become carried away in a bout of thrill-seeking. When their spree gets out of hand, each person faces a moral choice with lasting consequences.
Derek Wardwell (Shaun Noble) is struck with amnesia, and the last thing he remembers is the beautiful voice of opera singer Helen Maxwell (Evelyn Maccabe). When he regains consciousness, Wardwell thinks he's in love with her. After his amnesia is cured, Wardwell returns to his fiancee while Helen begins a romance with his doctor.
Two brothers struggle for control of the family business in 19th century Yorkshire.
A married woman finds new thrills as a masked robber on the highways.
A young singer meets a man who is the victim of a kidnap plot, and is assumed by the gang to be his girlfriend.
While working at a circus, a man hypnotizes a trapezist to kill her partner.
Frantic farce involving a neglected wife, a stolen diamond and four identical briefcases.
Drama written in flames and told with the staccato of canon-fire!
The MacIver brothers (Michael Redgrave, Griffith Jones) build the first ship to cross the Atlantic by steam power alone.
A barber gives in to temptation and steals some money, leading to blackmail and murder.
In this he's on the dole, hungry and ready to do any job but quickly light-heartedly scams his way into society and a highly regarded position at a bank next to the beleaguered Robertson Hare. Here he invents a fraudulent business plan (Merrivale - you remember it surely?), the manager and chairman and another finance company are suck(er)ed in and it all snowballs from there. With of course a love interest as a dynamo.
Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities