Georges Leclerc


Director of Photography
Commandant Gardefort, horseman at the Cadre Noir Riding Academy in Saumur, having given up hope of promotion decides to retire. To fill his time until then, he buys a mare, Milady, and in two years trains her to the highest dressage haute ecole standards. But he finds himself in dire financial straits over his divorce, and is obliged to sell the mare. She is bought by a rich Belgian banker, who transforms Milady into a circus horse. Visiting him, Gardefort resolves the situation in the only way he sees fit.
The Little Theatre of Jean Renoir
Director of Photography
Part One, "The Last Christmas Dinner," is about the relationship between an old man and an old woman, both homeless. Part Two, "The Electric Floor Polisher," is an opera-like story of a woman who is obsessed with polishing her floors. Part Three is a musical interlude featuring Jeanne Moreau singing "When Love Dies." Part Four, "The Virtue of Tolerance," concerns an old man, his young wife, and how they come to terms when she has an affair with a man her own age.
Радость познания
Director of Photography
Как мы учимся? Что мы знаем? Ночь за ночью, незадолго до рассвета, двое молодых людей, Патрисия и Эмиль, встречаются в павильоне звукозаписи, чтобы поговорить о наболевшем, прежде всего о зреющем студенческом мятеже. Сцены студенческого восстания в Париже перемежаются с кадрами войны во Вьетнаме и другими событиями конца 1960-ых, а также с плакатами, фотографиями и анимацией.
Director of Photography
Salome was the daughter of Herod II and Herodias. According to the New Testament, the daughter of Herodias demanded and received the head of John the Baptist. This is a choreographed version of the play by Oscar Wilde.
Pierre and Paul
Director of Photography
Pierre is a middle-aged factory worker with plenty of unresolved anger. After his father's death, his mother feels compelled to move in with him. Having just moved there with his beautiful girlfriend, he begins to feel the pressure. When the May Day revolt begins, he goes crazy.
Strange Game
Director of Photography
In 1944, in Paris, the leader of a resistance network is looking for the traitor who gave away a radio operator.
The Invention of Morel
Director of Photography
Escaped from jail, Luis finds refuge on a remote island where, it is said, several people have died long ago of a mysterious illness. He discovers a large abandoned villa. One day, a group of people from another time, come in. The villa and the nature around become the theater of strange phenomena…
Захват власти Людовиком ХIV
Director of Photography
Людовику XIV было всего пять лет, когда умер его отец. Вдовствующая королева Анна считалась правительницей Франции, но фактически всеми делами вершил ее фаворит — кардинал Мазарини. Людовик во всем послушно следовал его указаниям. Но едва Мазарини не стало, король тут же освободился от всякой опеки. Он созвал Государственный совет и объявил, что отныне будет править единолично…
L'auberge de l'ange gardien
Пришпиленный капрал
Director of Photography
Когда немцы вторглись во Францию, главный герой, капрал, попал в плен. Фильм рассказывает о том, как при содействии фермера, официанта, рабочих парижанин и помощника немецкого стоматолога, капрал пытается сбежать из плена.
Завтрак на траве
Director of Photography
Пейзажи Прованса как основной фон действия. Профессор-генетик, увлеченный планами искусственного оплодотворения и выведения идеальной человеческой породы. Молоденькая и очень хорошенькая крестьянская девушка, заставляющая профессора забыть преимущества искусственного перед величием естественного.
The Doctor's Horrible Experiment
Director of Photography
Dr. Cordelier, living in a suburb of Paris, withdraws from society to pursue research into the functioning of the human brain. His lifelong friend, Maître Joly, becomes concerned when Cordelier draws up a will that bequeaths his entire estate to a stranger, Monsieur Opale; he cannot understand why Cordelier defends him, considering Opale attacks women and children. After a colleague is killed, Joly confronts Cordelier and discovers the truth behind his friend's behavior.
Provincial Chronicle