Le sergent de ville
Claude Berri plays himself as he relates his own experiences through youth and adolescence. His father owns a profitable fur shop. Initially, Claude's father hopes his son will take over the fur shop, but he later gives in to Claude's desire to become involved in filmmaking.
Le maire
We are in 1814, in Auvergne, in the dark fir forests of Livradois, near La Chaise Dieu. Gaspard and his beautiful cousin Anne-Marie see their love thwarted and their lives disrupted because of a treasure that an old uncle, who made his fortune in Guadeloupe, buried in the mountains of Auvergne.
Robert Hirsch impresses as he takes on 11 different roles in Alex Joffé's comedy about the six sons of a recently deceased Jewish Casanova. To receive their inheritance, the sons must convene in Israel and recite a Kaddish (memorial prayer) for their dad. But planning the gathering is no easy feat. The film's title is based on the nonobservant son's futile attempts to contact his siblings on the one day when working is forbidden by Jewish law.
le curé
Sam Falk
Пьянице Ноэлю Фортюна поручено переправить в «Свободную Францию» семью известного хирурга, видного деятеля Сопротивления, арестованного фашистами. Беспомощность женщины, ее неприспособленность к жизни удерживают Ноэля возле семьи, и он со дня на день откладывает свой отъезд. Ноэль стал совсем другим человеком, он бросил пить, горячо полюбил Жюльетту, искренне привязался к ее детям и уверен, что они навсегда останутся вместе. Но кончается война, из концлагеря возвращается муж Жюльетты, и Ноэль навсегда расстается с семьей, давшей ему так много радости и счастья.
В маленьком итальянском рыбацком городке ночами все мужчины собираются в местной таверне, чтобы сыграть в особенную игру под названием "Закон". Победитель на короткий срок становится главарём и может позволить себе многое.
Maitre Joly
Dr. Cordelier, living in a suburb of Paris, withdraws from society to pursue research into the functioning of the human brain. His lifelong friend, Maître Joly, becomes concerned when Cordelier draws up a will that bequeaths his entire estate to a stranger, Monsieur Opale; he cannot understand why Cordelier defends him, considering Opale attacks women and children. After a colleague is killed, Joly confronts Cordelier and discovers the truth behind his friend's behavior.
a secretary at the police station (uncredited)
Появление в квартале гангстера меняет жизнь многих его обитателей. Преступник находит прикрытие у доброго парня по кличке «Артист», и мало того, что не собирается уезжать в обозримом будущем, так еще и влюбляет в себя самую красивую девушку квартала.
Teddy Laurentin (uncredited)
Профессиональный вор Тони выходит из тюрьмы и узнает, что его жена Мадо сошлась с Пьером, владельцем ночного кабака, промышляющим контрабандой наркотиков. Отложив на время месть, Тони готовит «идеальное» ограбление ювелирного магазина.
Petit Pierre
Giuseppe is accused of killing his employer Matthias who is actually in a hospital with amnesia.
The flirt in the street (uncredited)
Martial, Colette 's husband, is madly jealous. One day, he catches his wife writing a letter and he does want to know what this message contains, to no avail.
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
The wealthy industrialist Alain de Narbois has disappeared. Michel Dunant, an idle man who passed by and who looks exactly like the deceased, is taken for Alain by a young woman and her servant. He jumps at the chance but quickly realizes that, in this hushed little world, masters and servants play comedy and know very well that he is only a double of Alain. In fact, the industrialist was assassinated.
Le consommateur qui poursuit le steward
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.