Два получасовых альманаха из маленьких мультфильмов, снятых известными режиссерами России и Беларуси по произведениям великих композиторов для детей. Первая часть посвящена музыке барокко и романтизма, вторая – музыке ХХ века.
Два получасовых альманаха из маленьких мультфильмов, снятых известными режиссерами России и Беларуси по произведениям великих композиторов для детей. Первая часть посвящена музыке барокко и романтизма, вторая – музыке ХХ века.
Art Designer
A cheerful cloud made friends with a huge whale. But it turns out that in a difficult moment, even a very small cloud can become strong and save his friend.
A cheerful cloud made friends with a huge whale. But it turns out that in a difficult moment, even a very small cloud can become strong and save his friend.
A cheerful cloud made friends with a huge whale. But it turns out that in a difficult moment, even a very small cloud can become strong and save his friend.
A cheerful cloud made friends with a huge whale. But it turns out that in a difficult moment, even a very small cloud can become strong and save his friend.
A cheerful cloud made friends with a huge whale. But it turns out that in a difficult moment, even a very small cloud can become strong and save his friend.