Krista Errickson

Krista Errickson

Рождение : 1964-05-08, Abington, Pennsylvania, USA


Krista Errickson


12-летний Джонни не прощает обид. Никому. Даже собственному отцу. Что уж говорить о соседке Мелиссе, которая его оскорбила, хотя у Джонни были, как ему кажется, самые добрые намерения…
Полицейский вне закона
Lori White
A DEA agent and his brother, a Los Angeles cop, battle the Russian mafia.
Merci Cooper
17 year old Kyle comes to the big city in search of her half-sister Merci. Merci is on the run after being used to set up a murder. The police and the killers both want her.
Killer Image
When Max Oliver learns his photographer brother has been killed, he suspects it was no random murder. And when he finds his brothers' last photos of a powerful senator and a prostitute, Max gets a clear picture of a deadly political cover-up. Seeking to expose his brother's killer, Max enters a murderous game of cat and mouse, stalked by a cold-blooded assassin who has Max dead in his sights.
Mortal Passions
A scheming woman (Krista Errickson) seeks to kill her husband to collect the insurance money, and is willing to seduce anyone she can to do it - including her husband's brother.
The First Time
A young film student pursues a woman while studying under a bizarre, eccentric film professor.
Deadly Lessons
A psycho is stalking the students at an exclusive girls' school.
Jekyll and Hyde... Together Again
Dr. Jekyll inhales white powder and becomes an obnoxious Southern Californian.
Маленькие прелестницы
Две пятнадцатилетние девочки встречаются в летнем лагере и заключают пари, кто первый из них потеряет девственность. Феррис положила глаз на Гари, тренера по плаванью, а Энджел решила соблазнить юного Рэнди. Казалось бы. Все уже решено, однако вскоре жизнь вносит в планы девушек свои поправки...