Stanley Rich


Tonight's Moving Picture... Cold Cash
The Presenter (Voice)
1947. America. The war is over, a pandemic has come and gone, and The American People build places to socialise, entertain, and amuse, as they make up for lost time. One of these establishments that see a boom in popularity is the humble cinema as many people pack into the same place to be as close to each other as possible. The Sketch Show With No Name invites you to become one of those people, as we take you on a journey to experience what it was like to be a moviegoer in a post-war and post-pandemic world. Tonight's moving picture? Cold Cash, a crime film with ice cold murder and a motive that may warm your heart. Using lip syncing technology, we resurrect actors from the golden age of Hollywood to tell a noir story filled with cheesy 1940s dialogue, blatant exposition, and enough tropes to make an entire Community episode around it. So sit back and Relax, whilst you experience the 1940s like never before.
The Truth Is Out There
Dr Bartowski (Voice)
Two people on different parts of the world are murdered in the exact same way at the exact same time. The FBI and MI5 claim this case was never solved, but recently declassified files may reveal that the truth is out there.