Catalin Patrichi


Cooking Up Love
On a lark, Zoey rents a food truck and enters a reality TV competition. Heat rises between her and the handsome founder of a fast food chain, but when Zoey finds out he’s a judge in the contest, things quickly fizzle. Zoey’s determined to win fair and square and she suspects ‘Mr-Too-Good-To-Be-True’ is really after her sauce recipe, not her heart.
Tempted by Danger
Sisters, Nicole and Angela, are highly driven and successful in their careers. Angela is married with a baby on the way and wishes Nicole, a rising attorney, could have more balance in her life. When Angela interviews and hires a new bright executive, Michael, she sets him up with Nicole who actually makes time to date him. The relationship seems promising until it becomes clear that Michael is moving much more quickly and obsessively than Nicole can handle.
Меняющий жизнь
Дрю - оборотень, который вынужден поглощать тела людей, принимая их облик, чтобы не погибнуть мучительной смертью. Но в большом городе незаметно находить новых жертв не так то и просто. Однажды он влюбляется в женщину, мужа которой поглотил, и оказывается перед нелёгким выбором: обречь её на вечные муки потери любимого человека или признаться в своей ужасающей сущности.
The Wrong Bed: Naked Pursuit
Best Boy Grip
A woman mysteriously wakes up in a hotel handcuffed to a firefighter to find messages they left themselves the night before revealing that their lives are in danger.