Dwayne 'Showtim3' Dyke Jr.
RayShawn "Shawn" Sanders is released from prison after serving his bid for his crimes; however, after being hired by Jonathan McAllister, Shawn realizes that life behind bars may have been a lot easier than what he has to face as the assistant to one of the biggest media moguls in the country. After battling for his life in prison, Shawn is now in a war against greed, ambition, corruption, deceit, and lust - and that could ultimately cost him everything.
Blissfield Valley Beavers Football Player
В результате странного инцидента старшеклассница оказывается в теле жестокого серийного убийцы. У неё есть меньше 24 часов, чтобы всё исправить, после чего ситуацию будет уже не обратить.