Tullia Pagano


Il giorno più bello
Aurelio inherited the wedding-planner trade from his father: he runs the family business, "The Most Beautiful Day," and all his life he has sacrificed his dreams in the name of a mission: to give happiness. Today, however, complicit with the crisis and a divorce behind him, he feels the need for a radical change. He is in love with Serena, an associate of his, and with her he dreams of starting a new life, dropping everything to sail the oceans. Before he can taste freedom, however, Aurelio must resolve two no small matters: selling "The Most Beautiful Day" and convincing Serena to divorce Giorgio, who has been Aurelio's fraternal friend since high school.
Quiet Crossing
45,000 sections of reinforced concrete - three tons each.
 Nearly 300 watchtowers., over 250 dog runs, twenty bunkers.
 Sixty-five​ miles of anti-vehicle trenches—signal wire, barbed wire, beds of nails. Over 11,000 armed guards.
 A death strip of sand, well-raked to reveal footprints. 200 ordinary people shot dead following attempts to escape the communist regime.
 96 miles of concrete wall. Families divided, loved ones lost…