Donna McBride


Любопытный ресторатор: Сезон барбекю
Set Decoration
Caterer Goldy Berry reunites with detective Tom Schultz when a realtor is murdered. As they uncover personal and professional rivalries, they realize the culprit is closer than expected.
North to Home
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Suzanne McBride is excited to spend her birthday with her family. It will be the first time that her three adopted daughters will be together in years. This seems like a great time for a family reunion, but the sisters are each wrestling with unique challenges that threaten to derail this special occasion.
Advice to Love By
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When a 'love advice' author crosses paths with a dating columnist, an attraction begins to blossom into more. As both use strategies from their own playbooks to win the other over, is it possible that they’ve both met their match?
Кисть любви
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As she considers giving up on her artistic dreams, Jamie paints a vision board that brings her success and love—only to discover that the mystery man in her painting isn't who she thinks.
Расследование Хейли Дин: 2 + 2 = убийство
Set Decoration
Хейли идет на школьный концерт племянницы и узнает, что ее любимая учительница пропала. Вскоре ей становятся известны многие секреты сотрудников школы, и еще она находит связь между пропавшей учительницей и средствами на ремонт школы...
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено: Непроторённая дорога
Assistant Set Decoration
When Oliver O’Toole and his team of postal detectives confront a vintage disposable camera from the 1980s that was found in a mailbox, the undeveloped photographs contained therein set them off on a cross-state search for a seven-year-old boy who could be in tremendous danger.