Philip Green

Рождение : 1911-07-19, Whitechapel, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1982-10-06


Original Music Composer
Работники министерства иностранных дел Дрексел и Фрэйзер (старые военные приятели, не очень разбирающиеся в вопросах шпионажа) получают задание похитить молодого арабского принца для его собственной защиты до его коронации. Экранизация по произведению Виктора Каннинга.
Приключения Питкина в больнице
Original Music Composer
Мистер Гримсдейл (Эдвард Чэпмэн) хозяин мясной лавки, в которой работает Мистер Питкин, во время ограбления со страху проглатывает свои карманные часы. Питкин звонит в скорую помощь, и вместе с санитарами приезжает в больницу, где и начинается очередная серия смешных и нелепых приключений Питкина. Его стремление всем угодить, везде успеть, а также стать врачом, приводит к таким последствиям, что образцовая городская больница превращается в сумасшедший дом.
The Man Who Finally Died
Joe Newman, a naturalised Briton, is telephoned by his German father, whom he believed long dead, at the same time as a funeral is taking place in Bavaria - with his father's name on the coffin. His investigation in Bavaria reveals startling facts and the obstruction he meets makes him suspect foul play.
It's All Happening
Tommy Steele stars as a talent-spotter at a recording company who determines to organize a concert featuring all the most up-to-date singers and bands, in order that the orphanage where he was brought up be saved from closing.
Охотники на женщин
Фильм начинается с того, что Хаммер переживает многолетний запой, и его вытаскивает из канавы озлобленный полицейский, намеревающийся выведать информацию об умершем. Вдохновленный секретами, которые он слышит, Хаммер отправляется на улицы в личном крестовом походе, чтобы найти любовь всей своей жизни.
The Devil's Agent
German actor Peter van Eyck stars as Droste, a mild-mannered businessman who was an intelligence expert during World War II. When Droste runs into his old friend Baron Von Straub (Christopher Lee), the two rekindle a friendship that was interrupted by the war. However, when Von Straub asks Droste to deliver a small package to a friend in West Germany, the befuddled Droste is set up for a series of complicated spy games.
In the Doghouse
Original Music Composer
After 10 years of failure a bumbling vet finally graduates and takes on his own practice.
She'll Have to Go
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
She'll Have to Go
Original Music Composer
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
She'll Have to Go
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
All Night Long
Original Music Composer
Over the course of one eventful evening, the anniversary celebration of the musical and romantic partners Aurelius Rex and Delia Lane, a jealous, ambitious drummer, Johnny Cousin, attempts to tear the interracial couple apart.
Преуспевающий юрист Мелвилл Фарр готовится стать королевским адвокатом. Расследуя смерть знакомого, арестованного и совершившего самоубийство в полицейском участке, Фарр выходит на группу вымогателей, шантажирующих гомосексуалистов. Фарр сам становится жертвой шантажа, но, ставя под угрозу свою карьеру, помогает полиции изобличить и задержать преступников.
Преуспевающий юрист Мелвилл Фарр готовится стать королевским адвокатом. Расследуя смерть знакомого, арестованного и совершившего самоубийство в полицейском участке, Фарр выходит на группу вымогателей, шантажирующих гомосексуалистов. Фарр сам становится жертвой шантажа, но, ставя под угрозу свою карьеру, помогает полиции изобличить и задержать преступников.
Flame in the Streets
Original Music Composer
Flame in the Streets is a 1961 British drama film directed by Roy Ward Baker. Racial tensions manifest themselves at home, work and on the streets during Bonfire Night in the burgeoning West Indian community of early 1960s Britain. Trades union leader (Mills) fights for the rights of a black worker but struggles with the news that his own daughter is planning to marry a West Indian, much against his own logic and the prejudice of his wife.
The Secret Partner
Original Music Composer
A shipping tycoon with a record becomes a suspect when money goes missing from the company vault.
The Singer Not the Song
Original Music Composer
A Roman Catholic priest defies a Mexican bandit whose gang kills villagers in alphabetical order.
Man in the Moon
William is an unsuccessful guinea pig for a medical group interested in researching the common cold. He is soon fired and offered a job by the nearby National Atomic Research Center where they figure anyone who could fail at being a guinea pig is just what they need. They con William into thinking he will continue his guinea pig career by testing out some equipment for them before they send a group of astronauts to the moon.
Заверните мне норку
Original Music Composer
Группа неудачников под руководством стареющего майора Альберта Рейна решает ограбить меховой салон. И пока участники преступления находят в этих приключениях новый смысл жизни, невольной участницей событий оказывается экономка хозяйки квартиры, недавно вернувшаяся из мест заключения.
Лига джентльменов
Original Music Composer
Хоукинс, недовольный, что его выгнали из армии, где он верно служил много лет, решает пойти на ограбление банка. Эту идею он позаимствовал из американского триллера и набрал семь нищих офицеров, у некоторых из которых было темное прошлое. Все они классные специалисты по своей части в армии. Банда уходит в подполье, пока каждый этап операции планируется до мельчайших подробностей. По военной части каждый офицер из банды был бы награжден медалью за такую организацию. Когда все запускается в действие, они со временем спотыкаются на крохотной, неучтенной детали.
Your Money or Your Wife
A domestic comedy about a couple who take in boarders to pay the rent on their large house.
Life Is a Circus
Encompassing three hugely popular double acts, The Crazy Gang were one of Britain's best-loved, most enduring variety troupes – their antics delighting audiences for over three decades from the early 1930s and their career taking in numerous Royal Command performances. Their efforts to save a struggling circus provide the laughs in this uproarious comedy, also starring Goldfinger icon Shirley Eaton and featuring Flanagan and Allen's rendition of their greatest hit, Underneath the Arches. The Crazy Gang have been jacks-of-all-trades with Joe Winter's Monster Circus for almost as long as Joe has been on the road, and they're still hoping for a big break. But Joe has hit hard times: his equipment is mortgaged, most of his acts have deserted him and even the elephants have walked out. So the Gang set about finding a way to save the circus... and come up with a typically novel solution!
A Touch of Larceny
Original Music Composer
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
And the Same to You
Original Music Composer
Dickie Dreadnought is the boxing-mad nephew of pious clergyman Reverend Sydney Mullet. To mollify his disapproving uncle, Dickie embarks on an elaborate plan to keep his budding boxing career a secret, with he and his tough-talking promoter Wally Burton both pretending to be devout 'men of the cloth'.
Inn for Trouble
Peggy Mount and David Kossoff star as Ada and Alf Larkin in this big screen version of the hugely popular 1950s TV comedy. Alf Larkin has finally made good his dream to own a pub. The trouble is, it's got no customers. But leave it to the Larkins to find unorthodox ways to bring in the punters.
Witness in the Dark
Music Director
A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.
Witness in the Dark
Original Music Composer
A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.
В парке обнаружено тело белой молодой девушки. Полиция начинает расследование и вскоре узнает, что девушка на самом деле была мулаткой с белой кожей. Эта информация приводит полицию к основной версии следствия: "белый цвет кожи девушки-мулатки кому-то очень сильно не нравился".
Вверх и вниз по лестнице
Молодая пара переезжает в новый дом и по совету отца невесты пытается найти помощницу по хозяйству. Однако супруги даже не подозревали, с какими сложностями им придется столкнуться в поисках домработницы. Распутницы, грабительницы банков, алкоголички... Кто только себя не попробовал на этом поприще!
Alive and Kicking
Three elderly residents of a nursing home, fed up with their monotonous existence, engineer an escape from their drab surroundings and head for an impromptu holiday on an Irish island.
Life In Emergency Ward 10
Original Music Composer
Life in Emergency Ward 10 is a 1959 film directed by Robert Day. It stars Michael Craig and Wilfrid Hyde-White. It was based on the television series Emergency – Ward 10
The Alphabet Conspiracy
Original Music Composer
Dr. Frank Baxter, with the help of The Mad Hatter and Jabberwock, takes young Judy exploring the world of language, in which she finds out that language is for doing more than just talking.
Don't Panic Chaps!
During World War II, four British soldiers are commissioned to set up an observation post on a seemingly deserted island in the Mediterranean. However, while surveying the island, the Brits come across four German soldiers holed up in a monastery. The Brits and the Germans agree to a truce, sharing the monastery together until either the British or German troops arrive. But when a shipwrecked Slavic girl ends up on the island, a battle over her erupts amongst the men.
Operation Amsterdam
Original Music Composer
When Germany invades Holland in 1940, a British intelligence officer and two Dutch diamond merchants go to Amsterdam to persuade the Dutch diamond merchants to evacuate their diamond supplies to England.
A Question of Adultery
Mark Loring is madly jealous of his wife, Mary, former American cabaret singer. Due to an automobile accident, she loses her unborn child, and Mark becomes sterile. His father, Brit-stuffy Sir John Loring, has never approved of the marriage and, again, tries to break it up. Believing that a child will hold the marriage together, Mary suggests artificial insemination to Mark, who finally agrees to accompany her to a clinic in Switzerland. However, when she is again pregnant, Mark finds it impossible to reconcile himself to the situation and leaves her. Prompted by his father, Mark sues for divorce, accusing her of adultery. She contests the divorce and a trial concerns itself with whether or not artificial insemination is a question of adultery. The Catholic Church's National League of Decency placed this film on its Condemned" list.
Violent Playground
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Продолжай, адмирал.
Двое друзей напиваются и решают сменить личность. Один - парламентский секретарь, а другой - капитан корабля. Недостаток знаний о море у первого вызывает несколько катастроф, в том числе торпедирование Первого лорда Адмиралтейства.
Escape in the Sun
Escape in the Sun
Кто это сделал?
Original Music Composer
В этом дебютном фильме для дерзкого британского телевизионного комика Бенни Хилла заставляют Бенни оставить свою работу уборщиком после того, как он выиграл немного денег. Он становится частным детективом и расследует заговор с целью убийства британских ученых.
The March Hare
Original Music Composer
Sir Charles Hare, a young Irish baronet, gambles his all on one of his horses at Ascot. But the horse is 'pulled', and Sir Charles is forced to sell his Irish estate. His aunt, however, has some surprises in store for him.
John and Julie
The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
Isn't Life Wonderful!
Original Music Composer
Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles. Complications arise when stuffy lord, Sir George Probus, at whose home Virginia is staying, becomes shocked when she attends a carnival.
Golden Ivory
Original Music Composer
Set amid the magnificent scenery of the Kenyan bush, this safari adventure from 1954 depicts the many dangers faced by a group of British settlers in East Africa during the last decade of the nineteenth century.
Fast and Loose
An unmarried couple are forced to adopt a series of pretexts when they stay at a country inn together with only one spare room.
24 Hours of a Woman's Life
A compulsive gambler stumbles towards losing everything when Merle Oberon decides to save him from himself.
Father's Doing Fine
Original Music Composer
Lady Buckering, an English widow, has four daughters; Doreen, married to Dougall and about to give birth at home, and Gerda, Bicky and Catherine. The story revolves around the impending birth and the love affairs of the other three daughters; Bicky, with eccentric student Roly; Gerda, married to artist Wilfred; and Catherine, in love with the landlord's son, Clifford Magill. In addition, the impoverished Lady Buckering is being courted by Dr. Drew. Written by Les Adams
Girdle of Gold
Original Music Composer
The adulterous Mrs Griffiths' corset has, unbeknown to her, a fortune stashed in it by her drunken, money-loving husband.
История молодых жен
Послевоенный жилищный кризис оставил женщину в доме с двумя парами. Комическая ситуация возрастает, когда новая съёмщица увлекается одним из чужих мужей…
The Franchise Affair
Original Music Composer
An English country lawyer weighs the case of a schoolgirl who claims she was kidnapped by two women.
Murder Without Crime
Original Music Composer
A man gets in trouble when he accidentally kills and covers up a murder of a girl he meets after a big fight with his wife.
Ha'penny Breeze
Original Music Composer
A demobbed serviceman finds that his village has fallen on hard times. With the help of family, friends and the villagers he enters his boat in a yacht race. Winning will mean orders for new boats and life for the village.
A British coastal command pilot is charged with neglect when it is thought that he has sunk a British submarine rather than a German U-boat. Unable to live with his actions, he volunteers for a deadly mission. His girlfriend meanwhile tries to prove that he is innocent.
Saints and Sinners
Original Music Composer
What happens to the saints and sinners of a small Irish village on the day the world is supposed to end.
Man on the Run
An Army deserter, still a fugitive in Post-War Britain, wanders into a pawn-shop robbery and finds himself wanted for murder. He meets a war widow who helps him elude the police while he looks for the real criminals.
For Them That Trespass
In this drama, a frustrated upper-class writer decides that he will find real inspiration by examining his subjects first-hand. This leads him to begin wandering about the seamiest side of town where he witnesses a murder. When an innocent man is arrested, the writer refuses to assist him as the knowledge that he has been "slumming" could destroy his career. The young man is sentenced to 15 years in prison.
The Turners of Prospect Road
A London cabby finds a greyhound puppy in his cab, and gives it to his daughter. She raises it and trains it up at the race tracks; and in spite of crooked rival owners, the dog eventually wins the Greyhound Derby.