Director of Photography
Эйтан, когда-то великий футболист, давно махнул на себя рукой, но юный поклонник заставляет его вернуться на поле.
Director of Photography
Young Catherine Morelli, who lives in Rome, goes to Geneva to find romance at her father's wedding. There she begins a near nymphomaniac pursuit of a mystery man called Gregory.
Director of Photography
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
Director of Photography
Half-brothers Stefane and Antony despise their biological father, callous millionaire Charles Calvert. Because Charles refuses to share his wealth with his sons, Stefane and Antony ask hip American thrill-seeker Duffy to help steal the money they believe is their birthright. When Charles decides to move a large portion of his savings from Morocco to France, Duffy has an opportunity to stage a daring burglary attempt at sea.
Director of Photography
George Lester is a man who is chasing rainbows, looking for the pot of gold at the end. When his wife, Pamela grows tired of being dragged all over the world, she leaves him. While she is away, George converts her family home into a discotheque, when she returns, she threatens to send George to jail for fraud, cause she didn't give her approval. George needing some fast bucks, decides to turn to an old cohort of his, William Homer but Willy's a little short. George then decides to steal the plans to a new drill, Pamela's suitor, Dudley Heath is working on. But when George gets the mumps, he can't make it to the meeting place and refuses to give Willy the plans unless he gives him the cash first. And the buyers won't give unless they see the merchandise first.
Director of Photography
Американцу Лейкеру, мебельщику из Великобритании, присуждена премия за дизайн, и он едет на выставку в Восточную Германию, чтобы покрасоваться перед коллегами. Но он меняет свои планы, после того как соглашается выполнить незначительное поручение сотрудника британской разведки, знакомого ещё со Второй мировой. Мистер Лейкер не знает, что его хотят использовать в качестве наёмного убийцы.
Director of Photography
В недавнем прошлом Палмер был настолько ловким аферистом и мошенником, что удостоился чести попасть вместо тюрьмы на службу Ее Величества. На этот раз его посылают в Западный Берлин на встречу с агентом КГБ полковником Стоком, в ведении которого, по неофициальным данным, находится советская агентура в Западной Германии. Агент британской разведки Джонни Волкан, старый знакомый Палмера по прошлым делишкам, работающий под прикрытием в Западном Берлине, сообщает, что матерый чекист желает дезертировать и провести остаток дней, выращивая розы в «капиталистическом раю». Палмер должен, убедившись в искренности перебежчика, обеспечить ему безопасный переход на Запад. Неожиданно на сцене появляется израильская разведка в лице роковой красотки Саманты.
Director of Photography
Элфи — олицетворение очаровательной посредственности. Молодой шофер лимузина Элфи двигается по жизни как бабочка, перелетающая с одного цветка на другой. Цветы его жизни — женщины. И делает он это с уверенностью, что святое дело мужчины — обладать как можно большим количеством женщин.
Director of Photography
Работники министерства иностранных дел Дрексел и Фрэйзер (старые военные приятели, не очень разбирающиеся в вопросах шпионажа) получают задание похитить молодого арабского принца для его собственной защиты до его коронации. Экранизация по произведению Виктора Каннинга.
Director of Photography
Циничного армейского сержанта Палмера шантажируют и заставляют работать на британскую разведку. Цепь интриг, предательств, насилия и убийств.
Director of Photography
Египет. 1900 год. Археологи Аннетт Дюбуа и Джон Грей находят гробницу фараона, убитого три тысячи лет назад своим братом — колдуном. По просьбе американского предпринимателя Александра Кинга они привозят мумифицированное тело фараона в Англию, где оно исчезает с выставки. После чего мумия начинает одного за другим убивать членов экспедиции…
Director of Photography
Это история сиделки богатого старика, которую племянник богача уговаривает выйти замуж за своего пациента, овладеть его богатством, а после смерти старика вместе получить удовольствие от его денег. Сиделка постепенно начинает проникаться любовью к больному богачу, однако, когда он внезапно умирает ее обвиняют в убийстве. Оказывается, что персонаж Коннери обманул сиделку и убил старого джентльмена, чтобы завладеть всеми его деньгами.
Joe Beckett, seasoned citizen of the bedsitter belt, aged about 22, is the renegade son of modest, respectable parents and, to use his own description, 'an emotional leper'. He decides that he needs a violent shock to shake him back into life, and as a result accepts a commission to carry out the murder of a total stranger for a man he meets in a coffee bar...
Director of Photography
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
A young American woman traveling in Italy with her mother is slender, blonde, beautiful and there is something charmingly naive about her. Fabrizio Naccarelli seems to always know where the mother and daughter will sightsee next. Signor Naccarelli is just as concerned about where this will lead as Mrs. Johnson is. Then she starts thinking that perhaps her daughter can be a wife of a wealthy young man in a society where all she has to do is look beautiful. What happens if Signor Naccarelli finds out who his prospective daughter-in-law really is?
Director of Photography
Преуспевающий юрист Мелвилл Фарр готовится стать королевским адвокатом. Расследуя смерть знакомого, арестованного и совершившего самоубийство в полицейском участке, Фарр выходит на группу вымогателей, шантажирующих гомосексуалистов. Фарр сам становится жертвой шантажа, но, ставя под угрозу свою карьеру, помогает полиции изобличить и задержать преступников.
Director of Photography
A Roman Catholic priest defies a Mexican bandit whose gang kills villagers in alphabetical order.
Water is a scarce and sometimes dangerous resource in the Swiss Mountain Village. Anytime the wooden pipe is damaged and the supply breaks, one man from the village is determined by "unlucky" draw to take on the life-threatening repairs.
Director of Photography
A French reporter working on a steamy story about the secret strip joints found in London's Soho district becomes involved in the lives of the owner and star of a famous club.
Hello London is a 1958 documentary film starring Sonja Henie and Michael Wilding.
Director of Photography
Одинокий Марк Льюис днем работает на киностудии, а ночью делает пикантные фотографии женщин. Кроме того, он снимает документальный фильм о страхе, в котором запечатляет реакцию жертв в момент их убийства.
Mark Conrad, a habitual drunk and troublemaker with a shady past, is expelled by Hong Kong police after one too many bar fights. He's sent to Macao on the Fa Tsan, a ferry owned by Captain Hart. Conrad's papers are out of order and Macao refuses him entry. Unable to go ashore, Conrad is a permanent passenger on the ferry with Hart, who detests him. It's all one long, lazy voyage for Conrad until one fateful trip when an encounter with a typhoon and pirates forces Conrad to choose between an aimless drifter's life and becoming a man again.
Director of Photography
Young blonde woman seems to destroy everyone she comes in contact with.
Director of Photography
When Dr Howard Latimer finds the German Actress that he has just met at London Airport murdered in his flat, it leads him into the world of murder, blackmail and a fake passport scam.
Director of Photography
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
Director of Photography
Judith Wynter is a happily married novelist whose romantic works are eagerly devoured by scores of female readers. When Carlo, a handsome young Italian chauffeur, arrives to work for Judith and her husband, a professor currently recovering from an attack of paralysis, he causes quite a flutter; when he then reads the manuscript of Judith's latest novel, he jumps to a rather unfortunate conclusion... and life in the Wynter household becomes very complicated indeed!
Director of Photography
Сюжет фильма посвящен проблемам юной Элизабет, которая выбивается из сил, чтобы справиться со своими невнимательными родственниками. Молодая девушка осталась с ними, пока ее мать лежит в больнице.
Director of Photography
В этом дебютном фильме для дерзкого британского телевизионного комика Бенни Хилла заставляют Бенни оставить свою работу уборщиком после того, как он выиграл немного денег. Он становится частным детективом и расследует заговор с целью убийства британских ученых.
Адаптация великого произведения Шекспира о беспринципном восхождении Ричарда III на престол Англии.
Director of Photography
Средь бела дня в дом пожилой леди, миссис Уилберфорс, постучал неизвестный джентльмен. Представившись профессором музыки, мистером Маркусом, он пожелал снять у неё комнату, заранее предупредив, что к нему для репетиций будут наведываться коллеги.. Кто же знал, что под видом почтенных граждан струнного квинтета скрываются грабители, обдумывающие очередной гоп-стоп. Дельце выгорает, и с украденным они являются в дом миссис Уилберфорс. По просьбе профессора старушка соглашается вывезти его «багаж» с вокзала, не подозревая, что он набит награбленной наличностью. Получив деньги и распрощавшись с милой старушкой, преступники покидают её дом. Однако при захлопывании двери случается несуразная мелочь — и старушка понимает, что её жилец ведёт нечестную игру. Посчитав старушку ненужным свидетелем, они решают её убить, но исполнить это не так-то просто...
Director of Photography
During World War II, a German woman, Inga, goes missing and is presumed dead. Her infant son is placed in an orphanage where, years later, he's adopted by a childless couple. The adoptive parents' happiness is shattered when Inga reappears and insists on custody of her son.
Director of Photography
A champion jockey is banned from racing so spends his time helping a young lad to become the next champion.
Director of Photography
Men steal for it. Nations go to war for it. The it is oil - and it grows on trees. Coconut oil is the precious lifeblood of 1870s South Seas traders. And lots of real blood will be spilled to get it! Screen royalty Burt Lancaster ist His Majesty O'Keefe in this last of three adventures that (along with The Flame and the Arrow and The Crimson Pirate) blew a revitalizing wind into the sails of the swashbucker genre. Action, cunning and derring-do are watchwords of the title seafarer as he befriends, defends and ultimately rules the islanders of exotic Yap. Lensed on gorgeus Fiji locations, grandly scored by Robert Farnon and rousingly directed by Byron Haskin, His Majesty O'Keefe delivers heroics of regal proportions.
Director of Photography
Boxing drama following the lives of 5 different fighters and their reasons for becoming boxers.
Director of Photography
Кроткий кассир думает, что он убил своего босса. Он бежит с коробкой денег, надеясь на новую жизнь со своей молодой любовницей.
Director of Photography
Пресловутый странник морей восемнадцатого века, капитан Валло, он же «Кровавый Пират», и его команда морских разбойников захватывают испанский галлеон, полный оружия и амуниции. Когда Валло решает продать свою добычу Эль Либре, предводителю мятежников с острова Кобра, испанский представитель, барон Груда, предлагает пирату пятьдесят тысяч флоринов в обмен на Эль Либре. Валло оказывается в сложной ситуации, находясь между испанцами, мятежниками и своей собственной бунтующей командой. Кровавого Пирата спасает любовь дочери Эль Либре, Консуэло, он вновь завоевывает доверие своих подопечных и помогает жителям острова в их борьбе за свободу.
Based upon the play A Sleeping Clergyman by James Bridie, it tells the story of three generations of the Scottish Cameron family, with its various conflicts and romances.
Director of Photography
On a journey from Paris to London, a Briton, a Frenchman and an American bond with each other and indulge in a romantic fantasy about a girl they see.
Director of Photography
A humane prison governor deals with a variety of different prisoners, including a charming murderer.
Director of Photography
An old woman fights a group of industrialists who are planning to build a dam and flood the valley where she grew up.
Director of Photography
Единственная западная экранизация повести Александра Сергеевича Пушкина «Пиковая дама». За карточной игрой один из офицеров рассказывает друзьям о своей престарелой родственнице - графине Раневской (Эдит Эванс), которой некогда сам граф Сен-Жермен открыл тайну трёх верных карт, выигрывающих кряду. Герман (Антон Уолбрук), который никогда не садится за игровой стол из боязни проиграть, загорается идеей выведать у графини эту тайну. Для этого он знакомится с воспитанницей графини Лизой (Ивонн Митчелл). Девушка влюбляется в него и даёт ему ключ от дома. Ночью Герман проникает в дом графини, чтобы выпытать у старухи тайну трёх карт. Графиня отказывается отвечать и умирает. Следующей ночью Герману является призрак графини и называет «верные» карты - это тройка, семёрка и туз. Герман ставит на кон всё своё состояние, выигрывает первые две ставки на тройке и семёрке, но затем открывает вместо туза пиковую даму и сходит с ума...
Director of Photography
Суджиани - рэкетир с черного рынка в Лондоне, после Второй мировой войны накопил огромное состояние и безнаказанно занимается черным маркетингом и контрабандой. Линда Медбери - репортер американской газеты, узнает о нем и его махинациях. Она начинает крестовый поход против Суджиани. Суджиани пытается подкупить Линду, но терпит неудачу, а затем угрожает ее жизни. Жених Линды, спортивный журналист Джамбо Хойл, бывший капитан коммандос, только что вернувшийся со службы, хочет защитить ее и заручается поддержкой боксеров из гимназии, где он хорошо известен...
Director of Photography
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
Director of Photography
After being framed for a policeman's murder, a criminal escapes prison and sets out for revenge.
Director of Photography
Роберт Ньютон - сигнальщик с гавани, который обнаружил чемодан, полный денег после того, как он стал свидетелем убийства, не сообщая об этом полиции и оказался объектом интересов наёмного убийцы.
British intelligence officers (Robert Newton, Guy Middleton) head off a Nazi plot to kidnap an atomic scientist.
Director of Photography
The WW II romance set in Grosvenor square aka Eisenhower's home where the GIs stayed in London. Neagle loves Harrison. There arrives patriot GI Dean Jagger to rouse things up in the square. Snotty British Neagle and Jagger clash and fall for each other. What will Harrison have to say or do about these? What will the consequences be? Will the three finally become two and which two in this extremely patriotic love and war story.
Director of Photography
A young singer meets a man who is the victim of a kidnap plot, and is assumed by the gang to be his girlfriend.
Director of Photography
An elderly Jewish man from Manchester, travels to Nazi Germany to seek the mother of a young German refugee that has attempted suicide. In Germany, Mr. Emmanuel’s efforts to seek out Hertha Rosenhein are greeted by a wall of silence from the scared Jewish community and anti-Semitic hatred from many Germans.
Director of Photography
An accountant who has to take a second job working at a racetrack, soon becomes mixed up with a shady crowd.
Director of Photography
Candlelight in Algeria is a 1944 British war film directed by George King and starring James Mason, Carla Lehmann and Raymond Lovell. This drama follows the exploits of Eisenhower's top aide, Mark Clark, and other important Allies as they journey to an important meeting held on Algeria's coast. The precise location of this vital secret gathering is upon a piece of film which must not fall into enemy hands
Director of Photography
Dick Marlow, a British agent, has parachuted into the occupied Netherlands to retrieve vital documents. Whilst on the trail of the papers, he poses occasionally as an American journalist and a Gestapo officer. He meets and falls in love with a Dutch woman who professes solidarity with the British, but matters become complicated and dangerous when it transpires that the woman's brother is in possession of the documents Dick Marlow needs, and is far less kindly disposed towards the British than his sister – or is she?
Director of Photography
While working at a circus, a man hypnotizes a trapezist to kill her partner.
Director of Photography
British World War II film set in occupied France, portraying the activities of members of the French Resistance and the Nazi tactic of taking and shooting innocent hostages in reprisal for acts of sabotage. The opening credits acknowledge "the official co-operation of General de Gaulle and the French National Committee". It was released as "At Dawn We Die" in the US.
Director of Photography
Франц Фердинанд, наследник Австро-Венгерской империи, выбирает себе в жены особу некоролевских кровей. Этим, а также своими политическими взглядами, он развязывает руки недругам. В июне 1914 года он и его жена Софи едут в Сараево, где и находят свою смерть.
Director of Photography
Considering his wife as his property, a smuggler bullies the unfortunate woman and does not allow her to turn to another man.
Director of Photography
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Director of Photography
A group of travelers find themselves stranded for the night at a deserted train station, which according to the old stationmaster, has been haunted for the last 20 years.
Director of Photography
Self – Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In this reportage, film professionals offer the viewers a peek behind the scenes at the Barrandov studios. We see how sets are constructed and we find out what sorts of things are stored in the prop department. The friendly commentary describes the journey from camera negatives to a film on the big screen. We learn about film technology and take a glance into film laboratories and editing rooms. The film also presents unique footage from the filming of The White Disease, namely the dramatic scene with five hundred extras in which the Marshal announces his declaration of war.
Director of Photography
A dashing but mysterious man saves a gambler from suicide, crashes the posh party of a prominent industrialist, falls in love with his daughter, and finds himself in a web of intrigue revolving around her blackmailing fiance and a gang of counterfeiters.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The White Plague, a leprosy-like disease, ravages the world during a war. Based on a play by Karel Čapek.
Director of Photography
A student rebellion precedes revolutionary events in Prague.
Director of Photography
Film about famous poet Karel Hynek Mácha
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A general must come to terms with a crime he commited years earlier.
Director of Photography
Пронырливый адвокат доктор Вернер пытается расторгнуть брак Павла Бертла, который, по мнению многих, заядлый картёжник и пьяница. В действительности, это добрый слабохарактерный человек. Он очень сильно любит свою жену Хелену, но при этом транжирит её состояние. Под угрозой финансового разорения Бертл, вместо того, чтобы исправиться, послушался адвоката, что единственным выходом из этой ситуации будет развод. Он тайно уезжает из дома на горный курорт с девушкой, случайно подвернувшейся под руку адвокату, чтобы создать для суда причину для развода...
Director of Photography
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
Director of Photography
French-language remake of Port Arthur (1936): espionage, action and romance in the Russo-Japanese War, as the conflict threatens Russian naval officer Boris Ranewsky and his Japanese wife Youki.
Director of Photography
A popular opera singer falls in love with a gangly farm boy. Anton's father is left all alone when his son runs off to the Big City with Ilona. Things really get sticky when Albert becomes obsessed with the notion that Ilona is actually his own illegitimate daughter!
Director of Photography
Действие происходит в 1904 году, в разгар Русско-японской войны, в русском городе Порт-Артуре. Юки — наполовину русская и наполовину японка, что ставит её в довольно затруднительное положение.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
On the coast of Yugoslavia lives fisherman Ivo Kralj, his wife Marie, son Vuk, and Ivo's mother in one happy home. Marie, who loves her husband and always looks forward to his return from sea, attracts Nikola, with whom Ivo, out of jealousy, has a scuffle at a dance. After the outbreak of World War I Ivo is mobilized. He ends up in a P.O.W. camp where he is subjected to hard labour. His family then receives news of his death. The years pass and the lonely widow Marie is occasionally visited by her friend Nikola. Ivo's mother would like her to remarry. Soon after the wedding Marie becomes pregnant. Ivo, who has been thought dead, succeeds in escaping the P.O.W. camp where he has spent several years. Upon his arrival home he finds his name on a memorial erected to the victims of the war...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Woman concert star seeks to connect with her adult daughter, by her former marriage to a staid industrialist who has kept the two apart since the girl was very small, and receives inadvertent help from the industrialist's just-fired employee who has fallen in love with the girl.
Director of Photography
A popular, big spending matinee idol chases a blonde while trying to elude a heartless creditor.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
This Czech sophisticated romantic comedy, filmed by director Anton also in a parallel French version ("Une petite femme dans le train"), casts beautiful Czech star Baarova in the role that Meg Lemonnier played in the Gallic version.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Anton Špelec (Vlasta Burin) is a producer of musical instruments by trade but a sharp-shooter at heart. He expects to be awarded a medal at a large parade in town where veteran sharp-shooters will be honored. When the town council is one medal short, Anton must wait another year for his prized possession. He drowns his disappointment in drink at the local pub and becomes so drunk that he insults the emperor who sentences him to jail. Instead of fulfilling the emperor’s orders himself, Anton sends his employee in his stead.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
В женской гимназии появляется новый профессор, застенчивый и старомодный Карел Сухий. С самого начала он становится объектом шуток своих учениц. Особенно часто он подвергается насмешкам со стороны очаровательной и легкомысленной Веры Матысовой - племянницы хозяйки дома, в котором он снимает квартиру. Однажды Вера спорит с другими ученицами, что поцелуется с новым учителем...
Director of Photography
The story of high school students, talented Jan and Karel, who has a problem with math. Their life affects pedantic professor of mathematics Klec, that goes with them on a school trip, which escalates the conflict between them. Jan wants to escape, but Professor Donat will discourage him. Karel fails the exam of mathematics and decides to commit suicide.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Professor Bock is to inaugurate the museum, the construction of which was donated by a generous patron who remains anonymous. He learns that it is his brother's wife, a former dancer, and whom he hates. But her daughter falls in love with Jim, the son of the ex-dancer, and everything will work out.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Король Пуэрто-Рико - Фернандо XXIII, просит известного детектива Холмса достать ему двойника, потому что боится покушения. Холмс находит в Бродеке, Моравия, печально известного должника Франтишека Леличека, который похож на яйца и яйца для короля. Леличек, преследуемый кредиторами, принимает предложение. Красивая и молодая королева отказалась уйти в безопасное изгнание со своим трусливым мужем, и Леличек энергично берёт на себя его роль.
Film by Karel Lamac.
Finnicky efficiency expert is sent to straighten out business management problems at a jazz club, and finds self being drawn into the swingin' scene.
Director of Photography
Finnicky efficiency expert is sent to straighten out business management problems at a jazz club, and finds self being drawn into the swingin' scene.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Почтальон Ярда Брабек из-за своего чувства юмора - желанный гость театра-ревю, красавец-директор которого каждый день получает множество писем от поклонниц. Среди поклонниц директора также есть сестра Ярды Анна. Девушка мечтает попасть в театр и играть на сцене, но пока работает горничной у актрисы Велденовой. В театре проводятся репетиции новой пьесы, имя автора которой держится в секрете. Капризная Велденова незадолго до премьеры отказывается от роли, потому что она ей не нравится. Брабек знакомит директора со своей сестрой, которая знает роль наизусть и может выступить вместо Велденовой. Директор, впечатлённый очарованием и талантами девушки, соглашается отдать ей роль, нужно только разрешение автора...
Director of Photography
Comedy film directed by Karel Lamač.
Comedy film directed by Karel Lamač.
Young Anny returns from school to her circus family, which runs a little venue at the town fair. When Anny suddenly has to fill in for one of the artists, her piano-playing not only enthrals the audience, but also theatre agent Hobbes. He casts the whole family for the Apollo theatre in Berlin, where Anny quickly raises to stardom and is offered an engagement from the US.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
St. Wenceslas (Czech: Svatý Václav) is a 1930 Czechoslovak historical film about Saint Wenceslas.[2] It was the most expensive Czech film to date,[3] with the largest set constructed in Europe to accommodate an all-star cast of over a hundred, together with 1,000 extras for the lavish battle scenes.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The troubled situation of a provincial actor and his actress wife who come to the city. The actor is suspected of attacking another actor who admires the actress.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Father Vojtech (Czech: Páter Vojtěch) is a 1929 silent Czech romance film directed by Martin Frič.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
An unmarried showgirl takes a handsome companion with her on a vacation, to the distress of others.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Factory owner Pardon, meets Olga, daughter of clairvoyant Stefanie Lesczynska at a ball. Their brief acquaintance is interrupted when Olga and her mother have to leave. Fifi Hrazánková has her sights set on the elligible Pardon. Pardon asks his Uncle Cyril Ponděliček if the girl could take over his position at work so that she may be dissuaded of her amorous intentions. Fifi seduces Pondělíček. In the meantime, Pardon meets Olga and Stefanie again by chance and offers them a place to stay at Ponděliček’s while Pondělíček passes himself off as Pardon.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A Carl Lamac directed movie based on a novel by Karel Václav Rais.
Director of Photography
The film depicts the adventures of Kacenka (Zdena Kavková) and Vincek (Vlasta Burian), two innocent country bumpkins who live in a Czech small town, and the various jobs that Kacenka has once she moves to Prague, that beautiful capital city. Our heroine will have to bear difficult working conditions and to make things worse, she falls in love with a fake aristocrat. Fortunately her companion, Vincek who is also in Prague, has an unrequited love for her. Though he is the cause of many Kacenka's problems, Vincek finally will help and resolve her loves troubles. And of course there is a happy ending that brings the Czech couple together.
Director of Photography
Directed by Carl Lamac.
Director of Photography
The film depicts the troubles of Herr Verner ( Herr Karel Hasler ), a middle-aged bachelor dentist who wants to marry.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A biographical story about significant Czech dramatist, writer and actor Josef Kajetán Tyl.
Director of Photography
We have a liberal, modern Czech flapper bound to a serious and bored husband and don't forget the important fact that the wife has a lover so soon the widening gulf between husband and wife leads to stress and resentment and we get a tormented psychological study of irreconcilable differences that will lead to tragedy.
Director of Photography
A Czechoslovakian comedy directed by Carl Lamac and starring himself Theodor Pistek & Anny Ondra.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Painter Johnny Miller bets his friends he can find his house blindfolded. But he stumbles into a bandits' camp, and being mistaken for one of them, is sent to rob the villa of Frank Sellins, a banker, and his niece Lilly.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
After a young man is arrested for a crime he didn't commit, the daughter of the local tavern owners must spring to the rescue.
Director of Photography
Банкир Фьюкс и его кредитор Том Дэри хотят пожениться. Дочь банкира Дейзи публикует рекламу от имени своего отца. Она хочет, чтобы её отец познакомился с её подружкой Мод. В то же время она также встречает Дэри, которая заставляет детектива Шерлока Холмса II искать её. Он находит Дейзи и намеревается её похитить...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A brave young woman falls in love with a mysterious stranger.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Professor Grant signs a contract with Dr. Selin for the sale of his invention of cold light with the plans for his invention being kept in Grant's apartment. The negotiations are secretly heard by the illusionist Durk, who wants to seize the invention. A few days later Selín is found dead, killed by a light bulb filled with poisonous gas. Durk performs at the birthday party of Grant's daughter Anna and seizes the plans for the invention.
Director of Photography
Shot in the early 1920s, this classic film about the elixir of life and the secret of the Black Tower has finally been restored to its original version.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography