Original Music Composer
В знаменитом музее Анны Франк, где хранится дневник 13-летней школьницы, сумевшей подробно изложить историю своих переживаний в годы Второй Мировой войны, происходит невероятное событие. Китти, воображаемая подруга, с которой Анна делилась своими записями, внезапно сходит со страниц дневника. Ей ничего не известно о судьбе Анны, и потому, захватив оригинальный манускрипт, девочка отправляется на ее поиски. Хотя незримое присутствие Анны Франк в современном Амстердаме ощущается повсеместно, найти реальную Анну Франк совсем не просто…
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
MGMT Live at Personal Fest
Original Music Composer
An aging playboy throws a party to celebrate the first weekend in his new Hamptons home, but his young party guests begin suffering a series of bizarre accidents.
MGMT on Saturday night at Glastonbury on the John Peel Stage. Seems like a perfect fit to us. Ever since their groundbreaking debut, 2007’s Oracular Spectacular, we have been gripped by the fascinating world of MGMT and its creators Benjamin Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden. Their psychedelic rock has been the soundtrack for lives, films and so many festivals, including Glastonbury back in 2010.