While in Europe, Chaddie Green, a society girl, discovers that she has been left penniless. She returns to the United States and meets Duncan MacKail, who is equally broke though he owns grainland in the West. Duncan and Chaddie are married and go west to homestead. Duncan hires Ollie, a Swedish caretaker, who frightens Chaddie. When business takes Duncan away, Chaddie goes to take care of Percy Woodhouse, an Englishman who has become ill at his place fifteen miles away. Her horse runs away, and she is forced to spend the night there. She sleeps under a wagon, but Duncan is nevertheless angry and jealous.
Dr. Painless Potter (uncredited)
История супругов, которые выигрывают 5000 долларов в лотерее, после чего в них пробуждается алчность…
Frederick Schloss (as E. von Ritzen)
Cowhand Steve Ransom discovers that German spies are operating along Mexican border, relaying their radio messages into Mexico and thus on to Germany. The spies learn that Steve is a fugitive from American justice.
First Pharisee (Judean Story)
Фильм «Нетерпимость» — один из этапных в развитии мирового киноискусства; — это сложная сюжетная конструкция из четырех перемежающихся новелл, показывавших четыре различные эпохи. В ленте, снятой с грандиозным постановочным размахом, был затронут широкий круг философских и моральных проблем. Нетерпимость трактована как зло, отравляющее жизнь во все времена и у всех народов. Обратившись к огромному историческому и мифологическому материалу, Гриффит использовал при его воплощении необычные для того времени кинематографические средства и приемы, определившие новаторское значение фильма.
Prince Rudolf (as Erik von Ritzau)
Karl Heinrich is the heir to the throne of the small European principality of Rutania, but he's a lonely child, not allowed to play with other children and knowing little about life outside the castle. When he reaches college age he is sent to attend the University of Heidelberg, and really starts to enjoy himself for the first time, even falling in love with Kathie, his only friend during childhood and the niece of an innkeeper. However, political turmoil in Rutania forces him to return. He finds that the only way out of declaring war on a neighboring country would be to marry the daughter of its king--but that would require giving up Kathie, the only woman he's ever loved.